Get out the special pills you have been saving since Bolivia

From Create Your Own Story

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(Created page with 'Amanda says she is not into drugs, but you assure her, this is not like crack. It was from a shaman in the jungle who gave it as a reward for taking his daughter's virginity, an…')

Current revision as of 06:39, 4 February 2010

Amanda says she is not into drugs, but you assure her, this is not like crack. It was from a shaman in the jungle who gave it as a reward for taking his daughter's virginity, and he said it would make that experience seem tame.

The 'pill' is actually some herb coiled up and dried into a pill shape. It gets a little lodged in your throat as you swallow it, so you grab for your coffee on the desk.

There must be some magic at work, as the cup you pick up is enormous. It must be at least a gallon, which is impossible. Then you realize that actually it is the same type of cup you can see in Amanda's hand, it is that your hand is now tiny.

Scale is being messed with more than in wonderland, and it is not until you fit your fist into Amanda's pee-hole that you assure yourself that it is not just in your head.

Wow, my hand really is the size of a child's, you say. And as you say it you notice how squeaky and small your voice is.

"Just fuck me, freak. If you are going to." Amanda says impatiently, and also it seems a little scared.

You then see what has happened. You have child sized body parts except for one, which it seems has gained all of the size the others lost. Amanda starts pouring lube all over her crotch, and unbuckles her suit, whipping it all out and off in one go.

It actually takes a lot of balance for your tiny frame to pickup the giant penis from the floor and get it into her. You lift the end closest to you, and she the other.

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