VRX 9000: Sex Games / Local Transportation: Chapter 1

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Local Transportation: Chapter 1'''
'''Meeting the Bosses'''
Your name is Ashley, a stunning and gorgeous twenty seven year old woman woman with long straight red hair and have everything in life going for you. You are one of the most intelligent and hard working people you know and you've done your best to get ahead in life with a fair bit of success. You graduated from Yale and you've made many important contacts in the business world that have finally landed you the perfect job. You now work just a few steps under the CEO of a very prominent and well respected business company. It is all the way in New York but you don't mind, if that is what it takes to get success you'll do something as easy as making a move. You quickly find yourself in a fancy new apartment several stories up in one of the local high rises, you know you can afford it now.
Tomorrow is your first day of work so you jump in the shower before you go to bed, you want to look as good as possible for tomorrow. After cleaning up you take a good luck at yourself in the mirror to get your confidence up. You have absolutely perfect large firm tits, all natural, going down to a very flat stomach almost on the verge of abs. You almost make sure to work out several times a week. As much as you hate to say it, being good looking has been a huge help in your business pursuits. Men just fall for it. You look past your abs to your perfect pussy with just a small red landing strip leading down to it. You've only been fucked a few times in your life to most people's surprise, but you've honestly just never had the time for a personal life like that. Turning around you take in your perfectly shaped toned ass, big enough to turn on the boys but small and firm enough for the perfect shape, even complete with a thigh gap underneath. Past your ass and pussy you have long very luscious and toned legs that anyone, guy or girl, would die for.
In the mirror you tell yourself that you are the most amazing person in the world and continue to boost your confidence as you go to brush your long beautiful red hair until it shines then go to bed setting your alarm extra early just in case. You want to make a good impression on your first day. You get comfortable in your brand new luxurious bed and fall to sleep ready to finally take the step in your life you've been waiting so long to achieve. Tomorrow is the day!
Your alarm goes off early, but you are already awake eager to get started. You get up and find your straightener after sliding into a black thong with a black bra and start to straighten your long beautiful hair. You get it all just right before picking out your clothing. You pick something professional, a tight black business skirt that hugs your legs but has the benefit of showing off the perfect shape of your ass. You then slide on a white button-up shirt and button it almost all the way up, but leave a few buttons undone to show just enough cleavage to remind the guys you have it but not enough to be unprofessional or provocative. As if the bulge of your shirt didn't tell them that already. You give a grin at that then eat some breakfast quickly after grabbing your stylish black rimmed glasses then gathering your things in your purse and grab a very expensive and nice black business jacket to put over your button up and walk out the door.
Today, you are about to do something you are not used to at all; taking the train. The subway, to be more precise. You've ridden it a few times once moving into the city but you've never ridden it regularly or during work traffic. It is a big change for you, but after one look at the streets you have absolutely no plans on driving. Even more importantly, you happen to be just one stop down from a few of your bosses and you know they take the train. It will be a good time to bond with them outside of work before you get into things which you hope will earn you a few brownie points. A little harmless flirting can go a long way outside of the confines of the office.
Arriving at the station, you are shocked to see how many people are there waiting for the train. Apparently this is way all of NYC likes to get to work, you should of known. Not about to be put off you maneuver your way to the front to be the first to get on the train when it gets here. You annoy a few people but you don't care, you'll do whatever you have to do to make this train. When the train finally arrives you just look inside with a bit of shock. The train is packed full! Gritting your teeth you shove yourself on with the first wave, and by the time the train takes off you find yourself packed like a sardine inside the train. How are you supposed to talk to your bosses like this?
As the train picks up speed you reach over to grab a nearby bar for balance, the shifting of the train forcing people to bump into you constantly and you into them. You don't know how you feel about it, but luckily tight spaces doesn't scare you. This certainly isn't for the faint of heart. Then, just as you get comfortable waiting for the next stop a ditzy looking blonde bumps into the front of you, your breasts pressing against each other as the girl, obviously young enough to still be in college, maybe a freshman, just looks up at you and laughs. "Ha, sorry lady!" She then smirks, not moving away from you and looks down at your breasts touching. "Nice tits."
You give her a dirty look. "Thanks." You say rudely, pushing her off from being pressed against you although she doesn't go far. The best thing to do with these younger generations is to ignore them. You'll just encourage them if you play their game. So you just ignore the pretty blonde's grin and look past her. You are someone who analyzes people instantly though, and can't help but glance over her to see what you can find out. She is pretty cute, a blonde bombshell most guys would call her. She is rather small and skinny but with some perfect round tits visible past her white sleeveless tank top and pink bra. She also has some maroon sweat pants on and far too much makeup and eyeliner. She is obviously a spoiled brat used to getting her way, you've dealt with her type before. You give her one last sneer before turning another direction.
A few moments later just as you breath a sigh to relax yourself again your eyes open in shock as two hands reach around you from behind and cup your breasts raising them up startling you. "Hey now lady, that was rude. She was just giving you a compliment." Comes a voice from behind you, obviously a younger girl as well.
Startled you bring your hands up to instantly throw the girls hands of your breasts, a shade of red appearing on your cheeks from the embarrassment of having you breasts grabbed out in the open like this. You have a little problem dislodging the girls hand on your left as you are holding your purse on that side but manage it anyways to spin around and give a glare at the blonde girl's friend, another sexy looking college chick with long brunette hair pulled back in a long ponytail braid. She fits right in with her friend, obviously a spoiled brat used to getting everything she ever wanted. She is wearing a short grey school-girl skirt that shows off some long, very luscious legs and mid-thigh white leggings. She is wearing a white shirt with a vest over it and boasts almost as much makeup as the other girl. While she doesn't have the bigger, perfectly shaped breasts of the blonde she has smaller ones but one hell of an ass that you can tell likely almost sticks out of the back of her short skirt. Two skanks looking for attention you decide. "Don't touch me." You say rudely, staring the girl down.
The brunette just pouts playfully then smiles. "Why so serious? I'm just messing around."
You feel the blondes hands run around your waist from behind then, hugging you from behind. "She is the uppity no-nonsense type. Typical business woman, nice and stuck up." She says then runs her hands up under your jacket to squeeze your breasts from under it before you can stop her. "Just can't take a compliment."
"Stop it, right now!" You curse, having to drop your purse to unhinge the college sluts hands from your breasts and pull them out from under your jacket. You glance around then, a little embarrassed that you have to deal with something like these up-starts, and are happy no one seems to be able to see due to the thick crowd. But that is when you see the brunette holding up your purse with a grin.
"Looking for this?" She says smugly. You instantly try to snatch it but she just quickly puts it behind her back out of your reach making you fume.
"You little bitch." You mutter, trying to snatch it from behind her back.
As you try to go after the brunette the blonde takes another go at you coming up from behind again to squeeze your breasts again making you pull back and gasp, biting your bottom lip. Your breasts are somewhat sensitive, and she keeps grabbing them! "Oh, she likes that." The blonde laughs, squeezing you breasts through your bra refusing to let go as you try to pry them off.
"Ugh. Stop!" You mutter, trying not to be too loud embarrassed to have people see you getting your breasts squeezed in public. By the time you finally struggle away and free yourself you see the brunette is rifling through your purse and manage to jump forward and snatch it from her, bumping into several people doing so which earns you a few nasty looks which you ignore. The brunette just smirks as you push your way in the crowd away from the two, glad that no one seemed to notice and that you have your purse back. How dare those two? You hope they get what is coming to them. They better not get in your way again, you are not a woman who is easily pushed around.
It is just about when you stop and finally relax that the train gets to the next stop and you become alert, your bosses will all be getting on now. You manage to spot them and greet them at the door and shake their hands. They all greet you with a smile and you are glad that quite a few people get off the train as well, although it is still shoulder to shoulder packed. But it is more comfortable. It is a good few stops before you have to get off so you do your best to pull off one of the men and start talking to him getting to know him for now. It is a little hard to hear to your frustration but you do your best. You have some pleasant conversation until the next stop and manage to forget about the two college girls harassing you from earlier. The boss starts talking about the next big project and you gladly start to shoot him a few good ideas and he seems really interested in what you have to say. Then, you frown as he pulls away to answer his phone getting a call.
As you wait for him to get off the call you feel someone brush against you and glance over to roll your eyes in amazement. The two girls have found their way back next to you, the brunette off to your side with the blonde moving just behind you. "You seem like a busy lady." The blonde says, bumping against the back of you grabbing your ass a bit with a smirk. "I hope we are not bothering you."
You instantly give the two a glare and run your hands back behind you to try and fend her off from grabbing your ass. You can't be seen dealing with these two in front of all of your bosses! "Stop it! Get out of here!" You hiss at the two, trying to be quiet making sure the boss is still on the phone.
The brunette smiles then, following your gaze from your boss and back then steps forward, grabbing your wrist to stop you from fending off the blonde grabbing your ass. "Oh, are those men your superiors? Better not let them see you doing anything embarrassing." She gives you a knowing, arrogant grin then and you just want to slap her. But you freeze instead, realizing she is right. You absolutely can't be seen dealing with these two college girls. "I see you realized. Now stop struggling." The brunette says, smirking. "They can't see anything."
You give the brunette the best glare you have but stop resisting, letting her grab both of your wrists giving the blonde free reign. The blonde just giggles and gives your ass a good squeeze, switching cheeks and really working it. You blush, taking it, anger building inside you at what they are doing. Then just as you've had enough and are about to wrench away your boss gets off the phone and turns back to you and starts talking. You were getting tense again but just relax, realizing it would look really bad to suddenly turn on the two girls. The two bitches! As you talk with your boss you are forced to endure the blonde playing with your ass making you shift uncomfortably, letting her squeeze it then spread it. You are very glad that he doesn't seem to notice, the brunette next to you never looking directly at you just blending into the crowd while the blonde is just simply hidden behind you.
"Ashley here has a nice ass." The blonde says behind you where you can hear, giving you a good squeeze making you shift uncomfortably. How does she know your name? The thought makes you frown.
"And what do you think about that?" Your boss suddenly says and you glance back startled, quickly responding trying to ignore the blonde. "Is everything alright?" Your boss asks and you quickly tell him that everything is fine, giving him a winning smile. Inside you are fuming though, anxiety starting to form as the blond then starts to lift up your skirt from behind. 'No! Someone will see!' your brain screams at you. You start to squirm and try to break free of the brunette but she has too good of a grip now and the blonde manages to slide your skirt up to reveal your ass, perfectly shaped and large with just the black thong to cover it. Anyone could see you if all they did was look down!
In the break of the conversation you glance back, giving a glare mouthing the words 'stop' and 'now' and manage to wrench your wrists away to try and tug your skirt back down embarrassment plain on your face. The brunette instead leans forward and runs a hand forward to squeeze your breast in full sight of your boss causing you to panic. You look up in shock but end up breathing a heavy sigh of relief seeing that your boss just looked the other way. But he could look back at any moment along with any of the others and you immediately panic and give up on your skirt to pry the brunette's hand away just in time making you all the angrier as she just laughs at your panic. Your boss turns back and you have to talk to him some more but as you do the brunette leans in at a bump in the train and whispers in your ear. "Leave your skirt alone or I'll do it where he can see."
The bitch! You want nothing more than to throttle these girls but you resist the urge, they have you in a good spot. They are taking advantage of the fact that you'd do anything to keep a good imagine of yourself in front of your superiors. You manage to suppress an expression as your skirt is once again lifted back up to reveal your ass with your thong perfectly nestled between it. "So fucking hot. You must work out." The blonde praises. You have no idea how to take that compliment, especially from a woman, and just ignore it going on about your new ideas. You freeze for a second however when the blonde runs a hand down between your legs and presses it up against your pussy through your thong and starts to rub you, frozen in shock.
Your boss looks at you, raising an eyebrow at your sudden stop, and you just stare at him trying your best to just stay still as this random college girl starts to rub your most sensitive area in the middle of a packed train. "She doesn't know what to do. She is in shock!" The blonde laughs, almost loud enough to where you think your boss might be able to hear. "Umm.." You stutter, looking at your boss desperately giving up holding your hands to the side to try and pry her hand away. That is just too far! You panic slightly when the brunette just intercepts you again, grabbing your wrists not letting you get at the blondes hand letting her rub away finally making you stifle a gasp. You then desperately turn back to your boss realizing how long you've been just standing there. "Well you see, what my plan is..." You start, then manage to continue, doing your best to keep calm and not struggle your boss starts looking at you strangely. No! You can't let him see you in anything but a professional demeanor!
You toss the brunette a worried glance but she just smirks, looking past you. Then, your boss gets called into a conversation by the rest of the team and turns away. You immediately take the opportunity to turn to the brunette, tugging hard to try and get your wrists free giving an audible gasp as the blonde keeps rubbing your pussy. "You two stop! Please! What do you want?" You beg, knowing you only have a few seconds to deal with them. You try to contain your anger and deal with them rationally. Anger just seems to amuse them.
The brunette just smirks and to your complete surprise she slides forward as the train bumps again and presses against you, taking your cheek with one hand to pull you into a deep and sudden passionate kiss. You are completely caught off guard and just stare at her startled as her tongue runs between your lips along yours and her hand slides forward under your jacket to give your breast another good squeeze. It goes on for a few seconds, you are too shocked to react and just gasp as your pussy gets rubbed while your breasts is squeezed and you are in a very intimate kiss. Then you finally snap out of it, panic dropping like a pit in your stomach as your hands fly forward to push her away to break the kiss absolutely horrified at the idea of you getting seen kissing another woman. The instant you are free you hear a bunch of laughing then the words, "What do you think about that Ashley?"
A bit of red creeping into your cheeks you look at the group startled, biting down slightly as the blonde just keeps at your pussy making you really start to feel it, but you manage to recover just glad none of them seem to have noticed you kissing the brunette or her hand squeezing your breast from underneath your jacket. "I'm a little undecided on that." You say quickly, giving them a grin and a quick shrug and that seems to work because they all get a good laugh out of that and turn back to each other.
You quickly turn back and wrench the blonde's hand away from your pussy after giving another gasp turning to them with panic on your face managing to stifle a moan from your pussy getting manipulated with all of these emotions toying with your head. "Stop. Please! Don't touch me like that!" You say quickly and quietly giving them a desperate look. The blonde just simply grabs your arms this time pinning them behind you and you just glare back at her over your shoulder. "Please!"
The blonde just rests her head against your back and looks over to the brunette with a mischievous smirk. "I like her. I think we should have some more fun with her."
"Fuck! No!" You hiss quietly to them before hearing your name and turn back to your bosses giving them a smile and enter back into the conversation. As you talk the brunette thankfully pulls her hand away from your breast and the blonde doesn't assault your ass or pussy any more. But you know they are up to no good as the blonde pulls your arms to the side and you feel something cold and metal slide between your waist and your thong and you suddenly feel your thong slide down a bit. Your eyes widen in alarm and you try to struggle but the blonde has your arms pinned well. You then feel the metal against the other side and then you feel the thong pulled from your body and moments later see the brunette hold it up with a grin, a pair of scissors in her hand. She smiles and just balls it up then throws it onto the floor further into the train. You curse under your breath at that, watching her from the corner of your eyes trying to stay involved in the conversation.
They took your thong! Not good! That means you'll have to go through your whole first day of work without underwear! Not only that but you are wearing a rather short skirt. If you make one mistake you'll completely humiliate yourself. But there is no way of getting it back, you'll just have to make due. The train bumps pretty good then as it starts to slow down for the next stop and the brunette uses the opportunity to press against you again, this time running her hands up your shirt from behind to your surprise. "What are you..." You start, then your eyes go wide as you feel your bra go slack. No! People will surely notice if you are not wearing a bra!
You really struggle then, half-ignoring the conversation letting you break free of the blonde after a few moments but you are too late as the brunette pulls your bra out of your shirt then away just inches from your grasping hand. She smirks at you as she does the same thing with your bra, releasing it along the floor further into the train where you'll never be able to get it without looking ridiculous. You feel naked, no underwear or bra on. You can suddenly feel your white shirt very clearly then suddenly gasp out loud realizing that your skirt is still up in the back and everyone can see your naked ass and possibly your pussy nestled between it. One of the bosses gives you a weird look but suddenly the train arrives at the next stop and everyone starts to move, your bosses moving around to let people in as well as people out.
You turn immediately to the brunette about to not play nice anymore but she suddenly shoves you back through several moving people with the help of the blonde suddenly tugging you hard at the waist and before you know it your back is against the blonde who is against the window of the train with the brunette pressing herself up tightly next to you. "No, stop!" You say in panic but it is too late at the brunette runs a hand up to your cheek and forces you back into a kiss. Then to your surprise and humiliation she runs a hand down to hike up your skirt in the front and starts to rub your pussy from the front grinding her hand quickly really making you feel it. You immediately panic, trying to squirm away and run a hand down to the brunette's wrist trying to stop her, the other trying to push yourself away from the blonde.
Before you can stop them the blonde suddenly runs her hands up your shirt from behind and squeezes your now undefended breasts beneath your shirt giving them a good and full squeeze catching you off guard and making you give an embarrassing moan. You immediately panic and try to look around past the brunette to see if anyone is watching, ignoring the hands groping and molesting you far more concerned at being seen. What if one of your bosses is looking your way right now? You even forget to struggle for a few moments, gasping as your pussy gets rubbed expertly while your full firm breasts gets squeezes and played with by the blonde behind you. You give a low moan, running your tongue against the brunette's unconsciously as you just freeze not knowing what to do.
Finally two taller gentlemen move in between you and the spot where your bosses are and the brunette breaks the kiss, smirking in your face. "They can't see Ashley, relax." She then slides forward to start sucking along your neck, her hands leaving your pussy to come up and start unbuttoning your shirt to your shock and horror.
"No please, stop! You can't!" You say desperately before giving an audible gasp from the blonde suddenly pinching your nipples and pulls them hard. You have to quickly bite your lip then, pleasure and a trembling sensation shooting through your body from the brunettes lips along your sensitive neck. "Fuck..." You mutter, looking around at the crowd around you desperately, making sure no one is watching. You get a few looks here and there which make you blush but you can tell that they can't see much.
"Oh, you can't leave her pussy alone!" The blonde chides the brunette, and runs one hand away from your breasts to pull up your skirt to your waist bundling it up before sliding a hand between your legs from behind to suddenly slide her middle finger right up your pussy making you give a loud and surprised moan before quickly closing your mouth, your cheeks lighting up with intense humiliation. You can't believe how good it feels but it makes you panic all the more, hands immediately leaving the brunette to try and pry her finger out of you. The blonde is expecting it through and with the help of the brunette she just simply wraps her other arm around yours and pins them against her not letting you fight them off fingering you harder.
"Fuck! No!" You say desperately, biting your bottom lip trying to squirm as the brunette works further down on the buttons. Your pussy and ass are completely exposed and you are getting fingered for anyone to see! You realize the only reason no one can see you is because the two hustled you off against the side of the train.
Then to your humiliation the brunette finishes and pops both of your large firm breasts right out of your top for the world to see. You give her a horrified, pleading look but to your shock the brunette just smirks knowingly and suddenly pulls up her phone to take a picture. You just stare at her in shock, not believing what she is doing. Staring at her not knowing what to do you watch as she bends down and takes a picture of your pussy getting fingered from behind and your naked pussy in the middle of a crowded train. Not done, the brunette then pushes herself back a little and takes a picture further back getting all of you in the picture, getting fingered with your breasts hanging out of your shirt right as the blonde slides in another finger making you moan out loud.
It is just then that you hear one of your bosses calling your name. "Ashley! Ashley? Where did she go, she needs to be in on this." Then to your horror you see him push past the two tall men right next to you and start to turn your way. No! Dread overcomes you, he is going to see you with your tits hanging out and getting fingered. Everything you worked for is done! But right before he turns his head your way the brunette steps in front of him, covering your body with hers as he turns to you. "Oh, there you are! Looking for a window spot huh? Not bad, I do it myself sometimes."
The brunette just smirks at you before looking past you, running her hands forward to grope your breasts just feet from your boss, squeezing them and pulling on your nipples as you keep getting fingered harder and faster from behind. You realize he can't see, but just a small shift to the left or the right... you give the brunette a pleading look but she just gives your breasts a full squeeze again and you have to bite your lip not to moan. Luckily your boss starts filling you in and doesn't give you a chance to speak, you are not sure you'd be able to say anything without sounding off. You are starting to really feel the pleasure now, your pussy and sensitive tits getting assaulted over and over. You start to breath heavily and keep biting your lip to stop from moaning. It isn't long before you start trembling and you don't dare make a sound knowing you'd moan out loud if given the chance.
The brunette then leaves your breasts alone and runs a hand down to your pussy and starts to rub your clit flicking it super quickly over and over and mouths to you 'it's time'. You desperately shake your head 'no', but she doesn't stop and pleasure starts to explode through you, two fingers fucking you harder and harder while your clit gets played with. Somehow the humiliation of being so exposed seems to be adding in as well and you let out a small moan unable to withstand it anymore. Luckily for you your boss seems so engrossed in what he is saying he didn't seem to notice. You start to turn very red, letting out another audible moan which gets his attention for a small moment before he continues. You dare a pleading look to the brunette before looking back to your boss who gives you a strange look before continuing.
The two don't show any mercy and right as they are about to force you into an orgasm the boss looks up to you and finishes. "So, you think that is something you can run with? What are your thoughts?"
You just stare the man down, not daring to make a sound barely managing to hold off the orgasm as the two college girls assault your pussy faster and harder knowing you are trembling and just on the edge. Then, just as you are about to moan right in his face the hand of another boss lands on his shoulder making him turn around and get pulled into conversation. You loose it, then and there, knowing it'll be your only opportunity. You cum hard from holding it in, moaning loudly right in front of everyone grinding your hips down on the two girl's hands. As you cum you look forward to see the brunette's grinning face, her phone out in front of her recording everything as you cum hard. You cheeks stain red and you just look away, hardly able to stand from cumming so hard.
"Mmm, such a slut." The blonde taunts from behind you, finally letting you go pulling her fingers out of you. You almost fall down to your knees without her support, legs weak after your massive orgasm. Practically on your knees with legs spread you run a hand down to your aching pussy, then look up in horror as the brunette simply points her phone at you again. You recover a few seconds later and pull down your skirt hiding your wet cunt and quickly stand up, trying to re-button your shirt. You get about half way before the brunette suddenly moves aside and your boss steps right next to you, grabbing your hand. You just barely manage to pull your shirt over your breasts in time, you look a little slutty but with a quick pull of your jacket you manage to save yourself at the last second as the boss pulls you back very interested on getting you to meet one of the other bosses and talk ideas.
The rest of the train ride goes like that, and you talk to the bosses for several more stops before the train arrives near the office building you'll be working at. But as you talk about business strategies and tactics all you can think about are those two college girls that essentially just raped you. You feel dirty, abused. You can't even think straight, and the two keep in sight the entire rest of the ride giving you smug grins here and there. You just can't believe how close you were to complete embarrassment in front of your bosses. When you finally step off the train you simply give the two girls a scowl and try to button yourself during the walk.
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Local Transportation: Chapter 2 ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Local Transportation: Story Board ]]

Current revision as of 17:32, 7 June 2024

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