Try to find a way to get some cash.

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Current revision as of 13:06, 19 May 2015

Before you can go any further you need to find a way to get some cash and quick, the 18 grand that you come into pretty much came and went in those two weeks... but what a ride. The car took most out of what you had, the hotels and the gas took a large chuck as well, now you had a few hundred bucks left and that could last you another few days if hotels were off the menu; you never much enjoyed camping but then again you thought the same about the beach.

"I need to find-"

The small glare from Nya stopped you mid-sentence before you caught yourself.

"Sorry. WE need to find a way to make some money... I can't access my bank account if someone is trying to track m- us. And its not as though there was much in their in the first place." You ponder quietly as you tap your chin.


She calls out to you as your wallet lands on your lap with a tiny tap.

"I know, but that's all I have left. We need more than that." You sigh, you being to wonder if she understand just how expensive stuff is better her attraction to sweet and colorful shinny things.

Shaking her head back and forth she taps that wallet a few times and then looks back at you but its clear from the blank expression on your face that you don't understand. Removing whatever cash you have she fans it out so that every bill can be seen clearly, unsure of what she is trying to get at you lean in with growing interest. She points at the dollars and then places then down on the bed, going into a small backpack you had bought her with a small kitten on it she comes back with a piece of paper and draws a small question mark on it.

You didn't think she could write let alone understand what they meant, you're not sure how far her writing skills are but you understand what she is asking now as the dots connect.

"Where did I get the money?" You question back to her.

With a sigh of relief she falls face first into the bed as you finally understand what she is meant.

"Oh ha-ha, we all can't be as good with hand signs as you." You poke her in the side as she grunts softly with your touch.

"Well I got all of that from my insurance on my apartment and stuff. But that was just a small portion of it... I could contact my insurance company and see if they will give me the rest... but if I do that whoever these people are they will see that and know where we are at." You think the idea over as Nya sits up with a small shrug.

"If we go get the money first we might never figure out who these people are and if the investigation isn't done yet they won't give me a dime... but searching the symbol might bring unwanted attention as well."

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