VRX 9000: Sex Games / Let her take you to the arena (1)

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult'''
'''Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult'''
You finally let it go and let yourself start to drift off to sleep. As tempting as it is to try and escape now, it is risky. And what would you even do if you escaped? You'd be naked and unarmed and there are bound to be more guards. You decide to risk it even further and see if she'll take you to the arena after all. The further you can get with Zuna the better. You don't want to think of what she would do with you if she simply kept you here, and that is likely what would happen if she caught you trying to escape or if you tried anything funny. In a way you are fortunate on how things worked out. So you fall to sleep and hope that this path leads you in the right direction for your quest.
You get woken up with a small gasp, your breast getting squeezed fiercely by Zuna who slides up and runs her tongue between your lips forcing you into a kiss. Tugging on your breast Zuna runs her tongue along yours and makes out with you, making you give a startled moan as your breast gets pulled this way and that. You are too asleep to fight back for a while but finally manage to pull away, gasping slightly. "What the hell!? Stop!" You growl, trying to twist away from Zuna's groping hands.
"Mm, good. Still some fight in you." Zuna purrs, going to suck along your neck now before sliding her other hand down between your legs. "But don't fight too hard now. I still want to have a little fun with you before we head out to the arena. Who knows if I'll get another chance?" You gasp as Zuna's hand finds your pussy and starts to rub your clit while still tugging on your nipples and squeezing your tits. Along with sucking along the sensitive spots of your neck you find yourself moaning quickly.
"Fuck..." you mutter, humiliated that you are getting turned on and toyed with so easily. Zuna giggles as you mutter that and simply slides two fingers up your pussy and starts to finger fuck you hard. "FUCK!! AHH! AHGH!" You cry out as you get fingered hard. Before you know it your back is arcing and Zuna slides her head down to start sucking on your nipples as she fingers you. It isn't long before you moan loudly and tremble as she brings you to a very quick orgasm. You blush furiously at yourself, it was so simple for her to make you cum. You are no whore!
Zuna just giggles then, sensing your mood, and sits up a bit. "On to your stomach fighter." You are still half asleep and out of your wits so you hazily slide over onto your stomach, hands at the small of your back breathing a little heavily from your unexpected orgasm. Zuna slides on top of you then and you see out of the corner of your vision her casting a spell. The next moment you feel the cock you know she just summoned slide across your slide and press against it making you gasp. "Mm, I am going to enjoy you very much I think."
"Fuck you!" You growl, squirming slightly. You know what is coming next.
Zuna just giggles and slides her cock up you making you scream when she does it with one large thrust. "Mmm, god I love to hear you scream." Zuna purrs then starts to fuck you hard from behind. Your eyes shoot open in pain and pleasure as you are completely filled and more and can only start to scream as Zuna fucks you hard, your firm ass jiggling as she fucks you faster and faster. Eventually your screams start to turn into moans and just when you feel you can't take it anymore Zuna shoves her cock in you as far as it can go then lays down over you, putting her weight on you, then takes both of your massive firm breasts again and squeezes them hard while pulling her hips up to start slapping them hard against yours.
You moan loudly, head digging into the blankets as the sound of her hips slapping against yours in accompanied by being brutally fucked, you feel like you are being ripped in two! Not to mention her savage squeezing of your breasts. It is all too much! Then Zuna finally moans herself and fills you with cum once more. Your eyes roll up into your head and you throw your head back and moan cumming with her at the same time. The feeling of her massive cock slamming into you harder and harder is just too much and you tremble having a massive orgasm. When Zuna is finally done she smirks, pulling out of you, then slides off the bed. "I think i'll wake up like this every day." Zuna giggles, looking down at you trembling slightly on the bed as her cum slides out of your stretched and aching cunt. "Mm, now to get you dressed. I want to get you to the arena in time to watch at least a match or two."
Zuna grabs you by the hair then and tosses you into a cage. You fall down to your knees inside still weak from being fucked so hard and wait as Zuna goes around gathering her things. You are breathing hard and glare at the apprentice, how dare she fuck you whenever she pleases!? But you calm yourself down, this is just what you want to happen. She is going to bring you to the city. You just don't want to get dressed up again. You watch and stay quiet as Zuna slips into some sexy black latex then pulls out a bunch of black latex and some other items for you. The items make you nervous, but you have no choice when Zuna comes in to dress you.
Before you know it you are covered in a full latex bodysuit. Everything but your head, breasts, ass, and pussy are covered by the black latex. After that she puts a thick black collar on you that chokes you slightly. She then pulls out more arousal cream from earlier and covers your breasts, ass, and pussy in it getting it deep up both your ass and your pussy really making you squirm. By the time she is done you start to breath heavily, god you want to fuck again. No! How dare she keep you so horny? You can hardly stand it! Far from done however Zuna slides a massive dildo up your pussy making you moan and scream as she finally shoves every last inch of it up you keeping your pussy completely filled. Just fitting in it by itself almost makes you cum. Then Zuna pulls out a massive black butt plug.
"No, don't put that in me! The dildo is too big itself! DON'T!" You beg desperately as Zuna splits your asshole as starts to force it up. "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!! NOO!!! AHHH!" You scream, bent over as the butt plug get forced all the way up your ass leaving just a small bit of the plug sticking out of you. Zuna finishes it up with a chastity belt forcing the two devices to stay up you and can't be removed unless she unlocks the belt. Your legs shift uncomfortably and to your surprise you moan slightly, the dildo filling you. You can even fill it slightly against the butt plug. You've never been so filled in your life! You can hardly stand it, but you manage to only squirm and tremble slightly. Zuna then forces a horse bit in your mouse fixing the harness around your head like a horse. Then, with two chains hanging down from the center of the bit Zuna attaches metal clamps to them then clamps them onto your nipples makes you scream. When you twist your head in pain you scream louder, looking anywhere but forward tugs on the clamps hard hurting your sensitive and erect nipples quite a bit.
"Almost there!" Zuna says with a smile. She then replaces your handcuffs with a large black sleeve that goes up your arms forcing them together making you stick out your breasts which makes you look directly forward with perfect posture. At the end of the sleeves are just ball bundles forcing you to ball up your fists so you can't move your fingers around. Then, last but not least, Zuna tugs your hair up into a ponytail then attaches a nose clip to your nose pulling it up to tie to your bit harness forcing your nose up in the most humiliating way. You give a small sob realizing what you look like but then moan softly as you shift your hips, the massive dildo running along your sensitive insides.
"Perfect!" Zuna says with a grin, looking over you. "Now stay here while I go get my other slaves ready. I can't leave them alone like this after all." You stand there for what seems like forever trying not to cry as you are humiliated beyond end. Every shift of the head hurts your tits and every shift of your hips makes you moan. You are so close to cumming but without actually being thrusted into you can't quite reach it. Your mental state starts to break down but you fight it. You are almost there. You are almost there. Then Zuna finally brings out her other slaves, a petite brunette and a busty redhead. The two only have on tiny black bikinis, black ball gags, and have cuffs at their ankles and wrists, wrists linked together. They also have leashes.
Zuna then fits you into high black heels to your dismay then takes out her whip. "Time to go slaves." She then whips your ass hard making you scream and almost fall over. Instead you manage to move forward, a single tear sliding out of your eyes. Zuna opens the door for you when you get there and the two other defeated looking girls walk out first before Zuna whips you forcing you out as well. You moan desperately as you are forced along so quickly, the dildo riding up you and rubbing against your insides hard. But it hurts to much too and walking in the heels is horrible. You almost fall several times and just do your best to keep the other two slave girls in front of you, hardly able to pay attention to where you are going.
The whip keeps finding your ass and by the time you run into the first cultists, a guard patrol, your ass is covered in red slashes. Zuna talks to the guard patrol a bit letting you finally rest and look around slightly. You appear to be going down a long tunnel deep into the ground with large red curtains on either side. You can't see what are past the curtains though. One of the guards comes up to you on Zuna's suggestion and starts squeezing your breasts making you squirm and cry out in pain. It tugs on the clamp each time! But the guard doesn't care and mauls your breasts over and over tugging them this way and that making you cry out over and over. Just as soon as it started it ends though and with a very painful slap on the ass the guards let you by and the whip starts to find the redhead's ass now to your relief.
After what seems like forever you find yourself turning into some kind of barracks with a strange metal wall. Zuna smirks and leaves you with the front guards telling them to watch you while she handles some business inside. You frown slightly as you watch her leave with her two slaves into a large barracks compound in the cave. Why are you here? What is she doing? The guards however look you over with a grin. "Let's have some fun with this slut before her mistress gets back."
"Heh heh, she'll never know." The second guard says, walking over to you with the first. You just give them a worried expression as they start slapping your breasts around then squeeze your ass a few times spreading it taking a look at the plug up your ass with a laugh. You moan as he handles your ass, forcing the plug and the dildo around inside you and the guards laugh. The first guard then roughly kicks your legs out from under you and tugs off your bit to reveal your mouth. "Tongue out slut." He says with a laugh.
"My.. my mistress will kill you for this! STOP!" You cry out, tears forming up in your eyes from the constant pain and pleasure and humiliation. Your glare is still fierce though but it gets wiped away as soon as the guard shoves his dick in your mouth. You gag on his cock instantly then give an embarrassing moan as the second guard kneels down to start rubbing your clit through your chastity belt.
"The slut likes it!" The second guard says, laughing and fondling your clit making you moan embarrassingly onto the guards cock down your throat.
You then suddenly get slapped hard by the first guard. "Look up at me while you suck my cock whore!" After getting slapped once more you finally look up, forced to look up at the disgusting guard as he throat fucks your forced open pretty lips. "Now start moving your head back and forth cunt." The guard starts slapping your tits now making you scream each time, the clamps tugging hard on your sensitive nipples. Tears start to run down your cheek as you start moving your head back and forth the best you can, anything to make him stop. But he doesn't, he just enjoys watching you suck his cock while your tits bounce around from his slaps. And that is when you can't take it anymore and start to moan loudly, gagged by his dick, as the constant pressure on your sensitive nipples, the arousal cream, the dildo stuffing you, and the guard playing with your clit too much. You start to tremble and thrust your hips against the guards hand as he presses hard against your belt and starts to force you into an orgasm.
The guards laugh, watching you grind your hand and sob, throat fucking the first guard with your tits bouncing. "The bitch is going to cum while sucking my cock! HAHA!"
"I'm going to hold her here, not gonna let her cum!" The second guard says with a laugh and your eyes go wide in horror. You can't stand the teasing! You can't! You need to cum so badly! You start to moan and cry but then you gag as the first guard finally cums deep down your throat grabbing your head and forcing his cock all the way in as he does it. You can't breath and as your throat is filled with cum you almost pass out. But when the guard finally pulls his cock out and you cough and sob before you get slapped again after giving a loud moan with the second guard still playing with your clit.
The guards then just watch you squirm and moan and you look up at them with desperate eyes finally washing away your few tears. "PLEASE! LET ME CUM! PLEASE!" The guards just laugh and the second guard lets go of you and you sob as he leaves you just inches from cumming.
He then walks in front of you. "My turn, cunt. Open wide if you want any chance of cumming." You flush red but you are out of your mind and desperate at this point and quickly slide forward to start sucking on his cock. The guards laugh at your zeal and remember to look up at his face while you take his throat down your throat.
"Bitch doing a fine job, needs a little reward." The first guard says, kneeling down to start pressing against your clit through your chastity belt. Your eyes roll up in pleasure and you start to moan again, the pleasure feeling absolutely amazing. You gag on the second guard's cock and buck against the first guards hand while the second guard squeezes your firm tits over and over. It isn't long before this guard also cums deep down your throat before pulling out and letting you cough and gag and once more you find yourself moaning at just the edge of an orgasm as the guard keeps rubbing your clit through the chastity belt. You finally realize that it won't be enough, you can't feel it enough. But it is torture, keeping you so close to orgasm you can't stand it. You beg and sob and cry but the guards just laugh and simply stand you up to press you against the wall. The guards shove the bit back in your mouth then remove the clamps to start squeezing and pulling on your sensitive breasts while keeping pressure against your clit.
You give out gagged loud moans and sobs as they then suck on your nipples keeping you inches from an orgasm for probably half an hour. Your tits can't take their mauling anymore and your nipples are beyond sensitive. One guard even starts slapping and grabbing your ass making you cry more renewing the pain from the whip marks.
"And what do you two think you are doing with my property?" You suddenly hear as Zuna finally steps back up with a leash over her shoulder and her whip in her hand. She gives the two guards a raised eyebrow and they step away letting you collapse to your knees trembling fiercely in pleasure.
"Heh, just watching her like you said miss. She was just begging to cum so we were obliging her." They step away then and Zuna walks up to you then.
"Is that true slave?" She looks over your humiliated expression and erect nipples and the wetness leaking from your chastity belt and sighs. "I see it is. Maybe you are not ready for the arena. Maybe I should rent you to these guards like my other two." You just shake and barely manage to stand back and slowly shake your head with a worried expression. She can't leave you with them. They are lying!
Zuna just sighs, then steps forward and attaches the leash to your collar then tugs it making you follow her after reapplying your nipple clamps making you give a low moan of pain. You have a hard time following, your knees trying to buckle, but you barely manage and walk away from the barracks breathing heavily and wanting nothing more than to cum. "I'll have to punish you tonight for begging to simple guards fighter." Zuna says, leaving it at that. You just follow, lead by the leash humiliated beyond belief. You can make it. You can make it. You keep telling yourself.
She leads you not terribly far, going down a fork in the caves, and you realize you can suddenly hear the sound of a roaring city. To your disbelief you round the corner and see a massive underground city built into the caves. You are led down a ramp past some guards into some kind of circular trading area that branches off all kinds of ways, one of which is to the city. Zuna pays a few people here and there before walking you into the city. You get a lot of looks, blushing realizing everyone is seeing you in this humiliating outfit. But then you suddenly come back to, your will slightly revived by the shock of the city. You need to escape now. You don't want to go all the way to the arena! Do you? Can you even escape in this condition? Worst of all you wouldn't have the chastity belt key and the dildo and plug are felt more now than ever.
'''What do you do?'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Break for a nearby alleyway (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Attack then run for a shop (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Stay on the leash for now (1)]]
'''Current Status:''' 85% - Normal, Poisoned
'''Current Items:''' Latex Clothing, Chastity Belt, Bondage Accessories
'''Current Alignment:''' (10/20) - Neutral
'''Main Quest:''' Find the Heirloom
'''Side Quests:''' None
'''Surge of Strength:''' x3
'''Intimidation:''' x1
'''Heart of Steel:''' x2

Current revision as of 17:31, 7 June 2024

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