VRX 9000: Sex Games / PP - SMP1 - The Cabin Second Floor

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== '''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]] ==
== 5) '''The Spring Cabin Series - Popular Porn Stars''' ==
== '''The Secret Mission Phase - Part 1 - The Cabin Second Floor''' ==
While the majority of the porn star players head inside the Spring Cabin when the cabin begins, Tori, Asa, and Madison hang around only a little bit before moving upstairs for more exclusive pastures. Checking their phones for their secret missions as they do, Madison finds herself needing to perform fan requests and figures it will be easier in a low key environment where others might be more willing to have a bit of fun. Asa and Tori both find themselves needing to make out with the other players, and while the first floor is perfect for that, they head upstairs none-the-less. Tori had some success doing just that upon her arrival so naturally gravitates upstairs. Asa ends up considering the other two as likely targets and follows suit planning on making out with the two before going after the rest.
Madison quickly makes her way over to the couch sitting in the middle of a bunch of party goers trying to show off her incredible curves as much as possible. With a body like hers it isn't hard. Walking upstairs behind her Asa and Tori get in on the show trading winks watching from the stairs and from across the room as Madison puts herself on display for the guests. Asa has to put a hand to her mouth to stop from giggling at the pure amount of bending over and showing off that Madison does in a few party-goer's faces. In her slingshot bikini there isn't much hiding anything and quite a few people start to chat her up once she finally sits down. Neither Asa or Tori admit to the other they didn't mind the show themselves.
Trying hard not to laugh at how ridiculously blatant Madison is being Asa walks over to Tori with a grin, the other woman speaking as she approaches. "I guess she owns what she has really well. She isn't messing around when it comes to this competition." Tori says as Asa walks up.
"Shit, I'm surprise she isn't sitting on anyone's lap yet." Asa says leaning against the wall next to Tori.
"I don't think the challenges are quite to fucking yet." Tori says with a small smirk. "Although the way Madison is moving I'm getting the impression she might skip a few rounds and get right to it." Tori continues making Asa bust out laughing getting a few people's attention. Asa just looks them up and down confidently until they blush and walk away.
Asa then turns to Tori running a hand seductively along her side. "Oh, so your secret mission isn't to fuck the competition too? I was hoping we had something in common." Asa teases.
Rolling her eyes Tori then pulls Asa against her seductively. "It isn't, but I think we might be able to work something out." Tori teases reaching down to grab Asa's tight little ass.
That is all Asa needs and takes Tori by the hand pulling her along over towards the bedrooms. Before Asa can pull Tori into the bedroom Tori stops the two leaning against the wall next to the door instead. "Whoa now, ever hear of foreplay?" Tori says with a firm no-nonsense look letting Asa get a good view of her incredible model-like body leaned back and on full display in her sexy little one-piece.
Asa giggles and pushes her hips against Tori's pressing her more against the wall. "I think I could work on that part. Maybe you'll give me some pointers?" Asa teases brushing her lips against Tori's.
Smirking back Tori runs a hand up to Asa's hard grabbing is snugly between her fingers before pulling the beautiful shorter Asian porn star into a slow, passionate kiss leaning back against the wall pulling Asa firmly against her. Asa giggles in response as Tori then slips her other hand under Asa's bikini bottom grabbing her tight little ass firmly. The two put on a small show for those passing by, often commenting at how hot the two are. Tori encourages it making eye contact in the middle of tasting Asa's lips and even gets a couple to walk over and spank Asa's ass lightly getting giggles out of everyone.
Eventually Tori gets more into it focusing on Asa as the hot little minx doesn't let up while getting her ass spanked. Asa runs her thigh between Tori's legs and starts to grind it against Tori's vulnerable pussy hardly covered by the bottom of her one piece. Not done there Asa pulls Tori's one piece off of her tits to the middle and starts teasing them by running her fingertips in circles around them before lightly stroking them getting a few soft gasps out of Tori eventually. "Now this, I like." Asa says breaking the kiss for a moment after a louder than normal moan from Tori really grinding her thigh between her legs.
"Two can play at this game." Tori responds with a raised eyebrow and tugs Asa's bikini top down letting her soft, squeezable tits bounce out of the top. With a cool smile Tori squats down slightly to start sucking on Asa's tits making the hot Asian porn star grin and bite her lip before her eyes light up when Tori's hand that was squeezing her ass moves to start rubbing her even tighter asshole through her bikini bottom making Asa gasp herself.
"Damn." Asa says blushing slightly with a big smile as her asshole gets played with while her tits get sucked. And damn does Tori look hot keeping eye contact the whole time. "I could get used to this game." Asa says squirming a bit really getting turned on. Eventually having enough Asa grabs Tori firmly by the hair and pulls her back up to eye level and pins her hard against the wall making Tori gasp slightly. Asa then pushes firmly against Tori and takes her lips over and over in a passionate kiss closing her eyes before pushing her tongue along Tori's expert one.
Tori runs her tongue back against Asa's probing one and the two make out passionately getting a few hoots and cheers by passing party-goers which they ignore this time just making out both getting pretty turned on. Both of Tori's hands go down to grab and squeeze Asa's impressive tight little ass again squeezing and parting it over and over again teasing Asa's cunt in the process. Asa plays as well as the two get lost in the kiss as her hand goes down to pull Tori's one piece to the side to start slowly rubbing Tori's incredible bare pussy as she continues to push her tongue against the model's own.
Meanwhile Madison, oblivious to the two making out and watching her earlier, has picked out those that obviously know who she is sitting around chilling on the couches and reclining chairs drinking and smoking with some chill conversation. Leaning against a hot brunette with a long braid and her own bikini Madison cuddles slightly making the woman blush. "I like you." Madison says, maybe a little too obviously. "You know who I am right? Only fair you tell me who you are." Madison insists.
"Oh, I'm Brittany." The braided brunette, athletic and well endowed says trying to act confident but taken off guard by such a hot porn star pressing against her.
"Hi, Brittany." Madison says making Brittany blush more. "So... you know I'm a porn star right?" Madison asks getting a cute nod from Brittany. "Anything you wish you could do to me? I'm pretty drunk and willing to to fulfill that wish if you want." Madison says pretending to be drunk and rather convincing at the act. It is far from her first rodeo.
It takes a bit of convincing and teasing before Brittany finally gives in looking around and getting used to quite a few glances heading their way. "Um... I've always wanted to eat out a porn star." Brittany says finally giving in with another blush yet confidently looking down Madison's incredible practically naked body. "My girlfriend always said I was really good but I kind of wondered if she didn't have much experience to go by, or if I was actually good."
Giving a light blush herself at the request Madison shrugs it over then puts a hand on Brittany's shoulder and starts to push her down onto the floor.
Brittany blushes brightly looking at everyone sitting around them. "Here?" She asks incredulously before Madison more firmly pushes her down. Brittany willingly goes down onto her knees in front of the couch and blushes as Madison simply spreads her thick, tanned thighs out and pulls her bikini bottom to the side revealing her perfect plump little pussy on full display. Quite a few party goers nudge each other and point her way. It looks like a feast.
"Here." Madison says somewhat sternly pushing herself up a bit to take Brittany's braid and pull her to rest her cheek against her inner thigh feeling the warmth of her soft body.
Blushing deeply but happy to fulfill her wish Brittany pulls back a bit to chug the rest of her drink then steels herself before leaning forward to run her tongue deftly up Madison's incredible cunt. Madison moans softly in response looking down with a smile keeping a firm grasp on Brittany's braid. The entire room enjoys watching the super hot porn star Madison shifting her hips and moaning softly as Brittany eats her out, her body on full display.
Madison catches quite a bit of interest from a party goer across the room and beckons for her to come sit next to Madison where Brittany had been sitting earlier practically ignoring the woman eating her out, although enjoying it. Madison quickly flirts the new busty blonde up and before long the two are making out as well with the blonde's hand quickly find itself under Madison's bikini squeezing one of her full, busty tits as the two taste each other's lips. The blonde loves having Madison moan into her lips and reaches down to push Brittany's face more firmly into Madison's wet cunt to please the porn star, Madison's hips pressed out and slowly grinding up and down.
Eventually really getting into making out with the hot busty blonde college chick Madison lets her straddle her, their breasts pressing into each other as they start to make out more passionately. Brittany blushes but loves it and starts swapping between the two beautiful pussy on display eating them both out and fingering the one her tongue isn't buried into getting quite a few moans out of the two. After all, she turns out to be just as good as she hoped. Madison does her part too, her hands constantly full of the busty blonde's hot tits and ass constantly spreading her ass to give Brittany more access or to rub the blondes asshole slightly loving feeling her squirm.
That is where Asa and Tori find Madison after finishing up making out in the hallway. The two both reveal their secret objective to each other after realizing they both got a point for making out and realize they can help each other. The two scheme as they watch the rather attractive scene unfold with Madison before scrounging around for a few items to enact their plan.
Then, just as Madison is starting to get close to her orgasm she feels the busty blonde get pulled off of her and spots Asa and Tori standing above her and gives them a frown. Damn them. Madison should of known it wouldn't be this easy and that the others would get in on this. Tori speaks first pulling Brittany away by her braid making Madison give her a glare at being denied her orgasm that Tori just grins back at. "So, I'm guessing everyone here wants a fan request and a little fun with out resident porn star Madison right?" Tori asks getting a few cheers and nods from the group.
Well fucking duh, Madison thinks and eyes the two cautiously. "Well start a line, we are going to make sure everyone gets a chance." Tori continues as Asa and Madison pulls Madison up standing putting arms around her not letting her get anywhere. "After all, I'm sure you all have some fantasies of having sex with not one, but multiple porn stars at the same time correct?" She asks getting more cheers and a few people start to stand up excited at the chance.
Before Madison can really say anything the two lead Madison into one of the bedroom and the annoyed porn star spots rope and cuffs on all four corners of the bed. She immediately starts to protest but the two backed by the crowd eagerly following them quickly get the fuming Madison onto the bed and cuffed and spread eagle on full display. Asa of course plucks her outfit off of her revealing her incredibly body on full display for the small crowd, cunt gleaming in the light from the fun she had earlier.
"Time for the show bitches!" Asa says getting some drunken cheers as she climbs on top of Madison pulling uselessly against the cuffs binding her tightly across the bed.
Asa then leans down and kisses Madison a few times before Madison pulls away with a snarl. "Let me go you bitch." Madison hisses quietly keeping her words too quiet for the crowd.
Smirking at that Asa just laughs and grabs Madison's hair again pushes her back into the kiss making out with her passionately again. Forced to go with the charade Madison eventually makes out willingly with Asa letting the spunky little Asian feel her up rubbing her wet pussy, squeezing her busty tits and even playing with her asshole which really makes her squirm. Asa loves working Madison up until she is thrusting her hips up against Asa's hand, moaning loudly as Asa works her sopping wet cunt while straining at her restraints, before pulling away to let her stoke before getting her right back to the point. Madison glares the whole time but too desperate to cum to be able to do much else. Asa can't help but admit just how fucking hot it is playing with Madison. Her full tits are so squeezable and something about her forced smile is so damned sexy. She must not like anal though. Whenever Asa teases back there Madison loses her restraint a bit cursing out Asa. That just makes her giggles more and shove her tongue against Madison's to shut her up. Once Asa hears her phone ding with her second point Tori takes over being a bit rough slapping Madison's tits around and finger fucking her. As the two make out getting Tori her second point Asa pulls Brittany to the side knowing she was eating out Madison and spots talent when she sees it. Madison spots the two walking into the nearby bathroom and wonders what the fuck they are doing.
By the time Tori is done with her and Madison is moaning desperate to cum from Tori's constant finger fucking she is surprised to look up and see Brittany in a full mistress outfit with garter belt, corset, high heels and her braid raised slightly along with a crop in her hand. Tori gets up and joins Asa as they address the large crowd. "Myself and Brittany here are going to start a line for those who have fan requests for Madison here. Brittany is going to keep Madison in line making sure does each and every request with all the passion of a porn star. I'll keep the line... motivated." Asa says with a wink before draining a beer and nodding to Tori who steps away downstairs.
The two have an agreement as Madison's evening just gets started as the busty blonde from earlier, someone calling her Wendy, smothers Madison with Brittany cropping her tits making sure she eats her out well. Fuming but with no choice Madison has to endure the cruel little line Asa and Tori set up for her. At the same time Tori has gone downstairs looking to lure other porn stars up to make out with her and Asa for more points and possibly join in on their alliance. Meanwhile Madison, with two points and in prime position to get more doesn't have much of a choice ensnared eagle on the bed set to fulfill quite a few more requests.
=='''Continue to The Cabin Second Floor - Part 2''' ==
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / PP - SMP1 - The Cabin Second Floor - Part 2 ]]
=='''Return to Secret Mission Phase - Part 1''' ==
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / SC/PPS Secret Mission Phase - Part 1 ]]
=='''Return to Main Menu''' ==
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / The Spring Cabin: Popular Porn Stars ]]

Current revision as of 17:43, 7 June 2024

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