VRX 9000: Sex Games / Mass Effect: My Crew's Pet: Liara's Story

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Mass Effect: My Crew's Pet: Liara's Story'''
'''Part 1: The Cure for Boredom'''
Welcome to the 'Liara's Story' version of the "My Pet Series", a special Mass Effect version! This story plays out from the point of view of a well known Asari explorer named Liara; a fierce, voluptuous woman of upstanding morals, optimism and dedication, not to mention skill. Her and the other women of their ship, The Normandy, have all been fighting for the affection of their commander and while docked at the port Omega decide to stay on ship to come to a decision. When the port it attacked they have to leave everyone behind and end up drifting through space. As boredom sets in Samara, the Asari Justicar, comes up with a solution that will solve both the problem of choosing someone for the commander and solving everyone's extreme boredom. She summons Liara into her office and tells her the ship needs a sex toy, and she has chosen her to fill that role.
'''Liara's Description:'''
Liara is a slightly taller than average Asari with light blue skin and very beautiful and innocent face and intelligent eyes. She has a busty frame; fit enough to sport a large ass and thick thighs with only minimal fat giving it a good but solid bounce. She retains enough extra to have some rather busty breasts on top of that making her the perfect Asari dream girl. She is not very fit physically leaving her with soft, delicate skin and not much muscle besides her ass and thighs from all of her walking around exploring.  She has a very feminine voice and way of holding herself easily catching the attention of any likely suitors. She almost always is seen in her whitish-blue space suit along with some modified boot heels fit for both exploring space and attending any event she fancies.
'''The Story:'''
Your name is Liara and you've had quite the last month. Stretching on your bed as the Normandy, your ship, floats through space you recollect all that has happened. It all started when your ship docked at the infamous port Omega. You had hoped to join the commander on his errands in the port but Miranda and Samara called a special meeting right upon docking that you couldn't say no to. Annoyed at losing your chance you were surprised to find that only women remained on board. You think your cheeks turned rather red in shock and embarrassment, and even a little bit of outrage when the meeting turned out to be about deciding the commander's love life. You admit they had a good reason for talking about it; you all were on a very dangerous mission and it was a waste of precious time and resources competing against each other for the commander. But you'd be damned if you didn't try. He was yours once, way back on your first mission, but time apart has let others into the fray. You still give the others dirty looks behind their backs but try to be nice in person. After all, you are all on the same crew after all.
Unfortunately, the meeting does not get very far before things go south at port Omega. The port is ambushed and the commander radios back that everyone on the Normandy are ordered to escape while they can. The crew on the station will find other means of escape. Everyone is sour at leaving the commander behind but without much choice the Normandy sets off with the only-female crew and makes its escape out of the closest Mass Relay. While a good plan it all becomes a disaster when an enemy ship manages to follow The Normandy and before your ship can destroy it the enemy ship destroys the Mass Relay your crew jumped through leaving you stranded.
With no hope but to make your way through the vast emptiness of space towards the next closest mass relay your ship sets out on a journey that proves to be very frustrating. The topic of the meeting keeps coming back up but in the new stressed conditions it just devolves into fights instead of a civil conversation like it had been before the attack. As weeks go by without anything to do, and surrounded by romantic rivals, things get tense and boring on the ship. Eventually Miranda and Samara take control as the leaders, something at least most of the crew agree to. You hate Miranda personally seeing her as one of your biggest threats to claiming the commander for yourself, but you will always back the authority of Samara, the crew's Asari Justicar.
The crew eventually realized they need to confront the hostility and extreme boredom on board and Miranda and Samara set to their first real task as captains. A few days later Samara invites you to see her in her office to talk about just that, Miranda's old place as Miranda moved into the commander's quarters for the long journey without him here. It's a move that still makes you bristle with disdain for that woman. Honestly you are just jealous you didn't think of it first. You try to put her out of your mind and knock on Samara's door curious about the solution Samara has hinted at. It must have something to do with you specifically; no one else seems to have been called to Miranda nor Samara in the last few days. And there are rumors the two have come up with a potential solution.
The door to Samara's office opens and you step in giving the Asari justicar a nod of respect. Samara is an extremely powerful woman and commands the respect and loyalty of all the Asari including yourself. You look up to her as more than a position of justice, but as a position of complete truth. Her word is law and you will always follow it to the letter. Samara is an excellent example of the justicar and she has been an extremely valuable addition to the crew. By herself Samara has practically been her own police force here on the Normandy. Everybody likes her, but everyone steps lightly around her as well. While she is pleasant, her wrath is impossible to withstand. Just by watching her now you can sense an aura of command and justice about her. She makes you proud to be an Asari.
You position yourself in front of Samra's desk and stand politely waiting for her to finish making a cup of tea. You manage to stay quiet, although you are excited to hear of her plan to fix the crew's current dilemma. Patting down your uniform you look over yourself with a small, confident smile. You are Liara, a beautiful Asari woman with a very innocent and optimistic personality. You are the daughter of a Magistrate and you are a very skilled researcher. Your knowledge has gotten the crew of the Normandy far and your royal blood has opened many doors. During your first adventure with Shepard you also had the privilege of being in a relationship with the commander which was the highlight of your life. Unfortunately, you are sorry to say you've lost Shepard's attentions as more and more attractive women keep joining the crew and simply push you to the side. Your ventures into espionage that took you away from Shepard unfortunately play a large part in that.
You are jealous of the other women but you try not to let it show. If the commander wants to look elsewhere then so be it. After the commander went missing for two years you managed to move on, although it still stings a bit. During the meeting a month back before the Normandy was attacked you were hardly talked about despite being Shepard's first love. The more outgoing and decisive women have long since shoved you to the back going after the commander and your politeness has kept you there.
The justicar finally finishes making her tea snapping you out of you recurring thoughts and to your surprise hands it to you. You take it and thank her taking a small sip. Samara simply looks over you reading your every reaction, judging. "Thank you for joining me Liara, I have some important news for you. Do you like the tea?"
You nod quickly, taking another sip. "It is delicious justicar. I'm excited to hear that you have come up with a solution to keeping the crew focused and motivated. I'd be glad to help in any way possible." You say politely before taking the chair in front of Samara's desk to sit but Samara quickly dismisses you from sitting.
"You are not allowed to sit." She says quickly, making you stop hesitantly with a mild look of surprise in which you quickly recover. "Keep drinking your tea." She says simply, watching you with that judgmental stare.
You nod, trying to hide your expressions, and simply take another sip of your tea. You have seen Samara act like this before and it might not bode well for you. You are not sure how this conversation could be about anything you've done. "Yes, justicar." You say calmly, simply pushing the chair back.
"As you say, I have discovered a way to keep the crew motivated and entertained for the duration of our lengthy journey through space. Not only that, but I think it may go a long way towards tempering everyone's affections towards Shepard." Samara's eyes flicker to your tea once more then back to you disapprovingly. You quickly drink more as she continues trying not to be rude. "That is why I have called you here Liara. You are going to be the crew's entertainment."
You almost spit out the last bit of tea as she says that but manage to hold it in and swallow before putting the empty glass on Samara's desk. "Me?" You say, quizzically. "Entertainment? I don't understand."
"Yes, you." Samara says, slowly standing up keeping her regal and commanding aura as she looks over you again. Her extra height over you lends itself to her commanding pose. "It took me a while to think of, but once I did I realized how simple and effective it would be. And you are the obvious candidate. You have some of the most natural and bustful assets of the crew and your beauty has not gone unnoticed. As an Asari you are also capable of feats in this area the others are not. Not only that but you are meek and easily influenced by others. This makes you a prime candidate for submission."
You take a small, quick step back no longer able to hide your emotions, a large look of shock and worry plain on your face. "Justicar... Samara... I don't understand what you are talking about. What does my body have to do with this? What are you saying?"
"It is simple." Samara says, taking a step around her desk towards you. "You will submit to me. I am your justicar, you shall do as I say. I command you to remove your clothing and stack it neatly on my desk. It is time I train you in your new duties."
'''What do you do?'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Accept; Samara is the law. ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Decline; This is wrong. ]]

Current revision as of 17:42, 7 June 2024

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