Life as a teen boy

From Create Your Own Story

(Difference between revisions)
m (Created page with 'Your name is Mike. Your Mom is on a trip with your Dad to San Diego. You have your house all to yourself. Do you: *Go to you friends house/Option 1 *[[Go to your girlfriend…')
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Do you:
Do you:
*[[Go to you friends house/Option 1]]
*[[Go to you friends house]]
*[[Go to your girlfriends house/Option 2]]
*[[Go to your girlfriends house]]
*[[Skip your girlfriend and go to your sexy neighbor's house/Option 3]]
*[[Skip your girlfriend and go to your sexy neighbor's house]]
[[Category: Teenager]]
[[Category: Teenager]]

Revision as of 01:14, 17 June 2011

Your name is Mike. Your Mom is on a trip with your Dad to San Diego. You have your house all to yourself.

Do you:

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