VRX 9000: Sex Games / Make an alliance with her (1)

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult'''
'''Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult'''
You slowly nod, sheathing your sword moments later as you think about what you are doing. You don't like to make a habit of working with the enemy, but perhaps in this case the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Zuna is obviously powerful, able to take you prisoner despite you being in a moment of weakness. Magic is always a valuable ally and she obviously has sway over the guards. You imagine there are going to be much more of them. You can't trust her further than you can throw her, but then again she can't really trust you. You just have to keep her aware that you can end her at any time, she'll stay true as long as she is in range of your sword. "Fine, an alliance." You spit, your sword clacking hard as you finish sheathing it.
Zuna smiles playfully as you agree, her guard instantly going down. Bad form, but it makes your feel a little less anxious. "First order of business, into my chambers." Zuna says, stepping back to open her door for you. "We have much to discuss and I have a guard patrol to deal with for you." You frown at her, but then nod and enter the room which she closes the door behind you in. You glance around once warily, looking over the room well. It is obviously her living quarters, a large red bed domianting the room with a desk, cabinets and drawers around the room as well. Your heart skips a beat at the other contents, sinister cages scatter the room along with torture equipment. Who is this woman? You can tell it is best not to be in her clutches.
Last but not least is a wooden door on the left wall of the room, but you don't venture towards it staying close to the door so you can hear Zuna to make sure she doesn't betray you. After about a minute you hear the heavy footsteps of a guard patrol which stops when they approach Zuna. You hear them talk for a while before the patrol splits, one back down the tunnel while the other moves towards the gate. You have your sword at the ready the whole time but after a few moments Zuna opens the door, regarding you with a giggle of all things standing ready to fight. "Cute, now move inside." She laughs.
You blush of all things, moving aside for her to walk in closing the door behind herself. She regards you then sitting down on the bed. "I've dealt with the guards, I've told them that i've dealt with the intruder but that they should post more guards at the gate. They'll be coming by shortly, but we can't move out until then. I think we should get to know each other better if we are going to do this." She gives you a seductive grin then, leaning back and to your amazement you think she is trying to show off her cleavage.
"I don't have time for this, we should continue." You demand, finally sheathing your sword feeling uncomfortable with her apparent ease in this situation.
Zuna just shrugs a bit. "If you want to get caught go right ahead. I'd rather wait and avoid unneccisary questions. Wouldn't you?"
You just glare at her for a moment, wanting nothing more than to thrust your sword into her playful face, but you just finally relax and glance around idly. "So what do we do while we wait? What is the plan?"
"I will handle getting you to Katelin, and you will defeat her will my help. That is the plan, don't get impatient. Until then, we need to learn to trust each other." You just glare at her until she sits up on the bed. "Fine, if you don't want to trust me that way..." She grins evily and looks over to the wooden door. "I have two slaves in there, we could practice on them and show each other our true nature." She winks at you at that but you just look at her in disgust.
"I'm not about to play these sick games with you apprentice. I'm only with you because I need your help, nothing more." You growl, clenching a fist.
Zuna stands up with a fierce look suddenly, surprising you. She was so playful moments before, even giggling. She looks angry now. "The alliance is two sided, fighter. You can trust me because you can cut me in half if you want to. But how can I trust you? You either play one of my games now to earn my trust or this alliance is done." She has her hand close to her whip, she is serious. You curse, hand moving towards your sheath. She stops that train of thought though, glancing at the door. "One scream and the guards come rushing in. My bet is that they help me, not you. Don't try it."
You glare at her, then finally pull your hand away. You curse under your breath giving her a foul look. What do you do now? The last thing you want to do is play her game, but there seems to be no choice. You actually do need the alliance. So a game it is. You better choose well, this woman looks like she is well practiced in these games. More so than you for sure. It looks like it is time to gain her trust.
'''What do you do?'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Strip and seduce Zuna (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Move to practice on the slaves (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Offer yourself in a cage (1)]]
'''Current Status:''' 85% - Normal
'''Current Items:''' Sword, Dagger, Armor
'''Current Alignment:''' (8/20) - Neutral
'''Main Quest:''' Find the Heirloom
'''Side Quests:''' None
'''Surge of Strength:''' x2
'''Intimidation:''' x1
'''Heart of Steel:''' x2

Current revision as of 17:42, 7 June 2024

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