VRX 9000: Sex Games / Local Transportation: Chapter 2

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Local Transportation: Chapter 2'''
'''The Ride Home'''
The rest of your day goes smoothly and your job is a dream. The bosses, despite giving you a strange look or two on the train all take to you very quickly and you find yourself in their confidence faster than you expected. They all seem impressed by your knowledge and dedication to working hard. You get a few more glances at your breasts than you would have liked, but overall the fact that you are not wearing a bra seems to have gone widely unnoticed. You kept your jacket on the whole day instead of taking it off telling people you were cold and managed to get away with it. You were also super careful about not letting anyone see up your skirt.
Despite the dream work day and a very successful one, you can't seem to stop thinking about getting molested and forced to cum by other women on the train. Just the thought seems to make you sick and you are reminded of it every time a breeze flies up your skirt or you feel your nipples rubbing against your bare shirt. Those two sluts, you still can't believe they did that to you. You keep finding yourself growing a temper during the day for no reason just thinking about it. 'How dare they' are the words that keep going through your mind. You are the strongest willed woman you know, extremely smart, athletic, held in high regard. Yet they had the nerve to touch you out in the open and you were powerless to stop them. You think about investing in a tazer or some pepper spray, that'll teach them. You know you'll never let something like that happen to you again. You try to tame your rage and honestly your humiliation at being treated like that all day and end up staying late as you scheduled to do trying to make a good impression.
Most of your coworkers stay late as well and by the time it is time to go you find yourself piling back onto the train with them. You are hesitant to get back on but you know the chances of those two girls being on this exact train at this exact time is almost zero to none. The doors close and the train takes off and you get into a pleasant conversation with your coworkers. About a minute later you feel your phone go off and idly finish your sentence before pulling out your phone and checking your message. To your shock you find a picture of you, exposed in the train, right there on your phone with a message under it that says 'come to the back of the train, now'.
You just stare at the picture in shock, mouth dropping open and anger building up inside of you. Those little bitches! How did they get your number? How dare they send this to you? You quickly hide your phone and put it back in your purse before anyone can see and excuse yourself from the conversation abruptly and start to make your way to the back of the train which isn't very far. These two girls are going to get it this time. Sure enough, as you get to the back, still in sight of your co-workers, you spot the two college girls holding onto an overhanging bar looking your way with smirks. You give them a death glare and storm right up to them ready to give them a piece of your mind. "What the fuck do you think you are doing? How did you know I'd be on this train at this time?" You demand, hands on your hips with fire in your eyes.
The two just look to each other and giggle, then the brunette holds up your planner. You look at it in shock, grabbing it and putting it in your purse immediately. How did you not realize they took that earlier? You must have been too busy to glance at it today. These little sluts! What else did they take? You didn't even check.
"We read through your schedule and figured out what time you'd be on the train again." The brunette says, smirking at you, her eyes seeming to laugh at the anger rising up in you.
"You better not fucking touch me again." You threaten, glaring at the two letting your fury build. You need to deal with this now so they don't both you ever again.
"Oh, well, that is fine." The brunette says, pulling out her phone. She then starts to do something on it and seems to ignore you. The blonde just grins mischievously.
You know it isn't going to be that easy. "What are you doing?" You demand.
The brunette ignores you, still messing with her phone, but the blonde grins and lets you know. "Well, you see we went over your planner today and found out what company you work for. We even figured out who those gentlemen you were talking to earlier were. We even have their numbers, you were so kind to write them all down. She is just sending them the pictures and the video we took of you earlier." She giggles at that and looks you up and down amused at your reaction.
You just freeze, eyes going wide. No! She can't! You take one look at the cellphone before suddenly grabbing for it, panic appearing in you once more. The brunette pulls away at the last second and grins at you, holding the phone out of your reach. "Please! Don't! Fuck!" You curse, trying to grab it from her to no avail.
The brunette just laughs. "Even if you get the cellphone from me it won't save you. We have it uploaded online, we can send it from anywhere really." Your face turns pale at that and you stop reaching for the cellphone, hand slowly coming down in realization. What do you do? What can you do? "I see you understand now." The brunette continues. "Shall I send them?"
You break out of your shock and look to her with wide eyes. "No! Please! I'll do anything!" You sputter, your feels a mix between anger, horror, and confusion. You want to strangle this girl but then everyone would see those pictures. You have to do absolutely anything to stop that from happening. Your whole career is on the line!
"Good." The brunette says, smiling and putting up her phone which makes you give a sigh of relief.
The blonde steps up to you then, running a hand down your side seductively. "The only reason we did what we did earlier was on a dare. And then it was so funny and amusing we just kept going. Turns out you have a nice body." The blonde continues, running a hand down to your thigh which you swat away unsurely. The blonde just smiles and continues, running her hand back up to your side. "So we talked about you today, since we had your planner, and decided we wanted to do it again. I haven't had that much fun in a while. But this time.. it is going to be a little different."
You look at her strangely but the brunette steps in then with a knowing smirk. "Here is how it is going to be, slut. You are going to do everything we say, and let us do whatever we want to you, or we are going to send those pictures to every single contact on your planner. Understand?"
You just stare at her, still pale from shock and horror, then shake your head and glare at them again. "You can't be serious! I'll never let you touch me again you pigs! Delete those pictures at once, you don't know who you are messing with!" You yell, maybe a little too loudly. A few people give you looks and you quiet down.
The brunette just shrugs, then pulls her phone out again. "Have it your way. I guess everyone is going to get to see you cumming on the train during your first day at work just feet from your new bosses."
"No! Wait!" You say quickly, trying to quiet yourself. You are wracking your brain for a solution but one just isn't coming. Your glare finally turns soft as you realize these bitches have won. You have to do what they say, for now. You'll find a way out of this, you just need to bide your time. But it is just the ride home, and your bosses are not here anymore. You can get away with this. "I'll do what you want, just don't send the pictures." You mutter, looking away fuming inside. For the millionth time you think 'how dare they'?
"I'm glad you've come to your senses." The brunette says, putting her phone away once more. "Now hand me your purse, you won't be needing it now. I'll give it back to you when you get off the train." You pause for a second, loathe to hand over all your personal belongings, but when the snotty little teen raises her eyebrow at you the purse exchanges hands and you find yourself feeling vulnerable.
"Oooh, does this mean we get to train her now?" The blonde says eagerly, running her hands around you to squeeze you and one of your breasts making you shift uncomfortably, mouth tightening from the word 'train'. You just take her squeezing your breast, blushing but not doing anything. The brunette nods and the blonde almost squeals with delight before turning to you and takes your chin with one hand and forces your face suddenly to look directly into hers. You are humiliated by getting handled by a teen like this but just take it, looking at her inches from her face as she idly squeezes one of your tits. "Here is how it is going to be, Justine. You are my pet now, my sexy little pet. And you will call me mistress, understand?"
You just stare at her, fuming inside. Your pride is trying to boil up inside you. But you just mutter a curse under your breath then nod, humiliated. "Yes, I understand. Mistress." You add at the end, looking away from her in shame.
The blonde seems delighted, but tugs your chin back to make you look at her. "What are you, pet?"
You just glare at her, this humiliation isn't needed! "Your pet."
"Pets have names." The brunette says, suddenly stepping up to you with the blonde to grab your hair and make you look at her. You let her, growling trying not to slap her but manage to behave, balling your hands into fists then back out. Her grip on your hair hurts! "What should we call our new pet? I don't like Justine."
"Oooh!" The blonde says excitedly. "We can call her... Pura. What is your name pet?" She says excitedly, turning your face back to her again making you gasp in pain as it tugs against the brunette's grip on your hair.
You just stare at her again, cheeks heating up from the embarrassment, and answer after a few seconds. "My name is... Pura." You feel your cheeks redden just from the mention of the name. You've never been so humiliated. The blonde just giggles, highly amused at that.
"Alright Pura," the brunette begins, forcing you to look back at her making you wince in pain again, "For your first order, I want you to roll up your skirt and tuck it in so we can see that pretty little pussy and nice ass of yours."
You glare at the brunette and the two girls take their hands off of you, smirking as they watch you stand there struggling with the order. You glare slowly fades into a worried expression, turning your back towards your coworkers. You have to do this. You know you have to do this. But this is so humiliating! You glance around to make sure no one is walking then slowly but surely raise your skirt up to tuck it inside the top band of itself until you are sure that they can see your ass and your pussy. You just turn away then, blushing furiously balling your fists again before releasing them trying to calm down. How dare they?
Finally glancing over you feel the blonde slide behind you again, knowing that doesn't mean well, and look up to see the brunette holding out her camera again with a smirk. "Now spread your pussy for me pet."
You glare, realizing what she is doing, but with no choice you slowly run a hand down, blushing furiously, and with two fingers spread your pussy for the camera. The brunette takes a picture or two then moves down for a better angle and you are forced to just stand there trying to hide in the middle of a packed train with your pussy spread while she takes pictures. You've never been so humiliated! But the brunette is far from done, smirking and standing up. "Now turn around and spread your ass for me. I want to see that cute little pussy from the other side." You give her a hard look but when the brunette raises her eyebrow expectantly you lose your will again and simply turn around to slowly bend over against the blonde and reach back to spread your ass. You blush furiously knowing what view the girl is getting, horrified at the idea that someone might glance over at you.
When the brunette tells you to stand up you do so quickly, looking at the giggling blonde's face before the brunette grabs your hair again and forces you back around to look at her. "Good pet. Now unbutton your shirt and let me see your tits."
Blushing, you just look around nervously. Your skirt is one thing, there is almost no chance of people seeing you with the train so packed. But your breasts... that is a whole other story. Anyone who glances over could see. "Please, I've done what you've asked... just stop this!" You say, anger flaring in your voice at the end.
The brunette just smirks. "Well, you know the consequence of not doing as I say. Your call." She just stares you down and you grit your teeth angrily, you just want to slap that stupid smirk off her face. You are quickly brought out of it though when the blondes hand suddenly slides back between your legs from behind and starts to rub your pussy again making you bite your lip after giving a small gasp. "Tits, pet." The brunette repeats.
Humiliated and desperately fighting the urge to stop the blonde from touching your most private area, you slowly bring your hands up to start unbuttoning your shirt. The blonde leans forward as you do, running a hand up under your shirt to squeeze one of your tits and she rubs your pussy. "Pura here has such a fucking hot body, don't you Pura?"
You just ignore her, gritting your teeth as the blonde forces pleasure on your body, trying to just focus on unbuttoning the top of your shirt. Trying to finish suddenly the blonde tugs on your nipple hard making you gasp in pain. "Hey, I asked you a question, Pura." The blonde chides, going to move her hand up to find your clit and start rubbing it making you roll your eyes up a bit in pleasure, humiliated before looking back down and continuing your work.
"Yes, I have a hot body, mistress." You manage to say, humiliated beyond words at her laugh from your response. You finally get your top unbuttoned and look around with a blush before finally pulling out your breasts letting them be plainly visible straight on, but otherwise blocked by the jacket so that only the brunette can see. "There." You finally say, looking away with a blush as the brunette simply raises her camera to start taking pictures.
When she is finally satisfied, she then digs through your purse and grabs your phone, pulling out a cable to connect hers and yours. She then looks over to you then smirks, watching you get molested, squirming slightly as the blonde uses your body hidden in plain sight. "What is your password slut?" The brunette demands.
You just give her a dirty look before giving a low embarrassing moan that breaks your small and sudden defiant streak as soon as it starts. You tell her, grudgingly, then watch her get into your phone then connect the two and start to mess with them. You have no idea what she is doing but you know it isn't good. When she is finally done she puts your phone back in your purse then pockets her own then moves up right in front of you again, her knowing smirk plastered all of her confident little face. You fight back the urge to spit in it. "Now, I've changed the password on your phone. When I see you in the morning, I'll tell you the password so that you can use it during the day. But if you don't make it to the train tomorrow you'll lose the ability to use your phone."
Looking at her in shock, you fume as she just grabs your chin and pulls you really close. "I've also just taken all of your contacts as well as your social media information. If you don't do as I say, a lot more people than your bosses are going to see all these pictures I have of you. Understand?"
You can only stare at her, a small moan escaping your lips as the blonde keeps working your clit while switching over to squeeze your other breast firmly giggling as you start to tremble slightly. You turn slightly pale forced to look at the brunette eye to eye as everything really starts to sink in. Fury builds up in you now that she has taken it that far, but you bite it down with a curse under your breath barely not managing to cuss the brunette out. "I said, do you understand?" The brunette repeats, raising an eyebrow waiting for you.
Gritting your teeth you feel despair falling like a pit in your stomach then finally say the words, choking on each one as you say them. "Yes, mistress. I understand."
"Now open wide, pet." The brunette says, raising two fingers up to your mouth. You look at her in disgust and almost turn your head away but think better of it at the last moment, slowly opening your mouth. "Good, now suck on my fingers." The brunette says, just leaving them there in front of your mouth. You give the teenager a glare before gasping as the blonde stops rubbing your clit to run both hands up to your naked tits and squeezes them fiercely making crying out slightly a moment later.
"Don't mind me, Pura." The blonde teases, squeezing your breasts together before pulling on your nipples making you give a low moan. As the blonde continues to play with your increasingly sensitive tits you just blush after cursing under your breath and lean forward to bring the brunette's fingers into your mouth and close your lips around them. You then begin to suck on them, running your mouth forward and back with hesitantly running your tongue along them as well. Somehow you find it more humiliating than getting your breasts mauled by the blonde which constantly force muffled cries of both pain and pleasure from you.
When the brunette is satisfied she finally pulls her hand away then brings it down to your pussy which makes you blush as she slowly slides them in. "Hands behind your back." The brunette commands, slowly starting to pump her fingers in your pussy making you gasp in pleasure. You do as she says, blushing furiously infuriated that she can just do whatever she wants with you. The brunette just looks past you to the blonde then. "Restrain her hands now."
You glance back as the blonde's hands finally slip away from your tits giving them a breather, but when you feel cold, hard steel press against your wrists you immediately panic realizing she just handcuffed you. "Hey!" You cry out indignantly, instantly trying to pull you hands apart. "Let me go, that is too far!"
The brunette just keeps fingering you slowly making you squirm and grins at your protest. "Oh, and fingering your pussy on a public train isn't too far? You are a whore, aren't you?" You immediately growl at her, blushing furiously, but are forced into a moan as the brunette starts to fuck you harder, making you look away and bite down humiliated.
Then to your shock the blonde comes up and suddenly pulls your coat off your shoulders and pulls it back down your arms, tangling it around them. You immediately blush furiously and look around in a panic, your tits are in perfect view for everyone without your jacket covering them! "NO! PLEASE!" You beg as quietly as you can but the blonde just laughs and presses against you from behind, cupping your tits to raise them up together then squeeze them fiercely. Looking around you are horrified and give a startled moan as the brunette's other hand runs down to find your clit and rub it while she fingers you. You look around and see that people are starting to notice, a few guys grinning at your naked breasts while a few women give you distasteful looks. You look back to the brunette with wide eyes, absolutely terrified. "Please! Please! They can see!"
The brunette just grins at your distress and simply keeps fingering you harder while working your clit. The blonde works your tits over and over in plain sight of a few people and you feel tears of panic and despair forming in your eyes as you start to stifle moans as your body starts to tremble. No! You can't cum with people watching! They can't make you! You try to struggle but your wrists are handcuffed and you hardly move your arms with your jacket tangling them up. And worse you can't bend over and hide yourself with the blonde holding you back against her. The two teenagers finally become too much and while looking around blushing furiously you start to moan uncontrollably and your hips start to grind against the brunette's fingers without your consent and you find you can hardly stand without their help with your legs trembling. "PLEASE!" You cry out desperately, more and more people starting to notice, trying to hide your voice as the girls almost bring you to orgasm. Almost.
Right before you reach it, unable to hide your voice, the brunette simply stops and pulls her hands away. You gasp, startled, your body desperately wanting her to finish. The brunette grabs you suddenly then by the hair and suddenly yanks you forward into the crowd. You look around desperately. Are people able to see you? You can't tell as you are drug through the train by your hair until suddenly shoved up against a window, your tits pressed against the glass humiliating you beyond end realizing everyone you pass will see you. The brunette then runs her other hand up to your lips as she shoves your head against the glass. "Lick them clean slut."
Pressed against the glass you desperately try to look back, to see if anyone can see this knowing you ass is sticking out now, but with the brunette you can't see anything and finally give in, sucking on her fingers covered in your juices. You gag at first but slowly get over it, trembling from almost cumming everywhere. You just blush as you keep sucking on her fingers then suddenly give a loud moan as something large slides between your legs and tight against your pussy. It starts to grind against you back and forth and you manage to look down after sucking on the brunette's fingers to spot that it is in fact a large stap-on.
The brunette takes your chin then and turns you to look out the window. To your horror you are pulling up on the next stop. "Ready to give all of these people a show?" She whispers in your ear? You just look at all the people in the station, obviously able to see your tits pressed against the window. They will all see you getting fucked!
You turn to the brunette, a tear finally trailing down you cheek in true despair. You'll be broken! She can't do this to you! "Please..." You beg, hardly able to talk louder than a whisper.
The brunette just wipes away your tear then turns back to the blonde who has you by the waist running the strap on against your aching pussy over and over again. "Fuck her." The brunette says simply.
You look back out the window in horror, people just starting to look your way as the train pulls up. Tears start to cascade down your face as the stap-on gets positioned against your already aching pussy. No! Right as the blonde shoves the stap-on up your tight cunt the brunette suddenly shoves a trash bag over your face blocking your view. The next second her hand comes forward to cover your mouth and muffle your massive scream as the blonde penetrates you hard with her strap-on. The blonde shoves you hard against the window and starts to fuck you like you've never been fucked, grabbing your ass and reaching up to grab your neck for support as she thrusts as hard and as fast as she can into your tight pussy. You absolutely scream, eyes wide open in horror as she fucks you harder and harder and harder in full view of everyone.
Unable to see you just know that everyone at the station is staring at you. Your tits are smashed against the window bouncing up and down and you know they can barely see your pussy getting fucked hard from behind, your legs pressed together. The next second the brunette's hand finds your clit again and you just simply lose it, moaning deeply before screaming in pleasure and a massive orgasm. Tears stream down your cheek as you cum right in front of everyone, moaning like a whore. You cum hard and long on the fake dick before finally settling down, but the two are far from done with you. The blonde fucks you continuously all the way to your stop, finally letting you off from against the window. You are breathing heavily and tears have stained your makeup letting it run down your face. How many stops did you go by? How many people saw you getting fucked? How many of those people are on the train now?
You suddenly feel something slide around your neck then click, tightening, before you are unceremoniously yanked by your new leash through the crowd. You try not to cry as you walk through them, knowing that you are practically naked with cum dripping down your leg and a plastic bag over your head. You are finally led out onto the street and you hear people whispering about you as you get off the train. You stand there, hardly able to see, until the train leaves. The brunette takes the bag off your head then and you look around quickly, amazingly thankful that no one else seems to be here and that it is dark for anyone from far away to see you. You then glance down to see a red and black collar around your neck with a leash leading to the blonde's hand who is grinning from ear to ear. You just look at them defeated, stained, and beyond humiliated. The brunette just steps up to you then and raises your chin. "Don't worry Pura, no one could tell who you were."
That small amount of solace is strangely reassuring as you look into her eyes wondering what else these two random teenagers have in store for you.
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Local Transportation: Chapter 3 ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Local Transportation: Story Board ]]

Current revision as of 17:42, 7 June 2024

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