Restaurant Cook Diaries / Continue to Page 1

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The alarm sounds, but you don't fight it. In the corner are several busted old alarm clocks strewn about and broken from being thrown at the wall. They're testament to the older days when you were an undisciplined cook and knew nothing about the industry. Nowadays, you're used to three hours of sleep and a hangover before going in to work at 7:30am. You're a professional.

Today's your first day at Cardigan's Restaurant in Middletown, heading up the kitchen. You're the new kitchen manager! God only knows what would've happened if you'd stuck with your culinary training and got that degree that could've transformed you into a bona fide chef, but in a small way you're glad you didn't; the chefs you know are pussies and aside from some tasty treats, they can't pump the food out. You're a cooking machine, and thanks to your twelve years of cooking experience at several restaurants, Joe Johnson, owner of the Snackies restaurant chain in Middletown, has promoted you to his busiest dining environment in town. This is the big time in Middletown, and you're in charge.

A shit, shower, and shave later, you're on the road in your beat-up Audi to the restaurant. Cardigan's opens at 11am for lunch, and you know with the volume of business they do, there's a lot of prep work to be done. You're scheduled early for a meeting with Mr. Johnson, the owner, to run down some business specs about the kitchen before anything else, but as you pull into the lot and collect your knives for the day that lies ahead, your keen eye spots the back door and some people talking in the shadows.

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