The next day(40 (IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:21, 25 May 2016 by Blackadder38 (Talk | contribs)

You are still feeling a little uncomfortable about your encounter with Big D the previous day, unsure as to exactly what you should do about it, when you hear the doorbell not expecting anyone you answer it. You open the door and find no one there and you are just about to close the door when you notice a box on the step, you pick it up and take it inside.

You carry the box inside and set it down on the kitchen counter, there is a note on top which you pick up and begin to read.

"Hi Beth, something for you."

The note's unsigned and intrigued you open the box and find a white string bikini, you guess it could only have been sent by Big D, the bikini itself is the flimsiest thing you have ever seen and are pretty sure it wouldn't cover much at all. You find another note underneath the bikini with just a number on.

Do you?

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