Run to nearest treeline, hoping she is shaking too much to hit you

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Revision as of 13:30, 12 April 2012

You decide to make a run for the closest treeline, hoping that she is too scared to pull the trigger of her gun, or maybe too shaky too hit you even if she does pull the trigger. “Stop” she screams at you repeatedly, but no sound from the gun ever rang out. You think how lucky you are right at this moment to be out of that situation, just to be sure you're safe you ran for another few minutes, maybe longer (long enough to know you weren't being followed by them).

Confident that they did not follow you slow your pace to a walk, but you keep moving. You remember from the map that you are one zone to the east of a danger zone, if you accidentally wander into a danger zone the collar will explode automatically (or so you were told anyway). To be safe, you stop under some brush to look over the map again, while you are crouched down you hear the faint noise of people mumbling and tree limbs cracking under the pressure of feet. You peer out to see a pair of students.

The boy you recognize as Paul Hall (boy #22) younger brother of another Hall kid, Jimmy or James... whatever... The girl you knew from elementary school Heather Locker (girl #20), you two use to be friends, but as elementary school friends often do, you two lost touch in Jr. High and haven't talk to her at Jamesville High except to say high in passing occasionally. Now may be the time to attempt contact with someone, when it's all done, you will probably have to kill them both anyway, but in the meantime it may be good to have some partners.

You decide to...

Character: CJ Kingston
Alive: 50 students
Hours Remaining: 70
Weapons Aquired: Machete
Friends: None
Kills: None

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