VRX 9000: Sex Games / Living Room: Hillary vs Kelsey

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== '''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]] ==
== 5) '''The Winter Cabin Series - Internet Friends''' ==
== '''The Battle Royale - Part 1 - Hillary vs Kelsey''' ==
Everyone scatters as the game starts but Hillary only has eyes for Kelsey's beautiful body. The game positioned everyone in their places for a reason and Hillary can only assume that meant that she should take Kelsey right off the bat. No one here is as big nor as strong as Hillary so there isn't much of a chance of her getting attacked. If anyone was going to stay in the starting area and fight it was going to be her. Amanda was on the couch nearest to her on her other side, her likely only real competition physically, but Hillary is fine taking easy pickings at the start like Kelsey. When every springs up and Hillary notes that Amanda doesn't seem to want to try her, Hillary simply grabs Kelsey by the neck as she tries to escape and easily pulls her right back down onto the couch.
"And where do you think you're going?" Hillary says with a grin positioning to put her body weight right over the beautiful raven-haired woman in her grasp looking great in her designer purple bikini.
"Damn, I knew this was going to happen." Kelsey grunts with an exasperated sigh fighting back but only half-heartedly. "It just haaaaad to sit me right next to you of all people." She complains blushing slightly as Hillary, a little painfully, rips off her bikini bottom just like that.
"That's the plan." Hillary says quickly pushing Kelsey's face into the couch to straddle her while undoing her top and tossing it to the side as well getting a great view of Kelsey's soft, pale globes. With Kelsey naked below her and not putting up any sort of meaningful fight Hillary takes a moment to survey the situation around her. It looks like Amanda went for Kinsey but her best friend Mindy came back for her on the next couch. They seem distracted enough with each other. There is commotion in the kitchen but Hillary can't make out who is there and she turns to see Cameron and Lena sneak out the back door. Better watch out for them later. Both of them would be easy one-on-one but the two are athletic and scrappy enough to be a worry if they teamed up on her.
Deciding they'll probably go after weaker prey just like her, and confident she is safe for a little while, Hillary turns her attention to the pile of sex toys and bondage gear on the coffee table in front of her. She already knows what she is going to use after browsing over while waiting for everyone to arrive. Hillary shoves Kelsey down hard then leaves her for a brief moment to grab a black latex sleeve from underneath the pile. Kelsey is surprised to be left alone and doesn't react fast enough before Hillary gets back getting shoved right back down as soon as she tries to move.
"Fuck, that looks kind of scary." Kelsey mutters as she gets whipped around with her face getting shoved hard into the couch, Hillary's knee planting itself against the back of her neck painfully as she pulls the beautiful Kelsey's arms behind her back roughly. "You can be a little more gentle!" Kelsey complains with a pained gasp, grunting as the sleeve starts to get pulled up her arms making her a little worried about all of this for the first time. "I'm not fighting back, you don't have to be so mean." She complains again as Hillary just shoves her head down harder with her knee and pulls Kelsey's arms up painfully forcing her to arch her back.
Hillary stays firm and tough and takes her time to properly lace up the entire sleeve effectively pinning Kelsey's arms together behind her back. Confident Kelsey isn't going anywhere for a few moments Hillary grabs a matching black latex garter belt with several rings along it and pulls it up tightly around Kelsey's bare waist. Pushing Kelsey's sleeve to the belt Hillary connects the two forcing Kelsey's shoulders back a bit painfully forcing her to stick out her chest unable to move her arms at all anymore. When Kelsey just keeps complaining and gasping in pain Hillary flips her around to where she is sitting leaned back on the couch then shoves her three fingers between Kelsey's lips gagging her, grinning when Kelsey gives an indignant look and grunt before gagging and getting teary-eyed.
"Suck." Hillary commands with a stern, no-nonsense look as she pulls her fingers back slightly to stop gagging Kelsey so much. After a small, indignant glare Kelsey complies, sexily sucking on Hillary's fingers but just receives a hard slap against her left breast giving another indignant muffled cry. "Don't give me that look. You are mine now and you'll do what I say and be happy about it." Hillary says getting Kelsey to turn red in embarrassment and a little bit of humiliation. "While I've never been the biggest lesbian but I don't mind having a bit of fun with a body like this." Hillary admits, running hand over to squeeze Kelsey's other breast before slapping it hard again giving both a small sheen of red. Kelsey doesn't do a great job of hiding her unhappiness.
Happy with Kelsey's obedient sucking of her fingers like a cock with that pretty face Hillary pulls it out after a moment then reaches down to get a nice handful of both of Kelsey's full, pale soft globe breasts giving them full, almost painful squeezes. Kelsey just gasps again, squirming a bit on the couch. "I'll do what you want, you don't have to be so mean!" She says, still that indignant tone in her voice.
Hillary without hesitation slaps her cheek hard knocking her head to the side and stunning Kelsey who isn't able to believe that one of her own friends would do that to her. She had expected them all to remain at least civil with each other. Before she can get a chance to say as much Hillary reaches a large hand forward and squeezes her neck pinning it back against the couch choking her. "Did I say you could speak? You are my sex slave now, so you better not speak unless I say so. Understand? Or did you really not realize what you were signing up for?" Hillary says watching Kelsey's face slowly turn red. She nods awkwardly in her position before Hillary lessens her grip finally letting Kelsey gasp for air.
"And you WILL do whatever I want, but not because you want to. That's not any fun. Because you'll be punished if you don't." Hillary explains loving all of this a lot more than she had thought now that she is getting into it. When she originally got the invitation she accepted just because she is competitive, not because she actually was attracted to anyone here. Hillary has always been straight, but she does quite like sex. Still, for a woman Kelsey is just about as attractive as they get, and for her first lesbian experience Hillary couldn't do better. She might find she actually swings both ways after this.
Snapping out of it realizing she lost herself in thought Hillary decides to dress up Kelsey a bit more now that she is quiet and sulking finally releasing her throat. Hillary grabs a latex mask and starts to put it on Kelsey but the smaller beauty gets a little freaked out and starts to try and squirm away complaining again. Not about to let that slide Hillary tugs it down all the way in one swift, hard motion before choking Kelsey the same way again then slaps her pale, soft thigh hard making Kelsey yelp loudly. "Spread your legs, slut." Hillary says. "You are going to be punished for struggling." She explains with a coldness to her voice.
Kelsey slowly spreads her legs looking up from under the mask a bit worried then cries out in pain when Hillary slaps her other thigh hard for not doing it fast enough. "Fuuuucckkk youuuuu." Kelsey finally says when able to breath again. With Kelsey's legs spread Hillary slaps her exposed cunt as hard as she can making Kelsey scream and buck hard on the couch pulling her legs back instantly together buckling over into a ball.
"Spread your legs slave." Hillary demands and starts a series of short, brutal slaps on Kelsey's soft, pale thighs and ass quickly turning them an increasingly dark shade of red. Kelsey squirms and gasps until she finally can't take the pain and gives in spreading her legs again trembling slightly in anticipation of another blow to her pussy.
Hillary loves Kelsey's look of fear as she stares up at Hillary but Hillary just takes in Kelsey's beautiful, soft body hungrily then moves to rub her pussy softly keeping eye contact. "I'm going to continue dressing you up as my slave. If you resist, at all, you'll regret it. I enjoy punishing you so you better not give me any more trouble. I get the feeling you won't be able to take much more." Hillary says matter of factly and Kelsey just nods slightly, realizing it is true with a red face. Kelsey is possibly the least tough woman here.
"Yes, mistress Hillary." Hillary says sharply lording over Kelsey intimidatingly.
Kelsey's eyes go wide and she blushes again forcing herself not to look away. "Yes, mistress Hillary." She responds biting her lip a bit as Hillary never stopped slowly rubbing her pussy.
"Good slave. Now let's get the rest of this on you." Hillary says happy now that Kelsey is sufficiently scared into submission. This game is a lot of fun! After giving a spare look watching Amanda, Kinsey, and Mindy all leave the center Hillary feels safe enough to continue and grabs a few more items from the coffee table. She grabs a thick collar to wrap around the bottom of the mask pinning it there while slightly choking Kelsey. She then gets her into a latex top with positions to pull Kelsey's incredibly soft and busty average tits through two small holes. She gets her into latex leggings which she keeps up by connecting to the rings at the bottom of Kelsey's latex garter belt.  She also applies some black leather restraints with rings around Kelsey's ankles for later. Lastly, Hillary grabs a nose hook which Kelsey absolutely does not like finally struggling against Hillary again but not well enough to stop the bigger blonde woman from shoving it up her nose then pull it back and attach the other end to Kelsey's black ponytail pushed through the back of the mask effectively pulling her nose back like a pig.
Hillary is so distracted and pleased with the look of Kelsey in her new outfit that she forgets to punish Kelsey for resisting. "Perfect. I could get used to this." Hillary says with a laugh looking around again before continuing with Kelsey. Hillary sits on the couch then pulls her new sex slave onto her lap and puts Kelsey's legs on either side of her own keeping them spread. "I think we have a little time for some fun before I need to start searching for another slave." Hillary decides out loud running a hand down to Kelsey's pussy slowly rubbing it again. "What do you think about that?"
"Yes, Mistress Hillary." Kelsey says a bit nervously on Hillary's lap not about to get on Hillary's bad side. Fuck, she just needs to survive this and hope someone comes to rescue her. This is not how she imagined this game going. Fucking nose hook, what the fuck? Not to mention she feels like a fucking whore in this getup, especially with her pussy getting fondled.
"Good." Hillary says then shoves two fingers to their base right up Kelsey's tight little pussy with one push. Kelsey bucks her hips, knees pulling together and locking from getting penetrated so hard but Hillary doesn't let that slide. Removing her hand as fast as she shoved it in she starts slapping Kelsey's thighs again while reaching her other one up to choke Kelsey again past her collar. "Spread. Your. Legs. Slave." Hillary barks emphasizing each word with blows turning Kelsey's not-so-pale thighs red again and again while Kelsey squirms in pain in her lap before finally giving in and spreading them. "You need to learn faster." Hillary says before giving another hard, solid slap right on her pussy.
Kelsey screams in pain again lifting her cunt up painfully before pushing it back down and spreading her legs after a moment trembling slightly knowing she has to. Fuck, fuck, fuck!
"Very good." Hillary comments, loosening her grip slightly on Kelsey's neck before starting to finger fuck her again. Kelsey moans in her lap getting absolutely pounded by the bigger woman's large, athletic fingers spreading her tight little hole over and over to its limit. Hillary has some fantastic endurance too and doesn't let up for even a second. Deciding to try this lesbian thing out a bit more Hillary uses her other hand to tilt Kelsey's head back to hers and takes her lips in a deep kiss. Kelsey moans into the kiss but kisses back mostly because she is lost in the pleasure. With her pussy sending waves of pleasure all over her Kelsey's thighs start to tremble and she squirms in Hillary's lap finally trying to break the kiss. Hillary lets her but shoves two fingers back between her perfect, full lips to gag her and keeps pounding Kelsey's sopping wet cunt hard. Moments later Kelsey finally bucks hard, cumming all over Hillary's fingers absolutely getting destroyed by that big meaty hand filling her to the brim.
Hillary lets Kelsey recover in her lap for a bit, looking around the couches again to make sure she is safe, before sliding her hand down further to Kelsey's asshole with her fingers well lubed and starts to play with it. Kelsey immediately reacts trying to squirm away. "Oh fuck, not there. Come on Hillary. Please not there! Hillary! Fuck!" Kelsey cries out before rolling her eyes up and gritting her teeth as Hillary pushes one finger right up her extremely tight asshole. Hillary slowly works it all the way to the base before pulling it out.
"Well now I have to find something to punish you with. Did I say you could talk?" Hillary rebukes the embarrassed Kelsey who shakes her head quickly and pouts. With Kelsey still on her lap Hillary leans over and grabs a pair of nipple clamps connected by a metal chain. "These will help you remember, I think." Hillary says to the sulking Kelsey who cries out in pain at the application of each, the chain hanging heavily between the two clamps as they dig into her hard nipples. Kelsey is smart enough not to say anything during the process besides crying out in pain and just grits her teeth in pain trying to endure them.
Hillary then pulls the chain up to Kelsey's lips loving the view of the nose hook as she does. "Hold this here so you don't talk." She explains. Kelsey just grunts and bites down on the chain gasping when it tugs on her nipples sending a sliver of pain down her. Trying her best not to be seen glaring Kelsey leans back against Hillary again as Hillary sits back down. Her eyes go wide though when she sees Hillary also grabbed a large vibrator.
The vibrator quickly gets pressed against Kelsey's wet pussy causing her to tremble in pleasure keeping her legs spread. Hillary works it up and down idly scanning the living room still and glances towards a sounds she thought she heard in the kitchen. Satisfied she is still safe Hillary runs the vibrator down to Kelsey's asshole and starts to work it in. Kelsey squirms quite a bit not liking ass play at all but has no room to argue. When she quickly shakes her head no the pain from pulling on the chain between her teeth sending arcing pain through her nipples, is enough to get her not to do that again. Eventually Hillary works the thick cock all the way up her tight little asshole making Kelsey finally give a very satisfyingly loud muffled moan past the chain.
Hillary turns on the vibrator and it starts to hum violently up Kelsey's ass making her buck her hips and give Hillary a subdued look like the submissive little pet she is perfected with that humiliating nose hook. "Ready to cum again? This is a lot more fun then I had realized." Hillary says then leaves the vibrator sticking out of Kelsey's ass to shove her fingers right back up Kelsey's sopping wet cunt. Kelsey bucks and squirms while moaning loudly, her holes getting worked hard. The thick vibrator humming up her ass is hard to ignore, and the pain from her nipples mixes surprisingly well. With Hillary's fingers pounding her little pussy it is hard not to scream and moan, bucking her hips to yet another hard orgasm. When Kelsey's thighs finally stop trembling Hillary pulls her fingers out to just rub Kelsey's soaked pussy while pulling her head back into a passionate, minute long make-out session. Hillary is obviously quite turned on by all of this just tasting Kelsey's lips for quite some time letting the chain dangle back down below Kelsey's breasts making her grunt in pain again.
When Hillary is done she finally stands up dragging Kelsey to her feet as well. A little wobbly at first Kelsey finally finds her balance and stands dutifully as the athletic blonde shoves a ball gag between her lips and attaches a leash to her collar. She also finds a chain to link between Kelsey's ankle cuffs so she can't walk too fast hoping to discourage her from trying to escape if anything happens later. Finally grabbing a crop and landing a hard blow on Kelsey's naked ass Hillary pulls Kelsey close and runs her tongue along the ball gag between Kelsey's lips erotically. "Let's go find someone else for use to have some fun with." Hillary says then turns to lead Kelsey by the leash. Kelsey has no choice but to nod obediently then follow like the good little slave she is.
=='''Return to Battle Royale - Part 1''' ==
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / WC/IF Battle Royale - Part 1 ]]

Current revision as of 17:32, 7 June 2024

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