The Echidna Tale/Reveal yourself to the supposed witch Sarah

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You change into a new form. A beautiful woman with a black gown and a black pointy hat. You changed the attire you saw in the peoples imagination a little so that it would fit your taste a bit more. So now it´s way more revealing.
Also you saw in the peoples imagination that witches ride on brooms. But you just shook your head to that thought. Why doing that if there are more comfortable ways of transportation?
You simply appear in the dungeon-cell. After you made sure that there is no guard around that could see you, you gently wake Sarah up. As she awakes, she moans from pain and starts to cry at once "Please! No more pain! I told you everything I know! Please just kill me already!"
But you simply sit down beside her and very softly let your hand glide over her broken arm, healing it. You say: "My dear child. What are you talking about? I don´t want any harm for you. I came to look after you." You decided that it would be best to be very gentle with her.
As she notices that the pain in her arms goes away, Sarah calms down a bit and opens her eyes. At least one of them, as the other one is swollen from the torture and the crying. She sees you and is in shock again. "W...w...who... who are you?" she whimpers. You kiss a wound on her forehead which closes within seconds after your lips touch the skin and you reply: "Who exactly I am doesn´t matter at the moment, Sarah. I heard that the people say you are a witch. That´s why I am here. But as you are in this place, I don´t think you are one... yet... otherwise you could have escaped easily. Or burned the entire village to ashes. By the way, it seems to be rather cold in here. If it stays like that, you will be frozen to death before I am finished to talk to you" with one whipe of your hand, a magical fire appears in the cell. Floating without any source of combustable material, but emitting a pleasant warmth.
Sarah´s eye widens although it hurts her.
"You... are..." she starts.
"Yes, Sarah, I am what your former neighbors and so called 'friends' accuse you to be. But have no fear. As I said, I am not here to harm you. In any way. The contrary, I want to help you." You kiss her swollen eye, which becomes normal again while you move your head back again. "You see? I don´t understand why they became hostile in the first place. Where I came from, women that can do magic were not just accepted, but seen as gifted. And when I heard of you, I simply HAD to come and see you." Sarah looked at you with this 'that sounds too good to be true' gaze. "And if anyone would speak up against us, he would get a fireball up his ass." She giggles. You seem to be on the right track.
You give Sarah a small bottle to drink. "What is it?" she asks. "It is a potion that strengthens you. Also it will heal your physical wounds. But tell me, could it be that you really could have the gift of magic? Did anything unnormal happen around you in your past? Something that wouldn´t happen to others?" After a little while of thinking, Sarah slightly nodded. "There was that one time when some kids bullied me and cut off my hair while we were playing in the forest. I came home crying and my mother calmed me down. And short after dinner, I went to bed. Strangely on the next morning, my hair was as long as before."
"So it is true.", you think loudly, "You really seem to be gifted. So I guess you simply didn´t learn to use it."
You tell her of power, revenge and freedom and you offer her to train her, just wanting her loyality. Which she eagerly accepts. She even freely calls you 'mother', rejecting the woman that gave birth to her. By now, all her wounds are closed, all the bones repaired and the burning marks are gone, as well. You at once start to teach your new apprentice a few spells. Driven by her hatred, she is specially eager to learn destructive spells.
By the time the sun rises, she learned the basics of casting fireballs. She just doesn´t have enough stamina yet to deal much havoc. So she couldn´t possibly fight her way out of her prison alone, so you stay with her. When you hear that there are guards outside the cell-door, you let the door explode outwards, killing one guard and injuring the other. "Sarah, now is the time. I know you can do this! Go and have your revenge!" She runs out and you stay close behind her. Up some stairs, through a hallway and suddenly you are surrounded by guards and three knights. One of them is the man that tortured Sarah the most. He is the first to fall. The rest followed soon and the flames went on to burn the furniture of the castle. Soon much more would burn.
You and your new child walk out of the castle. now surrounded by a large mob of peasants. Many of them already brought Sarah here. Between them Jacob. When Sarah saw him, she ran towards him, punching his face, kicking his balls and as he lay on the ground, she chocked him while she cried out with hate "You want me to use my magic upon you, you filth? You can get that!" The people around just stare at her unable to move. Now, she let some flames appear in her hands that were still wrapped around his neck, burning him until he is nothing more than a pile of ash.
After that, she stands up again and burns everyone and everything in range. Many people die from being trampled upon in the following panic. But Sarah just begins to laugh.
You are impressed. You would never have thought, she could go on with it for so long. So you reward he afterwards with a long kiss and a whole day and night with nothing but sex and other pleasures in the burning village, before you take her to your temple to teach for some years.
* [[The Echidna Tale/Witch Sarah/Follow|Follow the life of your new child]]
[[Category:The Echidna Tale]]

Current revision as of 17:15, 10 May 2014

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