Go to a diner?

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At some point you want to go home but its been a long time since you went out to do anything, with anyone, though you met her by a strange circumstance she's really the only person you spent any time with in the last few months. Checking out of the motel just around noon you talk her hand and guide her down the street, given its lunch time the sidewalk is well filled with people but not so much that you are pushing against others to move.

Though you have a firm hold of her hand you can't help but to keep checking up on her every minute or so, her eyes wandering about the tall buildings and faces of other people but you notice that whenever some ever so much a looks her way her eyes fall to the floor. Giving her hand a small squeeze she looks up at you as you give her a friendly smile and pulling her a little closer. Your not sure if it helped her any but she doesn't push away from you either.

Arriving into the small diner a few miles away from your house the two of you are quickly seated in the packed place, its hard to hear much over the sounds of all the people but it doesn't bother you much as you read over the menus. After some time a large party of people leaves giving the place a soft hum, you can ever hear the music in the background.

"What are you gonna get?" You question her forgetting the fact that she can't speak for a moment. Leaning the menu forward to glimpse at her you watch as she's chewing the corner of the plastic menu.

"Don't do that." You sigh as you pull it from her mouth.

"Nya...." A gloomy look over takes her face as the waitress comes around; your not really sure what to get her since her taste in food so far appears to be pizza and plastic so you order two hamburgers all the way and let nature sort out the rest. You couldn't help but notice the waitress mention something along the lines of "cute couple" as she walked away, and while it caused you to blush slightly the girl didn't seem to notice or understand.

"So do you have a name or something? I mean... I don't know what to call you."


"Is...is that your name?"


"Wait... was that a yes? or was that a no?"


"... I... I have no idea." You lean forward and plant your face onto the tables surface with a stiff groan of dismay.


"Alright, Nya it is." You pipe up as you lean up from the tables face, its not a great name but if you're going to be around her for a while you might as well have something to call her by.

"Nya!" You can't tell if she accept her new given name or hates it but either way its gonna stick till she can speak.

The food soon arrives and while you dig in on the burger Nya seems a bit confused at what she is looking at, she is well aware its food but it seems that shes not sure how to go around eating it. Looking up from the steaming burger she watches you intently as you chomp away at it, after a few bites you notice she has started to copy every move you make, every bite you take; its cute the way she mirrors everything you do however see appears to be making more of mess than actually eating.

By the end of the meal you think she needs another shower with how much ketchup she got on her hair but as you go to clean her face up a long pink tongue slips between her lips and laps away at the spots of sauce on her face. You weren't expecting such a display but you lean back assumed at the slight as she tries to reach area's with her tongue that she couldn't possibly reach.

Eyes shifting towards the window you glance out into the busy street thinking of the day to come, what to do with her; does she have a family? Someone must be looking for her, its not as though you can take care of her all the time, if you hadn't shown up god knows what might have happened to her.

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