VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Location (2212).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 5: The Location - Part 2'''
'''The Story:'''
You are shaking as you open the email, tears leaking down your cheek as you feel the terrible piercings pull at your most sensitive areas just with the simple movement of pulling out your phone and shifting over to look at it. Groaning and trying not to sob more you read the email, then once again with just a faint gasp. It reads: "Take the day off to recover. I’ll be swinging by tomorrow evening to pick you up. Dress in your usual style, but dress nice.” And... that is it.
The first thing you feel is a flood of relief wash over you as you realize she doesn’t want anything out of you today. You are not sure you would have been able to handle it if she did. You curl up into a ball before a sense of dread overtakes you again. Tomorrow evening isn’t that far away after all. Plus you have to avoid your parents somehow until then. The pit in your stomach worsens just thinking about them seeing you like this making you tremble slightly with tears coming to your eyes leaving you unable to leave the covers for a good hour.
Surprisingly you manage to avoid your parents all Saturday by pretty much starving yourself and just eating snacks left in your room too afraid to leave. Your parents seem fine at not seeing you and never both you at all, pretty normal. You spend the entire day either curled up in your bed with your laptop and TV or taking one of many showers still trying to wash off the feeling of being grossly defiled. They help a little but as soon as you are out the dread sets back in. Alternatively they are the only times your parents seem to care about you, if only to yell at you for taking so many showers and wasting the hot water.
As much as you try to distract yourself the entire day it just turns into a stress filled wreck until you finally manage to squeak off to sleep. The next day you are practically pacing with anxiety at meeting your mistress again. That just makes things worse feeling your piercings jingle around tugging on you relentlessly making you horny and in slight pain all the time. By the time you are getting dressed for the evening you have finally turned your dread into anger and decide to tell Cassandra off when she gets here and refuse her. How dare she do this to you? Look at the agony you are going through on a day when you don't even have to see her. You can't do this. You won't. You have to do something now.
You still dress up just in case things go wrong, you can't help it. You put on black leggings to show off your fit legs with a too small red and black plaid skirt to cover your ass along with a teal thong to match your fake hair. For a top you wear a thin teal tank top with a black off the shoulders top over it to hide your obviously pierced nipples and decent cleavage. Looking in the mirror you just get angrier realizing you are still doing exactly what she wants.  You pace back and forth all afternoon imagining the conversation you are going to have with her in your head until you finally jump when you hear her car horn.
So lost in your mind you don’t even grab your phone or purse and just throw your door open and stalk downstairs with all of your focus on Cassandra. That was your first mistake as you hear the gasp from your mom finally spotting you. Ignoring whatever she is saying you walk outside angrily and spot Cassandra getting out of a pretty regular looking car. Somehow you expected something different.
She starts to speak but you immediately cut her off and start screaming at her. The way you imagined this conversation goes out the window and all of the feelings you’ve been building up over the last few days come spilling out instead. You scream for a solid minute or more, you are not sure, before just being out of breath standing there awkwardly trembling. You are not sure if it is from anger or fear at this point.
Cassandra seems shocked but pulls herself together and steps forward and to your surprise you see a hint of a sympathetic look on her face as she opens her mouth to speak. Really? After doing all of this to you she is sympathetic? Before she can speak however she gets cut off again, this time by your dad.
“You pierced fucking what?” He asks obviously pissed and drunk. "Fucking whore." He spits
“Told you the little bitch would turn into a whore.” Your mom follows up looking you up and down with the most disapproving gaze you’ve ever seen standing just outside the door. They berate you for a good few moments telling you that you might as well leave and never come back. The don't even try to hide their disgust. You can only stand there and take it feeling yourself breaking down again, all your energy spent on Cassandra already with none left to fight back against them. You feel tears welling in your eyes as they slander you in every way possible.
Just as you are unable to take it anymore to your shock Cassandra marches right past you and punches your dad hard in the gut. You are so shocked you just stand there trembling with your mouth open. Your mom screams and tries to run but Cassandra grabs her by the hair and slaps her hard. She is saying something but you are so emotionally destroyed you can't listen. She is pretty strong you realize, she did look in pretty good shape at the club. It’s Cassandra’s turn to speak then but she keeps her voice low after her beat down keeping the full attention of both your shocked parents until they turn pale.
Then, just like that, she shoves them back into the house and slams the door behind them before marching back towards you. Probably the most shocking thing out of all of this is that she walks right up to you and embraces you in a firm hug. You stand rigid for a few moments before sobbing softly and hugging her tightly back. You are really confused and don’t know what to think of any of this but damn do you need a hug. Fuck, are your parents really not coming back out?
“Those two shouldn’t be bothering you any more.” Cassandra finally says in her normal cold tone breaking the hug and demanding your attention. “If they do, or refuse letting you in, let me know.” She says seriously making you look her in the eyes when you can't stop glancing nervously at the house. She pets your fake hair for a moment suddenly getting a good look at the changes she ordered then pulls away walking towards the driver side of her car. “Get in Pixie.” She commands.
And... and you follow. You are not sure how your mistress that mutilated your body has turned out to be the good guy but... you’ll work that out in your head later. For now, following her orders is just natural and you let yourself get in the car. Your submissive side gets the better of you. Either that or Cassandra knows you'd rather be anywhere that isn't with your parents at the moment.
After a good five minutes of silence driving out of your neighborhood Cassandra reveals that the two of you will be attending a house party and you’ll be pretending to be her girlfriend. To your surprise she doesn’t act like your mistress at all during the conversation, more like a friend albeit a colder one. The two of you talk, admittedly awkwardly at first, then steadily for most of the car ride. You even stop and get fast food and eat together. You get weird looks from some of the staff but Cassandra has a pretty good way with dealing with other people which strangely puts you at ease.
It isn’t until you pull up to the party that Cassandra’s mistress side comes out again. “Listen Pixie, you and I were friends today because I can tell that is what you needed. It will not always be like that. You will still do as I say or you will be punished. Tonight, I order you to let loose and enjoy yourself. Kiss a girl, dance, enjoy your new body. From what you said earlier I know you hate it now, but I think you look rather sexy if my opinion means anything.” She says with an honest yet cold stare.
“I wasn’t expecting it...” you whimper a bit but she gives you a cold mistress look quieting you again.
“And you won’t in the future. You don’t get to know my plans for you, you are my slave.” She says with finality. To prove it she reaches forward and grabs you by the hair forcing you into a deep passionate kiss. You whimper softly, letting her take her lips for a few moments almost breathless when she finally pulls away then opens the door. “Let’s try and get lucky tonight so I don’t have to punish you instead.” She says very seriously stepping out.
You have no doubt she would. God you should be yelling at this bitch but... you just can't. She did such a terrible thing to you but then protected you from your parents. You've always dreamed of doing that to them and Cassandra did it on the first time meeting them. Fuck, you can't help but like her a bit in spite of it all. You still are angry with her, but you realize you can contain that for the night at least. Taking a big sigh you get out and follow your mistress up to the rather unassuming house with just a few cars in front of it, music pouring out the window. Ok, keep it together Pixie you tell yourself. Tonight might not be so bad after all. The pit in your stomach shrinks a bit, but it is still there. After all, you can still feel the hellish piercings clinging to you at every step.
Your eyes go wide suddenly. “Yes mistress!” You cry out realizing you hadn’t responded to her which gets a nod of approval from her as you catch up. It is only then that you realize Cassandra is only wearing a thin light purple dress with straps over her shoulders. Thank god she isn't going to punish you, you are not sure you could take that right now. And damn she is kind of good looking. Well, you knew that. You manage to blush as she holds your hand while knocking on the door. You are her fake girlfriend for tonight. You had almost forgot! This is all so rushed you don't have time to be angry or scared just naturally doing what Cassandra wants.
When the door opens you almost pull away at getting seen like this but manage to resist at the last second when Cassandra's grip tightens on yours. The girl that opens the door is not one that you expected, a cute redhead as short as you with glasses, pigtails, a ton of tattoos and a naughty schoolgirl costume. She has a nose ring to the side and gives you a good look up and down with a smirk. “Damn, hot. Come on in.” She says getting out of the way.
All you can do is blush as you walk in jumping a bit when she gives you a quick squeeze on the ass. Did she just... compliment your body? It really confuses you for a few moments as it conflicts with how much you hate it. Are you... wrong... to hate it? You look around and are shocked that the party looks much like ones you've been to in the past. It is just a small party, only about four or five other girls there all your age or a bit older. They all have that punk or dyke vibe about them that you like and their choice of alcohol and music is right down your alley. You also can't help but think that you fit in and that... they are all pretty damned hot.
Cassandra leaves you alone with two of them while she goes to the kitchen for drinks and they turn out to be super nice. And damned hot, you can't stop thinking. One named Carol has some impressive round busty tits you can see pressing through her thin shirt obviously with no bra and barbell piercings. Somehow she makes her dyed green hair look great too somehow putting yourself at ease with your nipple rings and teal hair. Her friend Priscilla is a skinny Hispanic that looks as normal as can be with a rock t-shirt on with a very confident look that also puts you at ease. They both comment positively on your looks and when Priscilla teasingly lifts your shirt and sees your tattoos they just comment on how hot that is and how lucky Cassandra is obviously knowing her. That shocks you so much you don't speak back just hanging your mouth open a bit before blushing. It is hot?
You meet the other three girls over the next hour walking around having small talk while slowly getting drunk. You realize you actually might start to be enjoying yourself. They all seem like good company so far. One is a tall, slender dyke with a red mohawk, another is a bombshell rebel blonde just reeking of attitude and the last is a dirty blonde, super quiet but super cute with a collar around her neck somehow accentuating her shoulder length gorgeous straight hair.
Each one of them flirts with you a bit and although you blush a lot you realize they all find you attractive with your new body and eventually start to not think so negatively about it. You even become confident enough to show it off a bit lifting your shirt to let them see your belly-button bead and stick out your tongue to show off your beads. You slowly come down from your anxiety and actually have a little fun and relax.
Once everyone has had a good few drinks the real fun starts and everyone gathers around for some good old fashioned truth AND dare, not to be confused with the version where you get a choice. It gets hot and heavy pretty quick, and you find yourself really getting turned on even before your turn. Hell your piercings have been tugging on your clit and nipples slightly all night. It has nothing to do with how hot all of these girls are, right? Eventually your turn does come and the mohawk dyke gets to give you a truth making you say who you are most attracted to besides Cassandra. Blushing and on the spot you are drunk and in your element enough to pull out some of your normal confidence.
“Um, I’m going to have to go with pigtails over there.” You say making eye contact with a sexy nervous bite of your lip.
“Oh, I’m honored.” She says with a giggle then reaches forward and shakes your hand making you blush. “I’m Paige.”
“Well I think your dare is obvious. Strip to your undies and sit next to Paige on the couch Pixie.” Carol says with a laugh. “Let some others get a chance at Cass.” She says with a wink that makes Cassandra roll her eyes.
You blush deeply but under the gaze of your mistress you don’t put up much of a fight knowing you'll have to go through with all the dares whether you want to or not. You get up and strip down to just your thong since you are not wearing a bra and just stand there meekly as everyone takes in your body. You have metal rings hanging from your erect nipples with your full breasts on display with hearts tattooed around them. Your piercings under your thong are obvious too and everyone can see your star tattoos above your cunt. You can't help but twisting in on yourself slightly trying to hide it all embarrassed.
“Jesus Christ.” The dyke mutters along with a good few other compliments about how lucky Cassandra and now Paige are. It makes you feel really good for some reason making you open up a bit showing them more. Maybe this body isn’t so bad.
Suddenly realizing Paige has made room for you, you awkwardly move over to her and are soon cuddled up to Paige who pulls you to safety of all the looks by putting an arm around you pulling you close. Everyone gets more drunk and more loose. Some things happen you’ll probably remember for quite a while making you blush more than you thought you could. You laugh when Cassandra gets Carol back spanking her bare ass over her lap.
You have light flirtatious talk with a few others and Paige and after the dares move on again you blush as she softly turns your cheek towards her and kisses you softly. You are embarrassed to make out in front of everyone but at the same time you've certainly been wanting to. You kiss her back softly and passionately but keep trying to turn back to the game surprised no one is commenting on the two of you. Eventually Paige starts to tug on your nipple rings playfully while running her tongue along yours really turning you on.
To your surprise the Barbie blonde sitting on the other side of the couch eventually runs her hand over your leg and slowly pulls your thigh up to spread your legs with just your thin black thong to hide you. Although you try to resist too embarrassed to show yourself like that one firm slap on your thigh makes you meekly give in. Paige notices and seems to like it getting a more starting to squeeze your breasts softly. The blonde starts to casually rub your pussy through your thong not even looking your way and you end up giving a few gasps which seem to turn on Paige more. Damn you like making out with Paige. And damn does that hand on your crotch feel good. But god you just feel like everyone has to be staring at you!
Suddenly you snap out of it when they call your name next, the blonde just finishing her turn without you noticing. Priscilla gives you your truth question just giving a sly grin at your spread legs and cunt getting played with still, Paige’s hand still on one of your breasts. Cassandra gives you a look that says let them do whatever they want which you grudgingly agree to. I mean, you like it right? Fuck your emotions are so screwed up right now but damn does this blonde know how to work your pussy. Ugh, you need to pay attention to your question!
“Pixie, what is a fetish you don't enjoy?” She says obviously looking for something juicy.
Trying to keep yourself from gasping out loud you eventually manage to close your legs a bit blushing deeply. “I’d say... feet. Never done it and I don’t see the appeal.” You answer truthfully but meekly.
Priscilla nods expecting an answer like that. “You might want to avoid a few people here then.” She says with a few laughs at that making you nervous all over again.
Cassandra ends up picking your dare. “I think Paige needs to share. I dare you to make out with...” She stops and scans the group for a few seconds, “...Erica.” She says satisfied nodding to the dyke with the mohawk. You pull away and stand up reluctantly from Paige and Erica does the same with a predatory grin. Cassandra isn't finished though, fishing through her purse to pull out handcuffs. “Wear these, to the makeout closet you go until your next turn.” She says tossing them at Paige who happily handcuffs your hands behind your back for you.
You blush watching your mistresses stern gaze then look up to the taller dyke standing right in front of you. “Looks like you don't have a choice.” She says then takes you by the fake hair and leads you into a tiny blanket closet with only a bit of light from the slanted blinds on the door. There are hollers from the rest of the girls as Erica closes the door behind the two of you leaving you alone with her.
She is far from the hottest girl here but you have no doubt you are in for quite the time. You feel like you should be nervous being handcuffed but you have done it so many times online for Cassandra that it hardly bothers you anymore. And while Erica is far from the hottest she is still plenty good looking. Tall, lean but muscular with natural red hair in her hawk. And a cute face. Not bad at all.
Erica is forward and doesn’t take long to lean against the wall and pull you tightly into her grabbing your fake her as she pulls you into a passionate kiss. You lose your breathe in the kiss blushing furiously as her lips take yours and her tongue finds its way between your lips. Damn she knows what she is doing. You press more tightly against her and close your eyes letting the dominant dyke wrap her tongue with yours.
Her other hand quickly starts to grope first squeezing your medium breasts and tugging on your nipple rings making you gasp. You quickly find out people like to tug on those. Her hand doesn’t stay there long however as you gasp into her lips quickly trailing down to grab your ass and squeeze it hard. She pulls you against her more tightly then takes her hand from your hair down to wrap around you and grab your other ass cheek now just kissing you slowly and softly as she plays with and spreads your shapely ass.
“I’m going to make you mine.” She says pulling away with a big grin and pulls your thong to the side running one hand under it to start rubbing your pussy roughly.
You immediately moan loudly, her hand pressing and tugging against your rings along your labia and clit surprisingly make it feel even better. You think you hear a few laughs from outside and blush realizing they probably heard you.
Erica silences you by spinning you around and pressing you against the wall then bends down to take your lips fiercely again while rubbing your cunt firmly retaining a solid grip on your other ass cheek. You moan loudly into her mouth but get muffled by her tongue pressing and rubbing into yours. Eventually she shoves her middle finger up your wet cunt and you bury your head in her shoulder stifling a loud moan gasping loudly anyways.
“Oh you like.” She teases, finger buried in your warm cunt fucking it with long slow strokes under your thong. Then, just as you start to tremble in pleasure she stops and raises her hands to your shoulders to push you down. Knowing what she wants you go down to your knees frustrated and blushing deeply. You didn’t think this was part of the make-out date but Erica doesn’t seem to care. What are the rules anyways? She presses her middle finger between your lips like a cock and makes you suck on it with long slow strokes before leaning back and to your surprise takes off her socks. She grins stretching back with her upper body to press it against the wall getting a good look down at you biting her lip happily.
She then peeks out the blinds to make sure it isn’t your turn yet then turns and presses one of her feet out against your lips. You are disgusted, meaning what you said earlier about not wanting to try it but you figure that is exactly why she is doing it. Knowing you don't really have much choice handcuffed you tentatively run out your tongue trying not to gag. You run your tongue between her big toe and next before going down the line all while keeping her gaze. To your surprise it doesn't taste that bad and isn't dirty at all. You still don't like it feeling rather degraded. Erica loves it, especially your eye contact and slowly rubs herself through her skinny jeans as you work your tongue between her toes.
Eventually you start to lap the bottom of her foot at her insistence and are surprised at how sensual it seems. And how much Erica likes it. You begrudingly admit to yourself it isn't so bad, but you'd certainly prefer tasting her elsewhere. It is certainly a power move if anything Then, just when you trail your lips up to start softly sucking on her toes you hear someone’s voice saying it is time to come out. You are not sure what is going to happen next as Erica pulls you up and takes your lips softly and passionately a few more times then opens the door. But thankfully at this point you've forgotten all about your anger and anxiety and even your body for the most part. Good company and being turned on like crazy can do that. Oh, and all the alcohol you've had sure helps too. You’ve had your low today, you want to keep that out of your mind and focus on all the good. And to be honest, at this party, distraction comes easy.
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (22121). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (22122). ]]

Current revision as of 17:48, 7 June 2024

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