Put some boxers on and answer the door

From Create Your Own Story

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You quickly slip into some black boxers to conceal your semi-erect cock and make your way to the front door. You open the door.

"Hey, Se..." You stop mid sentence, as you realise that it's your sister Amy at the door.

"Hey, Will," She says, perkily, jumping when she says your name, "Didn't mom tell you, it's rude to keep people waiting?"

Before you can respond, she slips past you and jumps onto the sofa in your living room/kitchen.

In your stupor, you briefly view your thirteen year old sister as sexy. Her dark shoulder length hair and shiny blue eyes coupled with her slim shape and small breasts make for a body that is becoming very sexy.

"Uh, hey, Amy, what are you doing here?" You say, quizzically.

"Oh, so, you're not happy to see me?" she says, pretending to be upset, "Well, for your information, I missed you so much that I decided to visit you."

You blush, as you suddenly remember your near naked state and realize your penis is still semi-erect.

"Well, I´ll be right back, I'm going to put some clothes on." You say, as you indicate to your room.

"Sure, I'll just sit here bored," Amy said, in an exasperated manner, messing with the end of her skirt revealing more of her luscious legs.

You go into your room and start to search for some clothes.

"So, where are mom and dad?" You ask.

"Uh, they're on their way." She mutters quickly.

Hearing the pause in her voice, you, then, realize that she's not telling you everything.

You put on a plain white shirt and stick your head out the door to face your sister.

"Really, I don't think you are being honest with me, so how 'bout you tell me the truth?"

Amy looks down at her feet and mutters something you can't make out.

"Well?" You say, sternly.

She takes a deep breath and turns to face you. "I... ran away," She says, chokingly, "Me and mom had an argument. So, I stole some money and came here." She starts to tear up and you realize she is about to cry. You rush over to her, still half naked. You sit down next to her and hug her.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad, Amy," you say, reassuringly. "Look, I'm going to have to call mom and dad and tell them that you're here with me. We can't leave them worrying."

Amy turns to face the floor and nods reluctantly.

You go get your phone and call your parents. The phone rings a couple of times before someone finally answers it.

A woman's voice answers the phone. "Hello, who is this?" You realize its your mother and she sounds awfully worried.

"Hey, mom, it's me, Will."

"Hello, Will." Your mom says, sadly. "Have you happened to see your sister? She´s missing and I think she may have ran away. We had a terrible argument earlier today and I fear she may have gotten upset enough to run away."

"Yeah, she showed up at my door, a couple of minutes ago. I got her to tell me she ran away." You inform her.

You hear your dad fumble with the phone. "Will, did you know she stole £50? £50 Will! What does a child need £50 for?!" You chuckle at your sister's naivety.

"Will, I wouldn't usually ask this, but since we can't come down to your house until later, could you punish Amy for us?" He ask sternly.

You are taken back by your dads suggestion.

"Um, ok, I guess, how do you suggest I punish her?" You ask.

"She stole money and a lot of it, Will. So, she needs to be taught a lesson. Since she's too old to be put in a corner, she should get a spanking." He sternly informs you.

You tell your dad that you will see to it, before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.

You turn to face Amy and, by the look on her face, you can tell she knows she isn't getting out of this unpunished.

What do you do?

Do as your dad suggests and spank her

Tell her that Dad will punish her when he arrives

Inform her that dad wants you to punish her

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