"As you say. I heard a river nearby as we approached - I'll take her to the water's edge, remove her bindings, and leave her to bathe when she awakens."

From Create Your Own Story

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"Ah...! Ser Maxwell, your gallantry never ceases to impress." breathes Roxanne, any wariness she'd developed during the melee evaporating upon learning of the kind gesture you intend; "I shall await you here and say a few prayers for the fallen - even the foul-hearted deserve our mercy, after all; don't you agree?" Her vigor restored, Roxanne gives a wink and a curtsy before turning to her task, her breasts wobbling pendulously with every motion.

As you heft up the unconscious vixen and carry her into the forest, you consider Roxanne's unusual bubbliness in the wake of witnessing so much death. The answer comes to you with the sound of running water; she's glad to be carrying on with you alone. Reaching the riverbank, you gently rest the vixen on her back and gaze down at her scantily-clad form.

Roxanne's worry over keeping the vixen as a companion is well-founded; despite her thin layer of fur and pronounced foxlike features, your rescued prisoner is deliciously thick and curvy... And very much unconscious.

Do as you said and remove the vixen's restraints before returning to Roxanne

Turn the unconscious vixen over and fuck her

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