VRX 9000: Sex Games / Make a run for it (1)

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult'''
'''Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult'''
You instantly know you don't like the situation you've gotten yourself into. For starters, you are certainly not about to trust cultists. Especially not higher ranking ones that probably got there through trickery. And secondly, you are not about to go into a room where this strange purple haired woman will just lock you in afterwards. The worst part is, as a fighter, you generally have a good sense of who is powerful and who isn't. This Katelin woman is certainly powerful and you may have gotten yourself in over your head. You'll talk to her but you won't be led by the hand into a trap. As much as you'd love to bash her face in, you only really have one real option against two such powerful magical users.
As soon as the raven haired woman is out of site you reach over and sling a nearby lamp at Katelin then are out the door in a heart beat. You need to get away from these two women before they can cast a spell at you. You watch from over your shoulder as you move through the door and watch as Katelin's hand moves from the door handle to her whip in just the blink of her eye and immediately slashes the lamp out of the air with perfect speed and accuracy. Her eyes meet yours as you turn the corner, a very certain sharpness to them. You were right to run.
Looking around at this point, you only have one option left. And that is downwards. There is no way you are getting past the gate fast enough. Plus, while you are going to avoid these two women you are not about to give up on your quest. You sprint downwards as the cave descends and starts to turn out of view. As you near the first turn you look back to see the two women standing outside the door watching you. The raven haired woman looks annoyed and is about to come after you but Katelin puts a hand on her chest and stops her, a grin playing across her face. The only thing you hear as you round the corner is, "Wait, Zuna. This one intrigues me. Let us see what she does." You round the corner, but still hear her words echo around it. "But if she disappoints, I won't restrain you in the least. I hope for her sake she doesn't."
And then you are out of earshot. So she will be letting you go after all. Her mistake. And you don't plan on giving her the opportunity to watch you in any way. You finally slow down when you realize you are surrounded by strange hovels built into the sides of the cave on either side of you. Most of them have raggedy red curtains covering them up, but the first one you are next to is partially open. Taking a look inside, you realize they are where the guards stay. There is a ring of rags formed into beds around a fire with all sorts of rubbish and possessions strewn everywhere. In this particular hovel there are currently only two sleeping guards. You are glad you didn't seem to wake anyone while running down here.
Which is when you hear footsteps from further down the cave heading this way. Your eyes instantly narrow. It is obviously a guard patrol, two sets of footsteps coming your way. You can hear the clink of weapons as well. You realize you are going to have to act before too long if you want to get by them. Looking around you consider your options carefully, sword ready at your side.
'''What do you do?'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Continue forward and fight (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Hide in the hovel (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Take a sleeping guard hostage (1)]]
'''Current Status:''' 100% - Normal
'''Current Items:''' Sword, Dagger, Armor
'''Current Alignment:''' (8/20) - Neutral
'''Main Quest:''' Find the Heirloom
'''Side Quests:''' None
'''Surge of Strength:''' x3
'''Intimidation:''' x0
'''Heart of Steel:''' x2

Current revision as of 17:42, 7 June 2024

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