VRX 9000: Sex Games / Let the guards run away, closing the door behind them (1)

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult'''
'''Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult'''
While it is probably smarter to finish off the guards you let them live with what little mercy you have in you. You send them packing through the wooden gate and out of the cave running as fast as they can past the jagged rocks and dim torch light. You close the wooden gate behind you, glad they are dealt with. Things have worked out very well, you are inside the gate and have no one to alert anyone of your presence. You are free to do as you wish. Getting in was easier than you thought, and now you have a good outlook towards completing your quest. If you can just avoid too many other guards you'll be fine.
Now that the guards are dealt with you look ahead again. The path sloping down obviously leads to the rest of the cave network, but you have no idea what is behind the rusty metal door. You are looking for the heirloom so you are going to need to check everywhere so you might as well start there. You'll go over this whole place eventually your sure. Making your way over to the door you step up to it you try the door, which is open but jammed slightly. Frowning you take a step back and summon up all your strength to kick the door down. The first blow almost knocks the door off its hinges, the door starting to collapse inwards.
Summoning up all your strength you give it one final powerful kick that bursts the door in. Grinning you walk right into the room, taking it all in. It seems to be some kind of living quarters, a bed, cabinets, a dresser, and even a desk. There are also some more insane things like cages and devices you don't even want to know what they do. On the left wall there is a wooden door that is open with two women standing just past it looking at you. They obviously just came through it, probably because of you kicking down the door. One is a beautiful but cruel looking woman with long flowing purple hair, nice black garb that is a step up from the cultists, and strange yellow eyes. She is obviously the more dominant of the two. The other is a strangely beautiful woman with long raven hair and a very revealing outfit that almost makes you blush.
'''Boss Character Revealed - Katelin '''
''The woman has a very attractive body, with large breasts and skinny hips. She carries a large black whip and looks like she knows how to use it. She looks very dangerous, the evil alignment easy to spot on her. She constantly wears a smile, as if she knows something that you do not. She is obviously a spoiled woman used to getting her way. In any case, she does not look trust worthy and is obviously a higher ranked cultist.''
'''Special Character Revealed: Katelin's Apprentice - Zuna'''
''With revealing black garb and a small, slender frame, the woman would look friendly if she wasn't dressed the way she was. Her eyes give away a bit of mischief and she seems like she doesn't have a care in the world. She is also strangely enough not wearing the standard cultist marks. The woman is also obviously some sort of apprentice, docile enough to be subservient to someone while disciplined enough to know some kind of craft. She carries a whip and likes to play with it idly as if she is just learning it's secrets. Around her you get a false sense of security.''
Before you can say anything the one with long raven hair raises a hand in your direction and suddenly you find yourself unable to breath, a magical ring of green magic crushing your neck. Instantly you bring your hands up to try and pry it off of your neck, gasping. Not letting you catch a break, the one with raven hair attacks with her whip instantly knocking the sword out of your hands sending it sliding across the floor.
The one with purple hair looks over you with a smirk. "Dispose of her how you like Zuna, I have business to attend to. This one doesn't interest me." And with that, as you struggle to break out of the magic choker the woman walks past you towards the metal door. But then she stops for a moment, looking back at you. "Who knew our incoming hero would be so worthless." And with that, stepped out of the room and started heading down the tunnel around the turn to the right.
Your eyes come back to Zuna, who tilts her head slightly watching you before giving a small smile. Apparently she has some good ideas for disposing of you. She steps forward then, right up to you, and runs her hand across your cheek as you look at her furiously trying to breath. "Don't worry pet, I won't dispose of you yet. I think i'll have some fun first while my mistress is away."
'''What do you do?'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Use Heart of Steel and headbutt her (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Pretend to do as she wants for now (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Struggle and wait for her guard to go down (1)]]
'''Current Status:''' 100% - Normal, Choked
'''Current Items:''' Dagger, Armor
'''Current Alignment:''' (12/20) - Neutral
'''Main Quest:''' Find the Heirloom
'''Side Quests:''' None
'''Surge of Strength:''' x3
'''Intimidation:''' x0
'''Heart of Steel:''' x2

Current revision as of 17:31, 7 June 2024

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