VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (11111).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 6: The Twist - Part 1'''
'''The Story:'''
You have Evelyn point you in the right direction to Brooke then give her a confident smile, a quick playful raise of the skirt that gets a laugh, then start to walk off in that direction. Evelyn has just given you a giant dose of both confidence and hope and you are on top of the world right now. There is an end in sight for your blackmail and both Brooke and Evelyn are hot as fuck and want to play. Could you ask for anything more? You could, that ass fuck from Brooke was not very fun. Steeling yourself and holding onto that confident look, you turn the corner and immediately spot Brooke along with three different friends. Just knowing she has a bunch of friends around her immediately acts like a kick to the stomach as you feel it drop and your confidence vanish. Instead of striding forward in your hot outfit you dip back around the corner with your heart beating fast. You quickly peak back around and take in Brooke's friends. And girlfriend, apparently.
One is a large chubby Asian barely keeping her large bust contained with a regular blue short and a bra that looks far too small. She has her long black hair in two long pigtail braids on either side. The next is a very skinny yet very sexy looking blonde with an eastern European look and an extremely revealing casual red dress. The third is a cute little thing with dyed red hair and a fun loving look with a cute, fit body in gym shorts and a tube top. You find yourself glaring at the blonde, holding hands with Brooke. As you shift there awkwardly trying to figure out what you want to do you can't believe how jealous you are. You've only met Brooke once. Of course someone like her would have a girlfriend. You are just a side piece.
Trying to fight the pit growing rapidly in your stomach you look behind you to see where Evelyn went. Just a smile from her might be enough to get you back on track. It takes a while to spot her, she has walked a good ways away and is walking in the opposite direction. You are surprised since she said she'd stay nearby. You find your eyes on her ass again, which is what makes you blink twice. There is a hand squeezing that ass and for the first time you realize Evelyn is with two other women about her age. The three are talking idly, but there is definitely some flirting going on there with Evelyn the center of attention. Of course she would be.
Turning back around you spot Brooke and her friends walk into a rather large store and figure it'll take them a while to move on. More curious about Evelyn you begin to follow. Who are these women? Does she have a girlfriend too? You follow along as the pit in your stomach fades but the jealousy remains hot. God, are you jealous Evelyn might have a girlfriend too? What is the matter with you? The woman is twice your age and you are already trying to go after her daughter! Snapping yourself out of it you watch the three turn a corner and hurry to catch up.
As you are about to turn the corner you hear their voices and stop, listening as you don't dare turn the corner with them so close. You pretend to stand there casually checking your phone. "It's been far too long since you've come over to visit." One of the other women is saying, a flirtatious hint in her voice. "I've got your old outfit still you know. It's no big deal, I've found some new neighbors to play with, but that doesn't mean I don't miss you." She finishes and you hear a soft, feminine gasp which you know must be Evelyn.
Too curious you glance around the corner and spot one of the other women pressing Evelyn against the wall with a hand up her dress. You blush furiously and take a good look, unnoticed, before quickly turning back around. The woman is tall with brunette hair raised into a professional looking bun with stylish black-rimmed glasses. She has a woman's business suit on that does a good job of outlining her very busty frame. She is attractive too, if not nearly as attractive as Evelyn, and you feel your face flushing as they continue.
"Mrs. Katherine, I told you I'm..." Evelyn stops before suddenly getting slapped making her go quiet.
"You're what?" Mrs. Katherine continues along with another gasp of pleasure from Evelyn as the other woman obviously still has her hand under Evelyn's dress working between her legs. "You're just avoiding us is what you are doing." She says not missing a stride. "Don't you think, Annabelle?" Mrs. Katherine continues obviously stepping back. You risk another look and see the other woman stepping forward putting a hand to soothe Evelyn's red cheek before running a finger along her lips then between them. She is nearly as attractive as Evelyn, although obviously not as well off. She has messy red hair up in a bun with an incredibly fit yet busty body in just ordinary street clothes with a coffee logo on them showing off her beautiful, slightly tanned skin.
Mrs. Annabelle makes Evelyn suck on her finger for a moment before pulling away too. "I've been busy too, but I do think she has been avoiding us." She says with a hint of laughter on her lips and a full, very beautiful and catching smile. She looks over her shoulder and spots a restaurant and nods to it. "Should the three of us catch up with some early dinner?" She suggests stepping away from Evelyn as well.
"That would be delightful." Mrs. Katherine says with a nod then looks to Evelyn. "Don't you think, Evelyn?" She insists.
Evelyn seems to give a look of putting herself together then slowly nods, worry obviously painting her face. Wow, was has Brooke's mom gotten herself into? It's almost like she is in the same spot you are, but that couldn't be, could it? A woman as wealth as her? You first instinct is to try and help her somehow and as they all walk over to head into the mall restaurant you end up following and sitting at the bar giving you a good look of the three. Yet as you sit there, phone angled to record as you see Annabell's hand slide under the table along Evelyn's thigh, another possibility occurs to you. Could you get some blackmail of your own? If you had video of Evelyn and showed it to Brooke, would she delete your blackmail in a hope to save her mother? Maybe. Maybe is the only answer you can come up with so you record without knowing what you plan on doing with it. Maybe you'll just masturbate to such a beautiful body as Evelyn's getting touched. Regardless, you stay, fighting that pit in your stomach that wants you to run away from trouble like this. Instead, you order a drink, show a fake ID, and watch.
The three sit close to each other, all on one side of a booth while putting their purses and light jackets on the other side. They make Evelyn do all of the ordering for them, and obviously have her flirting with the waitress who clearly doesn't know how to take it. Under the table, which you can just barely make out, is more fun. The two on either side of Evelyn keep her legs spread for most of it teasing and playing with the blonde woman's incredible pussy with a close shaved triangle above it. It is clear that both of the women find Evelyn just as attractive as you do as they don't seem to be able to keep their hands off of her. Annabelle at one point tapes a tiny pill vibrator onto Evelyn's clit and the two have fun with the remote, loving to ramp it up when Evelyn is talking with the waitress. There are a few 'nip slips' during those talks that turn the waitress quite red along with Evelyn's stifled, extremely feminine and hot soft gasps of muffled pleasure. Yet, despite the other two women being more dominant and taking liberties, it is clear that they don't own Evelyn. She resists from time to time and they never press the issue. You realize this is more of them trying to convince her, and her allowing it, than any sort of mistress and slave interaction.
After ordering a good few drinks the three all start to get a bit buzzed and by the time it is about time to leave they all seem to have forgotten everyone around them. They take turns openly making out with Evelyn, gaining the eye of quite a few guests, and it seems like the majority of the time at least one of the two women have a hand underneath Evelyn's dress cupping and playing with her incredible breasts. Watching the whole time, recording and drinking, you find yourself red and squirming on your stool trying not to touch yourself. At least that pit in your stomach has finally faded. You regret not seeking out Brooke and her friends a bit, but there will be time for the daughter later, you hope.
Finally the three leave, Evelyn with her tits practically spilling out as she walks out with her dress hiked up so far you are pretty sure some of the people sitting near her can see everything as she passes. You quickly get up to follow, curiosity and being turned on by it all overcome any anxiety you would have had normally. It's late at this point and while there are plenty of cars left in the parking garage, the garage itself is nearly empty. By the time they get to one of their cars, you are not sure whos, Evelyn is completely out of her dress and ends up sprawling naked on the hood with a giggle and a grin on her face. She is clearly warming up to all of this. She even waggles a finger for one of them to join her.
Katherine pulls a latex mask out of her purse suggestively but Evelyn just smiles all the more but shakes her head. "I think not." She says, and that is that. Katherine puts the mask away trying to hide a little bit of disappointment. Before she can join Annabelle is on her knees and has her tongue running slowly up and down Evelyn's incredible slit with the beautiful woman's incredible thick and shapely thighs nice and spread giving her full access. Fuck that tongue working up and down between Evelyn's thighs is hot. You zoom in on it and finally give up resisting as you run a hand beneath your incredible short school girl skirt and start to touch yourself as you watch, biting your lip.
Not giving up Katherine snags one of Evelyn's wrists in a handcuff but that just makes Evelyn roll her eyes and laugh more. Katherine twists her onto her side on the hood of the car and gets her other hand, both now handcuffed behind Evelyn, before crawling onto the hood herself. She ends up straddling Evelyn's face and, lifting her business skirt, plants her ass right on it while running a hand back to snag Evelyn by the hair and keep her there. There are laughs from all of them, including a muffled one from Evelyn. They apparently really enjoy bondage because Annabelle sits up to take some rope from the car, it must be hers, and ties Evelyn's ankles to her thighs to keep her nice and spread for her tongue and replaces the handcuffs with ropes before she gets back to work. Katherine in the meantime is hot as fuck straddling Evelyn's face grinding her ass and wet cunt on Evelyn's eager tongue.
The three have full blown sex on top of the car not caring a wit when people walk into the garage and spot them. They just tell them off and that is that. A security guard comes by at one point but he quickly scurries off too. Probably to wherever the camera room is. Evelyn ends up with a blindfold on and gets dragged off the car onto her knees on the ground and is swapped back and forth servicing both Annabelle and Katherine's amazing asshole's and sopping wet cunts. Whoever isn't getting eaten is right there on their knees next to Evelyn with one hand between her legs while the other roams her incredible body seemingly unable to get enough.
Once they are done with her they shove her in the back seat and drive her over to her own car, a very nice sports car of course. They shove her in and add a ball gag and plug her ears with something before simply leaving her there tied up. You watch as they both drive off. You pull your hand away from your own sopping wet pussy, hardly able to walk straight you are so turned on by everything that just occurred. You slowly walk up to her car and get a good few pictures and video of her tied up and used in the front seat of her car. Fuck, you've never seen anything so hot. You've seen similar online but having it right in front of you in person just brings to an entirely new level. That pit in your stomach returns, but so does the confidence Evelyn gave you earlier.
Looking around quickly, you open Evelyn's door. You are far too turned on not to at least try. You see her slowly working at her bonds, clearly she is meant to eventually get out of the ropes and get herself home. She is about half way there which makes you freeze up, but when she just keeps squirming you calm back down. She doesn't seem to have noticed someone has opened the door. Not turning back now you slowly sink to your knees then push your head forward, inches from her wet perfect slit, then slowly run a tongue up it. Evelyn gives a start at that, clearly not expecting it, and a few muffled words start to come from behind her new gag. You don't stop, determined at this point, and continue to eat out her perfect body, eying her perfect spread thighs and triangle as you work your tongue.
As Evelyn starts to give soft moans through the gag you run a hand back to your own pussy and shove a finger up it and start to finger yourself. Fuck that feels so good! Just thinking about this woman makes you want to cum. Evelyn does keep squirming and trying to get out of her ropes, but she also starts to press her beautifully in-shape hips against your lips letting you taste her deep inside. With your tongue working her tight hole you run a hand out to work her clit and she immediately bucks and starts to moan for real. Watching this woman's perfect body writhe in pleasure in grasp is more than you can take. You watch her perfect breasts heave with each breath, her thighs tremble with pleasure and strain as she raises her hips against your willing tongue. It only takes a minute for both of you to cum hard, Evelyn having yet another orgasm after so many with her body bristling at how sensitive it has become. You, building up to this ever since you saw Katherine grab Evelyn's ass with a finger lodged to the base up your own tight cunt while your other hand works your clit into ecstasy.
Recovering after a few long moments the pit in your stomach quickly returns as you remember where you are and what you are doing. Blushing deeply you quickly snap up, try to cover yourself, then go to close the car door and go home. You pause for a moment then, blushing more, then open the door back up then reach in to slightly loosen the ropes binding Evelyn. You feel a little guilty so you might as well help her out slightly. Evelyn seems to immediately make great progress on getting out of the ropes when you do that making you give a startled squeak and immediately slam the door and run for it. Your heart doesn't stop beating until you are safely hidden in your own car in the parking garage on the other end of the mall.
Driving home, you can't help but play what happened today over and over in your head. Fuck, you are falling in love with Evelyn and her incredible body. Seemingly the same as Katherine and Annabelle if you had to guess. You upload the videos and photos onto your computer as you think. What is your next move?
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (111111). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (111112). ]]

Current revision as of 17:48, 7 June 2024

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