DCQ/Kill Blake.

From Create Your Own Story

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Coming up behind him, you through a length of fishing line over his head and pul hard enough to lift him away from the psycho. You hold firm as he struggles and gasps and flails, but he slows after a minute or two, then falls limp. You put down his body carefully, and tie the line around his neck to ensure he is dead, and not just passed out.
Kevin removes the bag from his head, revealing his bruised bloodied face. He is panting for air as you help him to his feet.
I thought he was going to kill me!" he says.
You assure him he'll be alright and that they're all taken care of.
"I know," says Kevin, "And it's a good thing too. Since we were the only other family, all of our uncle's money is ours now. The plan went off without a hitch,"

Investigations conclude your uncle had been on some very hardcore drugs, (which Kevin had slipped him), and that he must have killed your cousins in a drug-induced rage before his heart suddenly gave out from all that stress on it. You, Kevin and your mother now live on his estate and have inherited his fortune.


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