After Dark (Hyaku-Monogatari) 100 Ghost stories

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We live long lives,so its best to forget bad things

The figure had come again, he sat down and drank the wine you had left him. His shadow was visible through the illumination of the lantern from the adjacent room Both you and him separated by a shoji screen but you knew, you could feel his presence strongly whenever he had arrived

The figure spoke in a kind gentle voice "My friend Jirou have you thought about my proposal?" Picking up the saucer filled with wine you wet your lips and turn to the figure behind the paper screen. "As I said i am over it. I have moved on and lived a life he could not have."

Being unable to see the figures reaction you unknowingly know he was smiling.

The figure had come one night, in his daily self imposed grief over the death of his only son. There would be no one to pass his lineage it all ended with him.

4YEARS AGO The fires of revolution had broke out and the unknown to the general public this was only a coup detat planned by the opposite party to seize control. This had no deeper meaning of freedom only a grab for power. In the midst of this you had advocated for peaceful reconciliation, but your son took it for himself to help those caught in the conflict and he was antagonized as a nationalist.

Back to the present "I couldn't be there for him I always thought things could be talked over rationally"

The figure spoke "There are some things worth dying for" It was true, my son said something similar "He's long gone he went living his life the way he wanted and dying alone. He loved this country as much as I did and only wanted to protect it. There is no point in revenge you can't bring those who died back." It was all true it weighed heavy on your mind torturing you with sleepless hours.

Neither of you spoke the flame on the lantern flickering and the darkness grew ever deeper. "But I just can't let them all go for what they done. I know I can never get him back There was nothing to do but grin and bear it when they hung his lifeless corpse. Myself I was left alone living an old life while my son had died."

The time spent talking to this figure you knew what it wanted. Being left alive while your family was gone was torture.

Looking deep at the saucer of wine it was almost empty, the manor now silent. Taking your last sip you speak directly to the shadow behind the shoji screen

"Let me have my revenge." You had finally accepted the visitors proposal.

The figure rose and the lanterns flickered, it was a different voice it was brimming with excitement and joy the last words it spoke was "Jirou the injustice upon you will be returned"

The lanterns blew out and the house and all inside became still.

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