WAS: Follow you into the princess bedchamber

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Revision as of 02:23, 28 January 2010

"My father has a guest that will be staying in the palace over the next few days" Lyna looks at your face fearfully. Assuming the guest to be male, she imagines that you will order her to provide her services to this "guest." The humiliation of being forced to fuck you is one thing, but being passed around like some toy from one man to another is an entirely different level of humility.

"I am loaning you to this guest for the duration of their stay" She looks pleadingly into your eyes, not wanting to be the court slut, quite content with being your personal slut. Having tortured her enough, you decide to reveal the identity of the mysterious guest.

"You will attend to HER every need" you place emphasis on the gender, and you can visibly see Lyna's relief upon this. "Do not embarrass me, and perhaps I will reward you" you say looking down at her creamy tits.

"Yes master, I would never embarrass you" Lyna quickly responds obediently looking at the floor.

"You will follow me to her bed chambers, where I will hand you over to her" With that, you turn around and continue on your way to the princess' chambers. Lyna quickly falls in step behind you. Upon reaching the level where the chambers are located, you pull Lyna aside, obviously not wanting anyone to see or hear you.

"Now listen here you slut" you say with a certain threat in your voice. "I am trying to impress this woman. You are to show your complete devotion to me as well as submission to the princess. If I hear about you overstepping your bounds, I will kill you myself!" Lyna obediently nods "Yes master"

Feeling you have conveyed your expectations to Lyna you turn around and approach the huge double doors. They are guarded by two soldiers from the elite Guards Legion that protects the rest of the palace. At first they lock their eyes on Lyna's nude form, however upon seeing yourself they lock their gazes squarely at your face. "Sir? How may we be of assistance?" They ask in a gruff unison.

"I have come to offer the princess the services of my slave. Call her to the door." The two men turn around and use their massive pikes to knock on the double doors. The door is soon opened and the princess looks out and is surprised to see you and a nude female at her door. She quickly recovers and looks at you with a certain amount of lust, obviously grateful to you for rescuing her.

"Hello, my prince, how may I serve you?" her voice sounds so sultry that even the guards stare dumbfounded. This princess is obviously entranced by you and lustfully licks her lips upon this pleasant surprise.

"I have brought my slave for you to use in any way possible" You step aside giving the princess a better view of Lyna. Lyna quickly bows saying "Mistress" as she steps forward. She looks up seeking your approval as well as the acceptance of the princess. Pleased with her submission, you let a smile briefly emanate from your face. At that she swells with confidence and gently takes the princess' hand and kisses her ring.

"Very well. This was certainly unexpected, but I accept your offer" The princess says somewhat distraught, fearing that she does not captivate you. At this you take charge and grab her hand and kiss it. Recovering, the princess gently sticks a finger in your mouth. In surprise, you look up into her face and see the cutest, naughtiest face that you have ever seen. You now know that you have the princess exactly where you want her. You have to decide what to do next. Do you attempt to make a move on the princess tonight? Or do you instead keep her lusting in anticipation and go back to your own chambers?

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