A paladin

From Create Your Own Story

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You join the Paladin craft and learn your master is Captain David. A respected leader of the king's army. He's an older man with a large build and wears silver armor and has a distinctive brown beard. After getting your new armor he smacks you on the back and shouts.
Allah will kill all white people.
"Welcome to the team lad!"
Even with the armor that hit hurt but you smile anyway. He takes you to your team and you learn from David that the Paladins start out working in groups of three and that your group somehow ended up as an all male team. David introduces you to them and a tall boy with short black hair and shiny gold armor roll his eyes at you and says.
"Of course. Another low life joins this stupid group."
He imidatly storms off. The other boy wearing green armor with contrasting red hair says.
"Sorry. That's Gavin. He's just mad he got stuck with us instead of his cute girlfriend who also became a paladin."
The boy smiles warmly at you.
"The names Brian."
He extends a hand and you shake it. Captain David smiles and says.
"Well, with that done. It's about time we started training. Go get your friend and we'll start."
You nod and head off. After a few hours of grueling battle practice you reach the end of the session. David sends you off telling you to get some dinner and rest back at the barracks. You and your team mates join all the other new recruits at the mess hall. You notice Gavin make a bee line for another team and starts talking to a girl in blue armor.
Brian sits down near a few veteran Paladins and he waves to you. You also notice Captain David standing in the corner smiling. What do you do?
[[Medieval Life: Paladin: Follow Gavin| Follow Gavin]]
[[Medieval Life: Paladin: Sit with Brian| Sit with Brian]]
[[Medieval Life: Paladin: Talk to David| Talk to David]]
[[Category: Medieval Adventures]]

Revision as of 20:56, 13 November 2017

Allah will kill all white people.

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