VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (12212).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 6: The Twist - Part 1'''
'''The Story:'''
You are trying not to panic but you find that following Eve's great ass back to the room goes a long way towards forgetting how much your own ass hurts. You don't get to go immediately back to the room of course, with Eve stopping to talk to people on the way. She seems quite well known and everyone wants to know about her new girl; you. Of course that leads to you getting groped a few times at Eve's allowance making you blush and gasp a bit when people grab your sore ass. Of course everyone grabs your ass, it's your best asset! Thankfully Eve knows you want to get back to the room quickly, nervous and worried, and seems to want to get back there herself. She obviously has something planned.
Eventually you do make it and the two of you end up in the shower naked together. She orders you not to do anything sexual, and if you do she'll spank you again. So the two of you shower together and wash each other and she is obviously trying to test you, teasing you like crazy in the process. She doesn't grope or play with you, or make out with you, but she is very obviously showing off her body at some very good angles that she is more than aware do her great justice. After getting teased on stage it is almost more than you can stand but you manage not to get yourself spanked. The two of you rest a bit on the bed watching some TV before Eva finally grins widely and goes to pick out your outfits for another outing. You are a bit nervous after the first one but she promises it won't be anything like it. In fact, the two of you will be going out in disguise.
Intrigued you let Eva dress you getting a bit excited. She gets you into some pink leather lace up high-heel boots and then follow them with some similar long pink leather gloves that go just past your elbows. She then gets out a pink leather mask that covers most of your face, but has a fake ponytail coming out the top as if you had red hair. Grinning and excited you let her put it on, the pink leather covering the vast majority of your face but for two slits for eyes, a small one for your nose, and a larger hole for your mouth. Glancing at the mirror you blush, grinning at how hot you look as a redhead. In these boots you don't look so short either, really making your ass look hot. Eve finishes with some special contacts that make your eyes look green which you absolutely love. God you look sexy! She finishes by adding a fake line of hair right above your cunt, red, which really sells the illusion. You love it, although you do not look forward to tearing the thing off as she put it on with glue.
After that you help Eva into a very similar outfit, but purple leather instead of pink. She has fake green hair and puts on a similar green line above her cunt as well. The only difference is to your surprise that she puts on black leather cuffs around her wrists. She then turns to you with a grin as she hands you an open-ring gag. "Tonight, we are going to have a little bit of a role reveral for a reward." She says as your eyes widen in shock. "I'll be your slave, and you'll be my mistress. If we have a fun night, I'll remove some of your blackmail. If we don't, or if you don't let me go, it is set to a timer to automatically go out. I suggest we are back in the room by 8am tomorrow." She says, holding your gaze making you nod quickly.
"Yes, mistress." You say, putting the ring-gag between her lips with a blush. You feel the pit dropping in your stomach again, but this time out of excitement instead of anxiety. You really get to use this incredibly sexy woman as your slave tonight? You couldn't ask for anything better! You wouldn't dream of trying to keep her, although you are quite afraid of that blackmail going out. You'll have to be sure to get back to the room and release her before eight.
Looking at the sexy woman in front of you, you decide to test your new situation as you run a hand down the front of her naked form. "So, I get to do whatever I want?" You ask, and she nods, her lips quirking in a grin although she can't really smile with the gag. "And we need to go out?" You say, sighing when she nods firmly. You wouldn't have minded staying here and enjoying her. Damn. "And I get to do whatever I want?" You ask again, blushing as she gives a muffled laugh and leans against you seductively.
"Ok then." You say, standing up then looking around. You find what you are looking for and attach a collar and a leash to Eva who seems to be expecting it. You then link her two cuffs together behind her back so she can't use her hands. Pulling Eva to her feet you look over her incredible body, purple leather a great contrast to her dark, tanned skin with her hot green ponytail and landing strip. God she looks so fuckable! You look around a bit and notice some thick, black leather blindfolds and decide to put one on Eva. She shifts a little nervously at that but you grin happily. She is really under your thumb tonight. You quickly turn off the lights then get up and lead her out of the room passing the mirror one last time. Damn do you two look hot. You look like a hot, sexy dominatrix redhead with her punk-rock dyed hair latina slut. You can get used to this.
Walking Eva out you can't help but give her ass a nice long squeeze. God does she have a great ass. You find you can't keep your hand away and end up walking around with one hand gripped on her ass cheeks for the majority of the time. The convention is amazing and you quickly find yourself getting lost in all of the beauituful bodies walking around on the first night. It is apparently a week long event that ends next weekend making you wonder if Eva plans on keeping you here the whole time. After all you do have a job to get to. Not worrying about that for too long you walk around and gaze into shops and look around. You've never seen so much of this bondage gear you realize just how little you've experienced. You can't help but feel excited at the idea of getting to experience it all with Eva. Maybe your life isn't so bad.
The two of you get a good few looks, but most people don't approach you like they did Eva. You get the impression that most of the people know each other to some degree and they are all wondering who you two are. It doesn't stop them from looking and you constantly find yourself blushing at some of the raunchy things of few of the women you pass say they wish they could do with you two. You grin and banter back, feeling a rush of confidence, and in the next pair you find you end up trading slaves for a few minutes, groping and playing with their pussies. It is incredibly how watching someone you don't know coax moans out of Eva playing with her hot little pussy, and it is even hotter getting loud, gasping moans from the hot little blonde sitting on your lap as you push three fingers past her wet lips and finger her nice and hot hole with your other hand keeps her lips open with a finger pushed between them on either side of her tongue.
Eventually you move on, swapping back, but this time as you walk you keep a hand between Eva's legs keeping her nice and turned on loving the periodic gasp of pleasure from her. God you are so fucking excited right now! After another fifteen minutes of walking around they announce the next show and you find yourself wandering over to get a seat somewhere near the middle. You direct Eva to kneel in front of you and feel as if you are in heaven when you pull her face between your thighs by her leash and have her eat you out while the audience fills up.
Before long a show start on stage, a mistress with three slaves putting each one through a routine swapping between the three. The one that gets the most applause will get a reward, the one with the least will get a punishment, and the one in the middle will be lent out for the night. You've got a thing for the busty hispanic slave on the left. You realize you must be a sucker for tan skin and a fat ass realizing the woman with her tongue pressed against your slit giving a laugh. Deciding to have more fun with Eva you pull her up onto your lap but don't let her watch the show. Instead you start to let your hands roam, something you've been wanting to do for quite some time.
At first you spread Eva's gorgeous, soft tan legs and squeeze and drag your fingernails along her thighs. Her legs are really incredible. Eventually you find her hot little pussy and start to rub, loving the feel of using it as you wish. Eva gives the perfect responses, gasping softly in pressure and pressing her hips out against your hand. You'd die happy if you had something like this to play with every day. You are far from satisfied however, running your other hand up to play with Eva's hot little perky breasts. They are small but shapely and she has some nice hard nipples that you just love to pull on you find getting the best little gasps from Eva squirming in your lap. After that you undo Eva's gag, sliding it down around her neck, then push two fingers between her lips spreading them and running them along her tongue. You make her suck on your fingers before sliding them down to push up her hot and bothered hole.
With Eva now moaning and gasping on your lap as you slowly finger fuck her you finally turn her head towards you and take her lips with hers. Eva takes yours back eagerly and the two of you make out passionately in the middle of the show. You keep up your slow bounding between Eva's lips, taking the time to spread her as you fuck her. She is obviously enjoying it and you suddenly realize the murmurs of appreciation next to you are not for the show.
Blushing and pulling out of the kiss you turn to see the two women on your left with eyes only for you and Eva. The one next to you is wearing a mistress outfit, standard with a corset and heels with some other black accessories to show off her model-like body. The woman is truly gorgeous with long blonde hair raised in a straight ponytail before dropping down while her incredibly soft and shapely body is hardly hidden at all. You stare for a moment before blushing and glancing at the other, a bit stockier of a woman and shorter but with some of the best tits and ass you've ever seen with her beautiful brunette hair back in a long braid. She is obviously quite fit as well with hints of abs like yourself. She isn't wearing a thing but a collar.
The blonde grins and catches your eye again. "Oh please don't stop on our account. We've just found a better show to watch." She says, her words oozing seduction.
Feeling your confidence slip away you summon it back and push your fingers up at far as they'll go getting a loud gasp and moan out of Eva pressing her back hard against you. You start to finger fuck her hard then and run your other hand up to cover her lips. You give the woman a wink then turn back to watch the show, cheering for the hispanic with the great ass when she goes again, and finger your hot little mistress hard as she gasps and moans in your lap with your hand locked over her mouth to stop her from being too loud. Then, just as the show is ending and Eva is about to cum you stop, and instead start to slap her pussy hard ruining the orgasm.
Eva bucks and writhes in your lap giving cries of alarm and frustration and you hear a few muffled curses from underneath your hand. You saw that once online and always wanted to try it. You have a bad feeling Eva is going to use it on you in revenge but it is fun to frustrate your mistress at the moment. The show ends a few minutes later an you beam seeing that the hispanic did indeed win. A pouty redhead is getting set up for punishment while a skinny, yet sulty Asian woman is being auctioned off for the night. You blush wondering if your mistress would ever do that with you.
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (122121). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (122122). ]]

Current revision as of 17:51, 7 June 2024

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