Life as a good little girl/Nodding, you proceed to let him facefuck you

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"Oh wait. Look at me and grin."
"Oh wait. Look at me and grin."
"Huh?" you stare at him cluelessly. He sighs, lifts his phone, and you hear several clicking sounds.
"Huh?" you stare at him cluelessly, but smile widely anyway. He lifts his phone, and you hear several clicking sounds.
"Never mind. Now get lost," he says, pushing you with his foot as he pulls up his shorts.
"What? Every guy does it. If you don't want pictures taken then don't make guys hard. Now get lost," he says, pushing you with his foot as he pulls up his shorts.
Sighing, and still dazed from being so aroused you turn around to leave. And you should probably clean up, or at least wipe the cum into your skin or something.
Sighing, and still dazed from being so aroused you turn around to leave. And you should probably clean up, or at least wipe the cum into your skin or something.

Revision as of 05:05, 10 February 2018

You nod eagerly, wanting to get his balls out of your mouth but of course he takes it another way.

"Damn, you must really love sucking cock, huh? You do this everyday, Stephi?" he teases.

Avoiding his eyes you pop his testicles out of your mouth one at a time, then timidly reach up to grab his thoroughly hard cock. It seemed larger when it was inside you, and realizing that it's probably only seven or so inches you feel a bit of pity for Danny. Does he realize that he's got a small dick? All the ones you've seen in the videos and pictures looked closed to ten inches and incredibly thick. Deciding not to tell him you instead lick up the bottom of his dick like you've seen some girls do. His penis twitches under your tongue, startling you, and for a moment you stop, then lick again to see if you can make it move once more.

"Stop that," Danny says as his penis jumps. "Suck it."

"Fine," you mutter reluctantly, trying to hide how interested you are. After all those lies you told Tiffany you've been getting more and more curious about what it would really be like to fuck or suck a dick. Now you know that fucking can be good, although you probably need a bigger dick to cum. Or maybe Danny just wasn't rough enough. Or maybe you need two or even three cocks. Maybe that's why there was always one girl and at least two guys in all those videos you saw.

Feeling a little nervous you open your mouth, your slightly plump lips pressing against his dickhead before it pushes slowly deeper into your ever-widening mouth.

"You're not at the dentist, dummy. Wrap you lips around my cock, keeps your teeth away, and take me all the way down your throat like a good girl."

"Mm-hm," you agree, and push forward, glad he isn't - yet - using your hair to jerk your head back and forth. You know that's probably coming since that seems to be the way blowjobs are done, but for now it's interesting feeling how incredibly warm he is. And throbbing a little.

"Uck," you gurgle as he hits the back of your throat.

"Tilt your head. Not that way, stupid. Like you're looking up. You need to make it so it's a straight, or near-straight, line from mouth down to your stomach.

Clueing in you scooch back a bit, wincing as you feel some gravel embedded in your knees, and follow instructions. Danny almost immediately plunges all the way into your mouth and down your throat. Your eyes bulge and your throat convulses, and you feel certain that you're going to either die or throw up.

"Relax, it's natural. You just have to breath when you can and relax your muscles. Here, I'll do all the work," he says.

In principal the words sound good, and you just put your hands on his legs to keep steady as he uses the hand in your hair to pull you a little bit off his dick before sinking back in all the way. He repeats this over and over, then pulls out further, then further again, picking up speed and increasing the amount he withdraws. Your lungs protest even more than your throat until you figure out that you can breath a little when he pulls out. Pretty soon he's pulling all the way out, leaving only the tip in your mouth before he pounds forward, balls slapping your chin and his pubic curls crushing against your lips.

"Yeah. That's it. Good slut. Good suction. You were born to suck c - ohh - cock."

After the hardest and fastest pushes yet he surprises you by pulling out completely, giving you the chance to gasp for a few extra breaths before he goes back in again. Except he doesn't. Instead you feel something like a thing splat of rain hit your forehead, followed by another to each cheek. When one smacks you in the nose you realize that he's cumming. On your face.

Another shot hits your chin, and then the only thing that comes out is a small amount that oozes out of the hole and starts to dangle from his cock.

"G-good slut. N-next time you should be the one milking the cock... ah!" he gasps as you move forward, engulfing his dickhead in your mouth and sucking off the white mess. You feel even more pulled out of his pisshole by your suction, feeding you the salty liquid.

So that's what semen tastes like, you think as you pull back, letting his softening dick fall from your mouth. You kind of like it.

"Well, I've gotta unload the car. Get lost. Go suck someone else off. Or whatever," Danny says.

"That's it?" you say without thinking.

"What? You wanted me to get it up again?"

"N-no, I just meant... I didn't cum..."

"So? That's not my problem, you just didn't do it right I guess," he says, confirming your fears. You do need a second dick. Or a rougher fuck.

"Oh wait. Look at me and grin."

"Huh?" you stare at him cluelessly, but smile widely anyway. He lifts his phone, and you hear several clicking sounds.


"What? Every guy does it. If you don't want pictures taken then don't make guys hard. Now get lost," he says, pushing you with his foot as he pulls up his shorts.

Sighing, and still dazed from being so aroused you turn around to leave. And you should probably clean up, or at least wipe the cum into your skin or something.

Life as a good little girl/You wander off, and run into someone with cum all over your face and your top still on the driveway

Life as a good little girl/You could probably just jump straight into your cousins pool like this

Life as a good little girl/Remembering your top you use it to wipe off your face

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