WAS: Wash up and prepare to go to your chambers

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Not being one for ceremony, you try to avoid it as much as you can. This situation being no different, you decide that the day's events have taken enough of a physical toll on you and you instead decide to go to the palace baths and wash up and then go to sleep. Besides, you have a new slut that you cannot wait to try out.

As you enter the royal bath house you keep wondering about your father. His demeanor as of late has you bewildered. He has never publicly embraced you. However, more importantly, the tone in his voice tells you that he feels remorse for something. You can only wonder what all of this means. "Perhaps the old man has finally lost it" you wonder aloud.

Undressing you look at your toned body and notice all of the grime and blood that has collected on your muscular arms and legs from the day's action. Your taut chest glistens with sweat. You anticipate the feeling of washing all of this off. The civilization of the Seven Mountains was among the first to stress the importance of regular washing. As a result, you are much cleaner and healthier than the foreign barbarians living just beyond your borders. Even the slaves among your people are typically cleaner than the average foreign noble. You, however are grateful to wash simply for the soothing sensation of warm water running across your skin. Next to the the touch of a woman, it is your favorite sensation. As you enter the steamy pool, you are once again greeted by that soothing feeling. The grime, sweat and blood simply come off of your body, giving you the feeling of peeling off an entire layer of the stuff. After spending what must have been a full half hour in the pool, you swim over to the edge and clap your hands together. Some of your father's beautiful slaves rush over to you with various soaps and washcloths. While they are dressed for all intensive purposes, their silky clothes leave little to the imagination.

"Clean me" you command to them. 5 pairs of hands are immediately all over your body applying soap, rubbing you with the washcloths and eventually rinsing you off with bare hands. The feeling of their soft hands running all over your body is the only sensation that is more relaxing and soothing than the water. As their hands make their way down to your waist, you are not at all ashamed of your body and do not even flinch when the women clean your cock and balls. This has long been standard procedure, and none of the women even hesitate from the task. The slaves finally finish their meticulous ritual and bow their heads, awaiting further instructions. You know that you can literally do whatever you want to these women and your father will not care. However you do not wish to waste your seed on these women as beautiful as they are. At least not tonight.

"You may leave" you say in a relaxed tone. As the women make their way out of the room, you can see that many of them are relieved that you decided to only use them for their intended purpose. You put on a robe and ponder as to what to do next.

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