The Mind Controlling Device/, because you are a 15 year old student.

From Create Your Own Story

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You are about to enter the house, when you see a sudden movement in the corner of your eye. You look closely, but can't see anything able to move, so you go there to investigate. You go around the corner of the house and jump back as you suddenly stare into a single wide lense. A weird looking robot is just standing there and watching you. His lense retracts into its hole as he begins to speak.

Robot: "Hello there, earthling."

You: "Um, hello?"

Robot: "I fear I do not have a lot of time to explain, but I need to ask you a favor."

You: "Um, okay?"

Robot: "Take this device and hide it."

The robot hands you a little device that looks pretty much like a wristwatch. You start to ask yourself if this might be a prank from one of your school buddies, but you decide to go with it for now.

Robot: "It is utterly important that the Sylex do not get their hands on it. They are robots, like me, but they are evil."

As you do not seem to show the reaction the robot was going for, he repeats: "EVIIIIL!" And then, with a sudden POOF! the robot disappears. Okay, probably not a prank, you think to yourself as you look at the little watch. It does not show the time or anything and it also doesn't have any buttons. It seems quite useless, but you try it on nevertheless. As you try it on, you suddenly feel a slight pain in your wrist that vanishes again quickly. You look at it and now the display is completly green. You don't know what that means, but you keep it on nevertheless. You can't really say why.
You go back into the house and sit down at the table. Your 39-year-old father is already sitting there and reading the newspaper. Your 37-year-old mother is standing in the kitchen and making pancakes. "Lisa, breakfast!", she shouts. Lisa is your babysister, she is 12 years old. You also have a big sister, 19 years old, but she doesn't live at home anymore, although she goes to the university in town. She decided to move into a small appartment closer to the university a few months ago.

Mother: "Timmy, go wake up your sister please!"

You: "Okay, mom."

You go up the stairs and to your sisters room. You knock, but nothing happens, so you open the door and go in. Your sister is still sleeping and you try to wake her up by calling her name. She doesn't react. Just wake up, for god's sake, you think, while a strange urge makes you touch the top of your new watch with your index finger. Your sister suddenly opens her eyes and looks at you still half-asleep.

Lisa: "Mornin'."

You look surprised at your watch and then back at your sister, who's getting out of bed slowly. Did you just wake her by thought or was that just a coincidence?

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