Talk:The life of a medieval princess

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Besides, if I do have my own continuation of a storyline someone else already edited I'd probably just add a separate path. (no need to delete anything) The only content I would ever delete is stuff I can't stand lol (which is pretty much limited to bimbofication and scat, tho there may be other things I can't think of right now.)
Besides, if I do have my own continuation of a storyline someone else already edited I'd probably just add a separate path. (no need to delete anything) The only content I would ever delete is stuff I can't stand lol (which is pretty much limited to bimbofication and scat, tho there may be other things I can't think of right now.)
I may change the currency system to only one and give it a name. Possibly adding multiple currencies for the different countries.
name I am currently considering for the main country's currency : Aruns. (no idea where that name came from)
I have no ideas for the other currencies, or if i will even implement them. Any ideas are welcome. For some I will probably use the old currency of the country they are based on. Fictional country name ideas are also welcome as I have not yet settled on a name for the main country (or any of the other countries). Tho i might end up calling it "Arun" after it's currency.
Countries I have in mind (I am making a back-story and identity for these countries before implementing them into the story.):
The main Country (50% finished, name = Arun?, Map = I made a raw sketch, but probably gonna change it a bit, Currency = Aruns)
Allied Countries  ideas:
1 Based on feudal Japan. Their Samurai are superior over most nations in both close quarters and with the bow as well as highly mobile. The result of a lifetime entirely dedicated to the art of war. They are low in number however. Their general troops are called Ashigaru, little more than armed peasants with basic training - can be quite effective in large battles, especially with pike formations. They are a reliable ally but have some internal troubles with a large religious cult threatening to cause civil war.  (20% finished, no name, no map, Currency = masu(one day of rice),koku(one year of rice)? rice quantities, intend on not really using coins in this country. Tho they do have the concept and trade with foreign coin occasionally. Aruns are accepted almost everywhere in the country for small purchases.)
1 based on colonial Britain with baby-shoes gunpowder. They still rely mostly on swords and halberds. Expansionist, but with a low population number. Mostly interested in economical exploitation of the weak. Strong Navy force but almost no real ground troops. They have the same religion as the one causing trouble in Japan, which may lead to 'friction' in the near future. (10% finished, no name, no map, currency = pounds?(£))
Neutral countries :
1 loosely based on France picturing them as more interested in love and (short-lived) romance than warfare. They have a stable economy and many rich nobles. Everyone that is not a noble is generally kept poor and oppressed however, leading to tensions among the populace that are repressed by force. They are a proud and chauvinistic folk, especially the nobles, who are often seen as downright arrogant. They are neighbors of Arun. They have been both allies and enemies in the past and are somewhat unreliable. Often they decide with emotions rather than logic and are unpredictable. They have excellent knights, Heavily armed mounted warriors with powerful charge and strong melee. Their infantry however, is rather unreliable and comprised largely of sellswords. (20% finished, no name, no map, no currency)
(no evil intent so please don't hate me North Koreans who read this, it's a work of pure fiction - economically and historically, I know little of Korea and it doesn't matter -> Fiction.)
2 Based on South/north Korea in it's current situation painting North Korea as a rather Warlike Aggressor. ofcourse, they use medieval weaponry. Their warriors are fierce, but undisciplined and often badly trained and equipped. The northern part is connected to the mainland and has more experience with warfare and a higher number of troops due to the barbarian clans on it's borders. While the richer south can afford slightly better gear but it's armies never saw a battle up close. They used to have a peaceful relationship with the more fertile southern lands supporting the north against the barbarians, but the new ruler of the North intends to unify both countries under his banner. (20% finished, no names, no map, no currency)
1 Based on China. It's a bit further away and has a large territory, it is however split up in 7 major clans and the emperor lacks the power to keep them in check. (5% finished, no name, no map, no currency)
1 Based on Russia. An isolationist country with harsh climate and harsher people. They make some of the best, or at least most intoxicating beverages in the known world. They are also known to drink them in large quantities. Their poor soil and harsh living conditions make it hard for them to expand, however anyone who has ever attacked them .. never tried again. (5% finished, no name, no map, no currency)
Hostile Countries :
1 is similar to (Arun?) (central Europe, with no particular country's cultural identity) This is the Arch-enemy of the main country. Though a ceasefire was declared recently, no-one expects it to last very long. (20% finished, No name, no map.)
1 Based on the Vikings, it's not really a country but more like a territory full of warlike clans who only get along if it's about raiding and pillaging their neighbors. They aren't (Arun's?) neighbors, but they still raid it's shores occasionally. (20% finished, no name, no map, might use bartering with goods instead of currency.)
1 is a bit unique, far-off country loosely based on crusaders. 100% of the population are albinos (snow white skin and blood red eyes). Their appearance is called beautiful by some and repulsive by others. They dislike letting foreigners in their borders and usually keep to themselves. They are usually taller than the average person, even their women. They use Greatswords and bastard swords for the most part and can overwhelm their foes with brute strength and great reach. They also have some of the thickest armor. They use deadly crossbows, a normal person would have to be very strong or very familiar with crossbows to use them. Half-breeds take on the appearance of either parent fully and are indistinguishable from the pure-blooded. They are traditionally enemies of (The country based on Japan) and by extension also enemies of Arun. Though they rarely bother Arun directly. They are more hostile towards Britain and declared their religion to be Heresy, launching several large-scale 'holy' campaigns against them in the past. (20% finished, no name, no map, no currency)
I intend to finish Chapter 1 Before releasing anything further (Chapter 1 Ends with marriage or something similar to it. So I basically mean to get all paths to the marriage event before releasing. Some paths may get there quickly, some will take forever.)

Revision as of 12:15, 2 March 2015

This is the talk page for the story The life of a medieval princess.

Storyline Ideas

If you have any ideas that you would like to add to this story, but are more of a reader and don't want to go around editing the story yourself, feel free to leave them here.

General Discussion

Please post any comments or reflections on the story so far here.

The title is wrong it should be "Life of a fantasy princess". Considered creating new adult story but my ideas seems to fit here fine.

I am planning on doing a Amelia/Crimson Dress story arch. Will check here for any comments.

Also I find the Sydney name seems wrong to me. I would like to do a "Sydney" story but I would like to change her name. Is this ok? -Vipeout

Back again after being away for quite a while. I should (hopefully) have some free time now to advance the story, don't know what exactly I'll be working on yet but I think I'll start with Mia's gladiator arc for now.

Feel free to add an amelia/Crimson Dress story arc - I have no plans in mind for it as of yet.

Sydney isn't mine and I do not know who added this character. Feel free to edit her storyline, as for the name : it would be good manners to ask her creator if you know who that is, if not however, it can't be helped. If the person in question is still around and feels strongly about it they'll probably change it back and/or complain.

PS : Please don't change the names of the first four characters (Arturia/Saya/Mia/Amelia) These are the four I originally created and have grown quite fond of since :-)


Hello, I have enjoyed this story and was wondering if I could edit it. My goal would be to continue Arturia's story. If this is okay please let me know and if there are any story lines you wish me to follow add that as well. One more thing, I would also like to add another character and work off that if you wouldn't mind. Thanks much and respond soon.


You can edit / add as you see fit. I plan to get back to it eventually, but aside from vague ideas i never really plan the story ahead anyway so i'll just go with the flow and maybe take some inspiration from other people's contributions while i'm at it.


I enjoy TLoaMP very much, and have created a Princess that I want to add. I'm not entirely sure if I should though, as she would be of an Eastern (Chinese) heritage, but living in the (European) area. (By the way, the maps are down.) ~OmegaScales~

An eastern origin isn't really a problem. Saya is also half-eastern in origin (Saya's mother's country is - as some may have figured - based on feudal Japan) If she is a full-blood Chinese, you could have her be an adopted child from a close friend of the father - for example.

Also, I may release a more complete version of the game on an engine like RAGS or something similar. That would also enable some form of battle-system.

I did write far more content for the game than is currently available on the site, but it's a little difficult to work with parameters in this format and I don't like copying pages - I'll make sure to leave a link here if I do. I still have to figure out how RAGS works or find an easier engine tho (could take some time as I have a full-time job to consider..) I may try Twine, see how that works out.

Twine has a much better overview, but still no real parameter handling. It wouldn't allow any real battle-system, but it would be decisively easier to keep track of..

RAGS definitely allows a battle-system, but I can't seem to find a tutorial for the right version (using 2.4 atm.) and it's a major pain to figure it out as I go. Might be kinda worth the effort tho.

I may still update some of the paths on the site If I get around to it.

As for the maps, I only ever made a rough sketch of the land's layout - I'll need to make a bigger and different map to accommodate certain things I added since. Tho that's not really high priority atm. as I or other contributors may yet come up with new countries/locations to add ;-)


Hi, I would really like to continue the Saya Innocent dress storyline if that's okay with everyone. I would really appreciate critiques/edits rather than just having my work deleted because I took the time to write it

Also I love this story I think you guys are great!


I never continued the innocent dress storyline myself, so go for it.

the ones I did continue are mostly Saya-leather armor, Ruairi and warlord arcs. and the Mia - Gladiator arc. (tho not exclusively)

Besides, if I do have my own continuation of a storyline someone else already edited I'd probably just add a separate path. (no need to delete anything) The only content I would ever delete is stuff I can't stand lol (which is pretty much limited to bimbofication and scat, tho there may be other things I can't think of right now.)


I may change the currency system to only one and give it a name. Possibly adding multiple currencies for the different countries.

name I am currently considering for the main country's currency : Aruns. (no idea where that name came from)

I have no ideas for the other currencies, or if i will even implement them. Any ideas are welcome. For some I will probably use the old currency of the country they are based on. Fictional country name ideas are also welcome as I have not yet settled on a name for the main country (or any of the other countries). Tho i might end up calling it "Arun" after it's currency.

Countries I have in mind (I am making a back-story and identity for these countries before implementing them into the story.):

The main Country (50% finished, name = Arun?, Map = I made a raw sketch, but probably gonna change it a bit, Currency = Aruns)

Allied Countries ideas:

1 Based on feudal Japan. Their Samurai are superior over most nations in both close quarters and with the bow as well as highly mobile. The result of a lifetime entirely dedicated to the art of war. They are low in number however. Their general troops are called Ashigaru, little more than armed peasants with basic training - can be quite effective in large battles, especially with pike formations. They are a reliable ally but have some internal troubles with a large religious cult threatening to cause civil war. (20% finished, no name, no map, Currency = masu(one day of rice),koku(one year of rice)? rice quantities, intend on not really using coins in this country. Tho they do have the concept and trade with foreign coin occasionally. Aruns are accepted almost everywhere in the country for small purchases.)

1 based on colonial Britain with baby-shoes gunpowder. They still rely mostly on swords and halberds. Expansionist, but with a low population number. Mostly interested in economical exploitation of the weak. Strong Navy force but almost no real ground troops. They have the same religion as the one causing trouble in Japan, which may lead to 'friction' in the near future. (10% finished, no name, no map, currency = pounds?(£))

Neutral countries :

1 loosely based on France picturing them as more interested in love and (short-lived) romance than warfare. They have a stable economy and many rich nobles. Everyone that is not a noble is generally kept poor and oppressed however, leading to tensions among the populace that are repressed by force. They are a proud and chauvinistic folk, especially the nobles, who are often seen as downright arrogant. They are neighbors of Arun. They have been both allies and enemies in the past and are somewhat unreliable. Often they decide with emotions rather than logic and are unpredictable. They have excellent knights, Heavily armed mounted warriors with powerful charge and strong melee. Their infantry however, is rather unreliable and comprised largely of sellswords. (20% finished, no name, no map, no currency)

(no evil intent so please don't hate me North Koreans who read this, it's a work of pure fiction - economically and historically, I know little of Korea and it doesn't matter -> Fiction.)

2 Based on South/north Korea in it's current situation painting North Korea as a rather Warlike Aggressor. ofcourse, they use medieval weaponry. Their warriors are fierce, but undisciplined and often badly trained and equipped. The northern part is connected to the mainland and has more experience with warfare and a higher number of troops due to the barbarian clans on it's borders. While the richer south can afford slightly better gear but it's armies never saw a battle up close. They used to have a peaceful relationship with the more fertile southern lands supporting the north against the barbarians, but the new ruler of the North intends to unify both countries under his banner. (20% finished, no names, no map, no currency)

1 Based on China. It's a bit further away and has a large territory, it is however split up in 7 major clans and the emperor lacks the power to keep them in check. (5% finished, no name, no map, no currency)

1 Based on Russia. An isolationist country with harsh climate and harsher people. They make some of the best, or at least most intoxicating beverages in the known world. They are also known to drink them in large quantities. Their poor soil and harsh living conditions make it hard for them to expand, however anyone who has ever attacked them .. never tried again. (5% finished, no name, no map, no currency)

Hostile Countries :

1 is similar to (Arun?) (central Europe, with no particular country's cultural identity) This is the Arch-enemy of the main country. Though a ceasefire was declared recently, no-one expects it to last very long. (20% finished, No name, no map.)

1 Based on the Vikings, it's not really a country but more like a territory full of warlike clans who only get along if it's about raiding and pillaging their neighbors. They aren't (Arun's?) neighbors, but they still raid it's shores occasionally. (20% finished, no name, no map, might use bartering with goods instead of currency.)

1 is a bit unique, far-off country loosely based on crusaders. 100% of the population are albinos (snow white skin and blood red eyes). Their appearance is called beautiful by some and repulsive by others. They dislike letting foreigners in their borders and usually keep to themselves. They are usually taller than the average person, even their women. They use Greatswords and bastard swords for the most part and can overwhelm their foes with brute strength and great reach. They also have some of the thickest armor. They use deadly crossbows, a normal person would have to be very strong or very familiar with crossbows to use them. Half-breeds take on the appearance of either parent fully and are indistinguishable from the pure-blooded. They are traditionally enemies of (The country based on Japan) and by extension also enemies of Arun. Though they rarely bother Arun directly. They are more hostile towards Britain and declared their religion to be Heresy, launching several large-scale 'holy' campaigns against them in the past. (20% finished, no name, no map, no currency)

I intend to finish Chapter 1 Before releasing anything further (Chapter 1 Ends with marriage or something similar to it. So I basically mean to get all paths to the marriage event before releasing. Some paths may get there quickly, some will take forever.)


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