VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (11222).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 6: The Twist - Part 1'''
'''The Story:'''
You blink and look up to see Kim and Molly who grin. "Look at these two love birds." Molly says with her cute, quiet voice and a big smile. Kim laughs at it and the two slowly pull you and Brooke apart and release Brooke. "Sonya is waiting for you upstairs in Kim's room." Molly says finally getting Brooke out of the bondage. "Kim and I are going to put on the show with the pain slut here. You two can come down and join in when you are done." Molly says with an eager grin towards you.
Feeling that pit in your stomach grow again you watch as Brooke stretches with her new freedom then gives you a spare looking before leaving. "Sorry Pixie, I'll have to play with you in a little bit. But that was fun." She giggles, still in her cat outfit readjusting the red fishnets and cleaning herself off. "My girlfriend awaits. She has been wanting me in this for a long time." She giggles some more then suddenly remembers there are other people in the house. Kim quickly hands Brooke a large jacket to drape around herself before hurrying upstairs and closing the door. Kim follows her up, the two talking quietly and exitedly about something before Kim locks the door behind her and comes back down into the basement.
All you can do is watch on nervously as you get brought to kneel in front of the couch, everything from you removed except for your outfit. The two warn you to be good and not wanting to get on their bad side you are as good as you can be still aching all over in pain from Molly's treatment of you along with Kim's brutal spanking. You are still red. The two set up a webcam on top of the TV pointed at the couch and you blush realize they plan on recording this. What kind of show are they talking about? As Kim walks around getting things ready, including pulling out and revealing quite a few sex toys and bondage equipment across the floor in view of the camera, Molly pulls out her laptop and to your shock pulls herself up on a cam sight. It suddenly hits home that they are going to put on a web show with you. You blush furiously realizing anyone and everyone will be able to see you. Before, it was just Brooke, one random person. Anyone could see this! Fuck! You start to really get nervous, shifting as you kneel in front of the couch, and Molly looks over noticing.
She rolls her eyes for a moment then bends over to dig through a bag then pulls out a thick leather gimp mask that makes your eyes widen in horror. "You asked for it pain slut." Molly admonishes as you back away but after a small sob you sit still and let her pull it over you. Even though you are free as the thing slides over your head you feel your freedom slipping away, horror welling up inside you. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "You don't want anyone to know who you are, right? That's fair." Molly says looking down at you after tightening it all up leaving just your eyes and lips visible of your head. "That's the price. You look fucking hot in it, but I guess we can't call you a pussy with it on though." She says as if just thinking about it. She looks down over your pink outfit and frowns again. "Fuck. Oh well." She finally says then continues to get everything ready.
After they are set up Molly and Kim walk off to the bathroom and change, then let you go before they start the show. They both have corsets and high heels on and have overdone their makeup and have masks covering around their eyes as if at a ball. They look ok, but nothing compared to Brooke. Neither are your type. Finally Molly starts and both sit excitedly on either side of you on the couch. "Hello! Welcome to our web show!" They both say in introduction then just talk and move around a bit at the room fills up. You can't see the number of viewers but by how excited the two become you figure that it is probably a lot. "I'm Molly, and this is Kim." Molly states waving at the camera. "We'll be joined by two of our other friends later hopefully, but for now, we want to play with our little pain slut for you, and with you." Molly preclaims and you can see the chat box getting busy.
"Tonight we are doing requests only." Molly explains. "Pay for something you want us to do to our little pain slut and we'll do it. Within reason of course. Once our little pussy has had too much, we will turn this into a VIP show and the high rollers can really finish off our poor little slut." Molly explains. You feel yourself breathing harder as panic slowly rises inside you. God, they are going to let random people online determine what happens to you? That can't be good. Finish you off? Fuck. And Brooke isn't around to make sure they go easy. You know neither of these two will.
Finally Kim bends forward showing off her massive tits and reads the first paid request. "Oh, fun. Looks like some slap play for Pi... our pain slut." She says almost saying your name making you flinch. "Uh, we can't take off her mask..." Kim states suddenly looking at you and frowning, "But I suppose there are other parts to slap!" Kim then bends over to lean next to you then takes both of your average breasts in her hands squeezing and pulling them this way and that. "Want me to slap your tits, slut?" She says, not sounding like a mistress at all. You just nod, blushing and still too nervous to even speak. "Good." And then Kim slaps on of your tits hard. You wince, but don't pull away, trying to rely on your small amount of training. She slaps your other tit, holding them between slaps and this time you gasp softly. She then starts to go a little faster, slapping them hard making them bounce painfully from each blow but you take it ok. You've had a lot worse after all. Eventually she finishes with your breasts stained red breathing only a little hard.
You go through a few more starter requests before things really get interesting. Molly pulls you over her lap to spank you, and while good at it with short, quick slaps making your ass sting, she is not nearly as bad as Kim's full armed hand paddling. Kim ends up making you suck and choke on her fingers next, playing with your tongue as she does making you gag and drool as she keeps her fingers shoved between your lips. After that Molly has you lean back against the couch in front of her then wraps her small legs around you and makes you lap up the bottom of the soles of her feet for the audience which they really seem to like. That is followed by one of the most disgusting, spit play, where the two take turns spitting into your mouth while you hold it open and don't swallow. That almost makes you break but you manage to endure it quite red and teary eyed behind your mask. You are thankful it hides your emotions so well or you are not sure you could have taken that first part so well.
Things pick up after that as things get more sexual. You end up having to eat out Molly's asshole while at the same time fingering Kim's fat little cunt until they both cum. You end up with a thick butt plug next making you grunt each time you move then get some brutal metal clamps on your nipples almost making you tear up again. You do cry out, which the audience seems to enjoy, and its even worse when Molly adds some weights on the ends. Kim attaches a thick, brutal collar next and walks you around the room in circles on all fours which makes the weights really hurt and you end up begging to stop. Kim ignores you and spanks your ass hard to keep you moving, the audience loving the view of your plugged ass jiggling from both the crawling on all fours and Kim's hard slaps.
As it turns out taking the clamps off hurts even more and you do sob when that happens. You accidently grab one of Molly's arms you panic in pain so much that they decide to restrain you then, getting you into a straight-jacket with a large hole cut in the front to show your tits with your arms crossed and restrained below them in front of you which only scares you more. After that is a close up inspection after they shove a bridle gag between your lips and you end up bend over with your ass up in front of the camera. Kim enjoys spreading your ass and pussy lips for everyone to see just about everything. Including that you are wet to your own humiliation.
Things move to the VIP section next and money starts rolling in to have some real fun with you. To your great dismay they get out a small fake body with a large silicone cock on it and make you push it up your wet cunt almost to base making you give a muffled moan. With your ass facing the camera Kim gets a crop and starts cropping your ass making you ride it slurping on the cock with your wet, tight cunt. Molly gets on a strap-on and sits on the couch in front of you then takes off your gag just to gag you with her strap-on. You can't resist in the straight jacket and gargle on the cock forced down your throat as your eyes water. That is no excuse to stop riding and Kim just crops your ass harder making you really ride that cock shoved up your cunt grinding and fucking it and riding it hard as your red-stained ass turns even redder. You give gurgling cries as drool coats your tits and the front of the straight jacket as you choke on Molly's cock. She face fucks you brutally with one hand hard on your leash between her legs and the other forcing your head down from above.
It's almost impossible to breath and you sob and cry and gasp loudly each time she pulls the cock out. You beg for her to stop but just moan pathetically as your hips keep gyrating and fucking yourself on the cock beneath you humiliating you enough for her to shove the cock back down your throat and bob your head up and down getting face fucked again. The ending is the worst when you are on the edge of orgasm and Kim starts to crop you relentlessly telling you to keep going, harder and faster. You do the best you can, screaming in pleasure and pain, and Molly pulls your lips down snuggly around the base of her fake cock in her crotch and holds you there with both hands. You panic, bucking hard trying to break free unable to breath but she doesn't let you go. Tears stream out of your eyes as you turn red, gasping unable to breath with a throat full of cock and writhe pathetically in your straight jacket unable to break away. One last hard crop on your ass makes you squeal and raise and slam your hips up and down unconsciously finally breaking you and making you cum all over the cock collapsing in pleasure and pain and lack of breath. Molly holds on for one last terrible second before letting you go. You tug away hard, feeling the cock slide out of your throat, and gasp loudly with shaking breath as you slam into the floor twitching and writhing in pleasure and pain, the cock also sliding out of your used hole.
After that you get pulled onto the couch and are smothered by Kim and made to eat her out several times, the audience loving the view of your head peaking out between Kim's thick thighs as you slurp on her thick cunt and juices while Molly continues to crop you focusing on your bare cunt and the bottoms of your feet. You scream into Kim's pussy but that just makes her smother you all the more laughing.
Kim and Molly inquire about Brooke and Sonya after that, but after not hearing back from them decide to ensnare you and leave you like that so they can get the chance to walk away and check on them while the audience enjoys you being restrained. "So, how should we do? Highest bid gets to pick!" Molly says enthusiastically, getting a little tired but obviously enjoying herself. She bends over looking through the responses then smiles. "We have a winner! Kim, get a chair."
Sure enough Kim brings a chair and sets it in front of the camera and you ends up on your knees in front of the chair with your back to it. Your legs get pulled back and tied to the back chair legs, spread painfully, and they take off the straight jacket after that. You give a small bid of freedom fighting them as they go to ensnare your arms again, but after Molly warns she'll tell Brooke you sob and give in letting them pull you back. Your wrists get pulled back painfully to also get tied to the back chair leg arching your back before rope it tied to your collar and pulled back to keep your head back too. You grunt, squirming in your new bondage, and feel stretched. This will be painful to endure for too long. You admit the viewers have a good view of you that way, legs spread, back arched, with pussy and tits at the front.
"We can't just let her stay like this. Let's give her something to enjoy the hour we are away. Or two, if you pay for it." Molly says making you panic a bit. "But let's make them surprises for our little pain slut. It's more fun if she doesn't know what is coming." Molly says, then pulls a matching black blindfold over your eyes. You panic a bit at that, and it is quickly joined by earplugs and part of the mask covers your ears. A three point ball gag is shoved between your lips next and strapped around your face and mask. You breath heavy, scared, as you are blind, can't move an inch painfully, can't hear or speak. You panic and rock the chair slightly but there is nothing. No relief. You try not to cry. An hour? More? You can't stand five minutes! Panic wells up in you but the two don't care.
After that you end up with some sort of large clamp crushing your breasts between the two parts as a large board above and below are squeezed together making you sob. You then feel something slap your cunt hard and you jump. Or, you jump the best you can with a whimper. Then it strikes again just as hard making you give a muffled sob. It keeps going and you squirm and struggle in pain but it is no use and you keep getting slapped in the pussy. It's hard, but not as hard as Kim or Molly like to do it. It comes so regurally you realize there must be some sort of contraption set up, the two aren't doing it yourself. You can't see it, but there is a small spinning vertical wheel set up in front of you with a leather trap attached and each time it goes around it comes down hard right on your cunt. You also don't know that the two walk away after that. You have to endure the torture for an hour, your breasts crushed and aching in agony while your pussy is absolutely on fire, each blow worse than the last to the point where you are shivering in pain and panic trying not to pass out.
Meanwhile Molly and Kim join Brooke and Sonya upstairs, the two done with whatever they were doing and four all having a bit of a snack and watch you through Brooke's phone as they laugh and joke around. The audience pays for another hour but instead of making you endure your cunt torture anymore they set up another machine to paddle your ass hard, wind back, then paddle it again for the next hour. You've never enduring so much pain in your life. Eventually the show ends and they release you except for some handcuffs, just in case, and you just lie there limpy red and abused not able to speak or cry anymore. Just limp and numb. Brooke cuddles with you a bit, deciding the two went two far, and brings you into the bathroom and starts a bath and takes care of you for a bit. As much as a bath with Brooke is something you'd dream of, you are numb the entire time. Your body is in so much pain, the soothing doesn't do much to heal it. It will take time.
The four friends feel bad, but not enough to change anything. They tie you up and zip you up in the sleeping back without taking the butt plug out and add another gag as you go to sleep. You pass out quickly but you don't sleep well at all despite being beyond exhausted. The next morning you are awoken by the four getting up and you get untied. It's time for breakfast and they want you to act normal. You are still numb and act cold to the four which Brooke doesn't like at all. As the other three head upstairs and you finally get into your pj's again Brooke looks at you sternly. You don't even feel a bit of anxiousness you are still so numb, and your body still hurts so much. How can you act normal. Still, Brooke has a new command for you and is far from done being your mistress.
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (112221). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (112222). ]]

Current revision as of 17:51, 7 June 2024

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