(Main) - A pokemon that wasn't listed in any pokedex before ? Is that normal, Mr Assistant?

From Create Your Own Story

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* '''[[(Main) - You can't help to sigh after hearing this.]]'''
* '''[[(Main) - You can't help to sigh after hearing this.]]'''
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* '''[[(Main) - I just have to throw it in front of me then.]]'''

Current revision as of 19:41, 29 September 2018

He stratchs his head with an embarrassed face, but before he had the time to say anything, both of you heard the feminine voice of your mom, coming back with two cups of coffees :

"Here Mr assistant, i made you some co-OOOOOOOOOOOOH!!" She exclaims with a hyped face.

"What is this pokemon! He is wayyyy too cuuuuuuuuuute!"

The assistant, that wasn't expecting this reaction from your usually calm mother, isn't moving at all, like if his brain had to reboot after a blue screen of the dead.

And even if he isn't saying anything, you can clearly guess what is is thinking now: "WTF?"

"Can I cuddle him? I want to hug him so baaad right now !"

The Howlet seems quite afraid of the motivation your mother have to get more and more closer to him.

The assistant finally regain his senses and put his arm in front of her to stop her:

"Please don't! This pokemon is extremely fearful and he may run away to hide somewhere in your house!"

You mother look at him with an angry and sad face at the same time, clearly frustrated to being authorized to take this cute living feather's ball into her hands.

"Meeeh... Well, whatever.", said your mother after taking back the cups she had put onto the table a few seconds before, giving one to the lab assistant, and beginning to drink her own one.

The lab assistant took a sip of coffee and continued the explanations:

"So, we never saw this pokemon before, and we have absolutly no idea of where he is coming from.

As he is actually only the second new pokemon we discovered recently, there are probably a lot of things to learn from him, and this is why he is very precious to us. In addition, the two were discovered only a few days apart."

He take a small pause to drink slowly the coffee before starting to speak back again:

"We decided to give it to you as being in the care of a trainer may be beneficial for him and would give us a lot of information that we want to know, like if he can evolve, his stats, abilities, skills, etc..."

We don't know if all of his species have the same characters traits, but this pokemon is extremely timid, quite fearful, don't seems to appreciate to fight even if he should still able to defend you when needed of course. A perfect lab assistant somehow."

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Information Panel
Current location: Living room of your mother's home, Saffron City.
Actually wearing: Black T-Shirt, underwear, blue jean, socks, back shoes.
Your Team: You don't have any pokemon at this moment.
Inventory: Pokephone
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