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It's going to be tough going if I try to complete this game by myself you decide, sooner or later I will need help from other people, there's only 70hrs left so I need to get started if I plan to win. Once this alliance serves its purpose, you can always just turn on them and kill them too.

You step out slowly, but calm and sure (you don't want to appear scared of them, and you don't want to startle them either). “Hey Heather,” you call first, cause you know her best. They both spin towards you, not sure what to make of the sudden new voice appearing out of the woods. “Heather, it's me, CJ” you say trying to get them to calm a little. Heather relaxes some, but keeps her crossbow out (though not aimed at your chest anymore). “Hi CJ, are you alone out here?” she asks, sounding genuinely concerned about your circumstances this far. “Yes” you respond, “I saw you two passing by, I thought maybe I could join up with you two, maybe we can make it out of this” you lie to them, knowing that you will have to kill them yourself later.

Paul Hall just eyes you suspiciously from a distance, not knowing what to think about the new would-be partner. You pay him no attention except to watch his hands, which at the moment they are empty so you turn your attention back to Heather who has the weapon out. “What do yall think, should we join up and the three of us can have a better chance to get out of this thing” you ask her, sounding as sincere as you can. Heather and Paul exchange a quick nod and agree. Heather tells you that it would be great to have another person in the group they can “trust.” As she heads towards you she mentions how long it's been since yall had really ever talked and she would be happy to catch up when the time comes for that, she reaches to hug you and you return the embrace.

Just before you release from the embrace you feel the cold steel of something sharp in your back, you pull back and reach for your machete, but you collapse before you can react...


Character: CJ Kingston
Alive: 49 students
Hours Remaining: 69
Weapons Aquired: Machete
Friends: None
Kills: CJ Kingston

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