VRX 9000: Sex Games / PP - SMP1 - The Cabin First Floor

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== '''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]] ==
== 5) '''The Spring Cabin Series - Popular Porn Stars''' ==
== '''The Secret Mission Phase - Part 1 - The Cabin First Floor''' ==
As the game begins and everyone splits up Skylar, Sasha, Remy, Mia, and Aidra all walk back into the cabin deciding the packed and very active center of the party will provide plenty of opportunities for them to earn points. A few others join them walking in but some leave to head upstairs while others continue out the front door and elsewhere leaving these five mingling in the heart of the party. As they all check their phones and read their secret missions the five start to look for opportunities. Mia needs to make a few fans day and figures it'll be easy with so many people to recognize her in this place simply walking around making eye contact.
Sasha in the mean time needs to make out with the other players and spotting so many staying in this area decides to stay here as well despite wanting to go elsewhere. She keeps an eye on the other four but just grabs a red solo cup and sips at it laying low and waiting for a chance to make her move trying not to be too aggressive. Aidra, Skylar, and Remy all need to get in on party games for their secret mission and there is no better place than inside the Spring Cabin. While games are happening everywhere the majority of them are right inside. The kitchen has several all happening at once and while some of them scope out the rest of the first floor they all three end up in the epicenter of the party games; the kitchen.
While Remy, Skylar, and Aidra all gather in the kitchen giggling and laughing and flirting with the party goers trying to get people to play some party games with them Sasha finds herself on the dance floor just chilling and thinking about her strategy. She also finds herself watching and paying attention to where everyone else is going. The others don't seem to pay much attention to the other competition but she figures it can only help. While it might hurt her in the short term she hopes in the long term keeping track of everyone will get her ahead. She notices Mia walking past not seeing her in the massive dancing crowd heading towards the front door to start helping hand out red cups full of beer to Sasha's surprise.
Grabbing a cub and joining the few party-goers running the drinking booth Mia fits right in with the beautiful women flirting and handing out drinks and easily joins their ranks. With her impressive busty tits practically bursting out of her bikini top she is certainly a welcome addition. Bending over and showing off whenever she hands out a cup makes a few of the new party-goers literally gasp and stare needing to be shook out of it. It ends up being a smart move as it becomes pretty obvious by their reactions who knows who she is, especially when they start whispering about her right after they pass looking back and of course, checking out her fantastic ass gobbling up her swimming suit peeking out from below her shirt. Also just taking notes for now Mia just laughs and smiles and takes a mental list of who knows her and tries to make lots of friends ignoring her secret objective for the moment.
In the kitchen a game has quickly broken out at the table and Skylar, Remy, and Aidra have all managed to join. Someone found a game of jenga with dares written on them for just this kind of party. With a few other party-goers playing and with everyone drinking a little bit the game quickly gets started with a small crowd. After all, who doesn't want to watch three beautiful porn stars do party dares?
After one of the party goers goes first it is Skylar's turn who deftly manages to pluck one out before reading it, laughing while watching the first party guest have to chug her drink already. She laughs and rolls her eyes when she announces she needs to give chest shots to any player that wants one. With Skylar's ridiculously impressive tits everybody wants in on that of course. Thankfully her one-piece has a large hole at her abs and Skylar laughs as a line forms up as she starts to pour alcohol laying back on the table. Skylar's impressively busty and natural pale tits are a sight to behold once they get nice and slick with beer, party-goers eager to lap up the alcohol dripping down from them to her stomach. Skylar makes sure to put on a little show to get everyone amped, squeezing her busty tits and giving some nice, fake but fun sexy moans as she does getting cheers as everyone stares, wishing it were them, at Skylar kneading and squeezing, and cupping her massive, shiny tits.
Remy ends up being the next porn star to take a turn and ends up grabbing one just fine as well. Reading hers it says to get someone to spank her. With an innocent look Remy bends over the table showing off her absolutely incredible thick ass in the string bikini she was forced to wear giving everyone an insanely good look of her cunt as well. "Oh no, wherever will I find someone to give me a good spanking?" She asks biting her lip sexily with her innocent look getting a lot of laughs. Of course the closest person manages to get in there and claim the honor. They get caught up in how hot Remy is at first, kneeling down behind her to squeeze and spread her hot little tan ass again and again just loving the view and impressed at how soft her skin is as well. Fuck her ass is so full and shapely and so damned spankable! And that hot little cunt perfectly nestled between, pussy lips practically visible with just the string bikini to hide them. The party-goer squeezes and spreads her ass some more after Remy looks back and jiggles it getting cheers as she gives a knowing smirk back over her shoulder. Remy warns she'll twerk if the spanking doesn't happen so getting laughs and the party-goer to finally focus. She gets a little too into it and ends up grabbing Remy by the hair making her arch her back an show off her tits a little more than she intended, then starts to spank Remy's perfectly positioned body laid over the table. The party goer spanks hard and quick up and down Remy's thick ass and thighs getting gasps out of her slowly turning her ass red. "Fuuuuck!" Remy gasps not expecting to actually get spanked well, squirming on the table and gasping when the party-goer simply grips her hair more tightly keeping her right there in such a hot, sexy position. Watching Remy's ass jiggle and jump from the quick blows is just as fun to watch as it slowly turning a light shade of red.
Eventually Aidra gets her turn and hers says that she has to sit on someone's lap from now on. Being smaller and rather flirty it isn't hard for her to climb onto someone's lap and stay there. She quickly finds a cute little strawberry blonde and moves to straddle her, 'accidently' falling forward to press her tits against the woman's as she positions herself. Grinning and giggling Aidra then turns around and worms her ass down grinding it a bit against the woman while leaning back and wrapping her arms around her neck. The woman is shy and very embarrassed but also obviously quite enjoying it. Aidra grabs her arms after a few moments and makes the hot little blonde wrap her arms around Aidra's waist while she continues to play. The woman can't believe her luck!
The game continues on for a bit longer with Skylar having to chug a drink and and take an ass shot from Remy which all does a good job of getting her drunk. And both of them more covered in beer. Remy's ass ends up just as shiny as Skylar's busty tits by the time they are done. Skylar's fake niceness starts to fade the drunker she gets. Remy ends up having to give a lap dance and ends up giving it to someone pulled back in their chair. After dancing and showing off her body running her hands sensually up and down herself and underneath her string bikini turning herself on, Remy goes to twerk for the lucky party goer who ends up pulling Remy's lower half back onto her lap while Remy leans forward and steadies herself with the table. She continues then, bouncing and shaking her ass giving one hell of a show to the person in the chair. Of course, Remy's dares aren't over as she quickly after that has to make out with someone who pulled another jenga block. The two end up kissing slowly and sensually against the kitchen wall, the lucky party-goer at all times squeezing or groping Remy's ass in some way. Remy just blushes and lets her, more concerned about her other hand sliding under her string bikini constantly to tweak her nipples. And Remy keeps grunting at her ass being groped, still red and a bit painful from the rather skilled spanking she got earlier not making it fun to be touched.
Lastly Aidra ends up having to a spend a turn in a closet with someone else and she chooses the woman's lap she is sitting on. Aidra happily drags the strawberry blonde back to the pantry closet whose name she discovers is Melissa. While the two are meant to make out Aidra has other plans and just plays with the cute little bikini-clad chick instead. Aidra pulls Melissa's back to her then pulls her arm around to smother Melissa's mouth with her armpit and pull her back into a bit of an arch, keeping her that way with a knee to the back. Melissa's shocked and surprised, just blushes deeply as she is smothered in that way. With full access Aidra reaches down and pulls Melissa's cute little bikini top and bottom to the side and strokes Melissa's nipples again and again while her other hand runs down to expertly rub and play with Melissa's pussy and quite eager clit relentlessly for the entire time they are in there. Melissa squirms and resists a bit, her body completely at Aidra's mercy, but the dominant porn star tells her that she is hers for now and a quick slap on her pussy gets her to settle down. By the time the two head out of the closet Melissa is sopping wet and quite red, not to mention a little humiliated at being smothered by Aidra's armpit that entire time. The two get some cheers and she ends up sitting back down just to have Aidra sit back on her lap, this time running a hand back to constantly pull and rub against her nipples and clit keeping her nice and horny while she continues to wiggle her ass on her lap. Melissa runs her arms around Aidra's waist again, instructed to, and holds on trying not to give herself away by moaning.
After a good few dares and the tower not falling the three want the game to be over with so they can play another and get more points. They wonder if someone purposefully knocking the thing over would work so Skylar 'accidently' knocks over the tower of jenga blocks with herbusty  tits when she tries to pull one out knocking the thing over and ending the game. For losing the game everyone gets to decide on her punishment and they end up choosing for her to wear a string bikini as well for making fun of Remy in hers earlier. Skylar changes in the pantry and comes out managing a small blush with her busty body pretty much on full display now. It is going to almost impossible to keep tits like hers inside of it. The three porn stars all check their phones and while Remy and Aidra get a point Skylar ends up not getting one. "Fuck!" She says out loud getting knowing looks from the others.
The three quickly start into another game, some of the last players moving on while some new ones eagerly join in.
Meanwhile Mia has finally spotted Sasha making her move peering into the kitchen obviously interested in the other players there. Coming up with a plan Mia walks into some of the other rooms and seeks out three groups that she spotted knowing who she was and approaches them one by one offering them to do anything they've wanted with her as a bit of fan service. They all end up being very interested before following Mia back towards the kitchen in a small group of five. Mia then points out Sasha standing at the edge of the kitchen making small talk with the party-goers planning on making her move soon. "That is my competition tonight. If you want to have a little fun with me, you have to do something for me." She says and they all quickly agree.
With the party-goers in the palm of her hand Mia puts her plan into action pointing out a large linen closet in the hallway between the kitchen and the living room of the cabin. "I'll let you do whatever you want if you grab her, pull her into that closet, and don't let her out until you have her stripped naked and obedient. After that I'm all yours." Mia says with a wink bending over slightly letting her incredible cleavage help out her argument. There is almost no hesitation as they quickly make their move on Sasha.
Sasha is completely taken off guard as five party-goers grab her from behind and start dragging her back to the closet. While she knew Mia was playing this well from the entry-way she didn't expect something like this. With hands clamped over her mouth and others restraining her arms Sasha struggles only initially before just glaring as the five who easily overpower her and drag her into the large linen closet on the first floor. They immediately start to strip her, three going in with her while the other two close the door and stand guard. Sasha tries to talk them out of it but it is plainly no use and she quickly gets stripped out of her bikini. A few of them look around the towels and find some bondage gear, obviously planted there for later use in the game, and to her great dismay they start to restrain her. Sasha puts up an actual fight at this point but it is no use.
Cursing and squirming Sasha quickly ends up with leather cuffs around both wrists and ankles with small chains pinning them together cutting off her struggles. After that a thick collar is tightened around her neck and to her great dismay is actually locked on with one of the party-goers taking the key. One of them grabs a ball gag to shove in her mouth but Sasha, knowing when she is beaten, tries to lessen the punishment talking quickly. "No need for that, I'll be good. God, stop! Don't, I'll be good I fucking swear." Sasha says pulling her head this way and that trying to avoid the ball gag.
The three party-goers shrug then say she better be and instead attach it to her collar letting it hang down beneath her ready for use if she isn't actually good. With her long brunette hair getting in the way the three take their time pulling it up into a bun before alerting the two outside that they are ready. They go and fetch Mia who walks in a few moments later with a huge smile on her face upon seeing Sasha on all fours like a dog, handed the leash to her collar as she walks in.
"Fuck." Sasha murmurs realizing she is completely in Mia's hands now.
Mia just tilts Sasha's head up making her new pet make eye contact with her. "You are going to do everything I say. If you are good I'll help you get some points. If you are really, and I mean REALLY good and can convince me I'll consider letting you go and we can have an alliance later. Me in control of course But for now..." Mia says running a seductive hand down one of the party-goers sides, "I think it's time I uphold my end of the bargain." She says turning to walk out of the closet tugging on the leash trailing behind her for Sasha to follower. Dragged behind until the party-goers loosen her chains a bit so she can crawl Sasha is forced to crawl after Mia through the party naked and restrained blushing deeply in humiliation as a few of the party-goers give her a few hard slaps on the ass making her keep up with Mia. She is quite the sight with her shapely ass bouncing and swaying behind her, turning a light shade of red from the spanks goading her on. Her soft, pale tits hang down and bounce side to side as she crawls after Mia, the five from time to time happily reaching down to roughly squeeze them unable to resist the body of such an attractive porn star.
Eventually Mia sits down on a couch in a side room and has the party-goers sit down close on either side of her. She has Sasha kneel in front of her then shoves one of her feet in Sasha's face. "Suck and lick while I'm busy. Don't stop." She commands before turning her attention to the woman to her right expecting to be obeyed giving a seductive smirk before biting her lip innocently. Blushing deeply but getting another hard slap on her ass from behind Sasha realizes she is beat and, giving in, moves her lips to slowly start sucking on Mia's delicate toes one after another before running her tongue between them and lapping up the bottom of her foot. Disgusted and humiliated Sasha tries to think of a way out of this trying not to get another hard spank, keeping eye contact like a good little slut despite Mia not paying her any attention at all. God is this humiliating!
The two can hear laughs and cheers from the kitchen as another party game wraps up, mostly a drinking game, as the three porn stars in there all manage to finish another. Remy finds herself losing the game and the three realize that losing a party game doesn't give you a point. Aidra finds herself happy with two points while Skylar and Remy frown a bit only having one but are determined to catch up. With more party-games starting there is no reason to leave the area and Remy and Skylar, quite popular in their string bikini's, decide to stay. Aidra on the other hand takes the hand of they shy girl she has been teasing, Melissa, and decides to go exploring and take a look around at what the other players are doing thinking more about the big picture. She has a firm squeeze on Melissa's hot little cherry ass as she guides her after her.
=='''Continue to The Cabin First Floor - Part 2''' ==
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / PP - SMP1 - The Cabin First Floor - Part 2 ]]
=='''Return to Secret Mission Phase - Part 1''' ==
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / SC/PPS Secret Mission Phase - Part 1 ]]
=='''Return to Main Menu''' ==
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / The Spring Cabin: Popular Porn Stars ]]

Current revision as of 17:43, 7 June 2024

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