
From Create Your Own Story

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You are 23 year-old Rob Johnson. You just got out of college, and have been home for 3 weeks before it happened. You have been living in the upstairs of your apartment.You're running low on food and water, maybe 2 weeks left. You need to get supplies, possibly some survivors, you are lonely, and some weapons, just in case.
You are 23 year-old Rob Johnson. You just got out of college, and have been home for 3 weeks before it happened. You have been living in the upstairs of your apartment.You're running low on food and water, maybe 2 weeks left. You need to get supplies, possibly some survivors, you are lonely, and some weapons, just in case.
[[chemxSupplies|Search for supplies]]
[[chemxSupplies|Search for Supplies]]
[[chemxSurvivors|Search for Survivors]]
[[chemxSurvivors|Search for Survivors]]
[[chemxGuns|Search for Weapons]]
[[chemxGuns|Search for Weapons]]

Revision as of 22:08, 13 March 2012

You are 23 year-old Rob Johnson. You just got out of college, and have been home for 3 weeks before it happened. You have been living in the upstairs of your apartment.You're running low on food and water, maybe 2 weeks left. You need to get supplies, possibly some survivors, you are lonely, and some weapons, just in case.

Search for Supplies

Search for Survivors

Search for Weapons

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