Mark! I'm glad you're up. I've been hearing strange noises around the toilet area. Wanna go with me to check it out?

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:56, 27 February 2014 by DirtyMeStoryTime (Talk | contribs)
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"Strange noises huh?" He says. "Sure, I'll help you check it out"

Mark has always admired you and quickly rubs the sleep out of his eyes and hurriedly wakes up. You both walk out of the tent towards the toilet which happens to be in a separate cabin.

"It was definitely coming from here" you tell him, as you both enter the toilet. Since its on its own cabin, the toilet is quite deserted. Not to mention the fact that its very early in the morning.

"Do you think maybe it was coming from someone at the camp who just wanted to use the toilet?" He asks you.

"Can't be, everyone was all sleeping. I was the only one awake."

You search for awhile, mostly leaving Mark to look. You know full well there was no noise at all. Mark bends down to check underneath the door of the cubicle, giving you a perfect view of his ass, and his crack, which only hardens your member and leaves your mouth watering.

You both eventually agree that whoever caused the "noise" is long gone and will continue to search tomorrow.

As your about to leave, Mark notices your extreme hard on, and Mark being the complete innocent little soul, proceeds to ask you why is your dick so big.

You reply:

Well Mark, this only happens in time of great need, I need to stick this somewhere or else I'll die! Any ideas where it would fit?

I got hurt earlier, the only thing that will help to reduce the swelling is if I rub it. Want to help me?

Geez Mark, doesn't yours get this big?

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