Furry "Hunt"/Go through the gate.

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<nowiki>*</nowiki>If you don't like surprises, the Legendary Animals are futas.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>If you don't like surprises, the Legendary Animals are futas.
[[Category: name of story you're working on]]
[[Category: Furry "Hunt"]]

Current revision as of 19:13, 1 February 2021

You grip your bow tight as you open the gate, taking a step past the threshold. Other than feeling slightly colder, you notice no changes, and breathe a sigh of relief. The locals superstitions must be getting to me, that's all, you think. You fail to notice the gate close on it's own behind you.

A few steps further, and you suddenly see a light in the woods. The hair on your neck stands on end as you approach, abandoning the trail to push through the brush. At the edge of the woods, you come to a clearing, and are met with a familiar site. A cabin, smack in the middle of the clearing, appearing remarkably like your own. As you step closer, you realize it IS your cabin, complete with all your own personal touches, the animal pelts and tanning supplies, and when you step inside, you are met with the warmth of your own hearth. However, as you head to your room, you find your bed has found its own warmth as well. Lying in your bed is a beautiful young woman, with pale skin and long black curls. Even better, she's stark naked, her perfect body writhing with pleasure as she slides her own fingers in and out of her tight, bare pussy, her eyes closed as soft moans escape her lips. You gasp, and she opens her eyes and looks up at you, her eyes a stunning color of pink.

"Ah, good, you're here! I thought you'd never take the bait!" She pulls her hand away and closes her legs, sitting up and covering herself with what is definitely your blanket, and not some silly imitation.

"What is this?" You ask.

"You've crossed into the Realm of the Fae," She giggles. "These woods are home to yours truly! I'm Elida, I'm a love fae." She stands up and unfurls her wings, a pair of incandescent, butterfly-like wings that stretch across your entire bedroom and nearly blind you with their radiance. "But not that sappy shit you always read in poems and sagas. I'm a fae of primal love." She sighs. "I wish they'd just call it 'fairy of fucking'. Anyway, by crossing into my realm, you've become part of it! The only way out now is if you can finish my little...hehe, quest."

You don't really seem to have a choice. "Alright. What's this task?"

She slowly rises and floats in the air, lazily drifting about as she speaks, her magnificent black hair flowing in the night breeze coming through the window. "I've always loved animals. Here in the woods, I'd always find myself playing with them, feeding the bunnies, running with the deer, shit like that. But, as a fuck-fairy--that's another little name I've come up with for my job--I always found myself horny around animals. Dude, do you know how uncomfortable it is to try to fuck a wolf? I can't transform myself into one, so I came up with a better idea. I have the ability to turn animals into anthropomorphic versions of themselves. So, I'll find a little fox, whip myself up a cute little fox furry, and fuck them like crazy before changing them back and letting them go." She suddenly swoops down, stopping her face an inch from yours. "You're a hunter though! And not just for food, a hunter by trade. You make money off killing these creatures, it's about more than survival for you. So, how about a different type of 'conquest'?" She takes your hand and brings you to the bed, where she sits down and retrieves a piece of paper from your end table. "This is a list of all the creatures in this forest that I've turned into Furries. Since you're such a good hunter, I figure tracking them all should be easy. After that, it's simply a matter of fucking them all. Some animals are incredibly rare, and this forest is loaded with them all. These ones, the Legendary Animals as I like to call them, are a bit harder to fuck, and you'll see why*. Fuck them too, and you'll get a special reward!"

"So, to summarize that, I just need to bang every animal-woman you put in these woods?"

"Yep!" She giggles. "And if you manage to win MY heart, I'll let you come back and play with me and my pets whenever you want~"

You heard the fairy. This actually sounds like a pretty killer deal! Alright, let's take a look at this list:

Or these Legendary Animals, maybe?

*If you don't like surprises, the Legendary Animals are futas.

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