Amber: 16 years old

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Revision as of 23:46, 3 October 2014

Your name is Amber your 16 years old and your what you could call a tomboy. Actually you fit in with more men than you do women. There is only one thing that reminds you you arn't a man you have been cursed with the biggest breasts in the school which is what most men first notice. You never liked them though. You get up and as usual your butt naked after your nightly masterbation sessio. you rarely lug on underwear again. You slip on your sports bra and your clothes you can shower tommorrow your family isn't the rich ones you wish they were. You hear the bus pull up and you get abord and sit in your usual seat behind Jon and Toni while Jon is your friend Toni isn't very close to you not after she took Jon from you. Just the thought of it gets you steamed know what you should do something about it you...

Sucker punch Toni

Rip Toni's top off


Let it go it would just make Jon mad

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