VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (11221).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 6: The Twist - Part 1'''
'''The Story:'''
You feel the sleeping back being opened and look up and freeze looking up at Kim's sister who gives the two of you a smirk. Brooke looks up obviously shocked too and tries to sputter out an explanation but quite frankly it's hard to explain why you are dressed up as a sex toy cat in a sixty nine position with a friend. Kim's sister Mia, which you figure out later, just puts a finger to Brooke's lips as you feel that pit sinking in your stomach again. Fuck, you got caught! What is she going to do? Mia undoes the rope tying you two together and helps you crawl out of the sleeping back. "You must be Pixie, the one I hear so much about." She says shocking both of you.
"Fucking Kim." You hear Brooke mutter under her breath.
Mia just grins over to Brooke. "Oh she didn't tell me on purpose, but you four talk about it so much that it was only a matter of time before I overheard. I hope you don't mind if I borrow your friend for a bit. I'll bring her back I promise." Mia says then goes to shove some pillows into the sleeping bag along with Brooke. Brooke starts to argue with her demanding she give you back and let her go but Mia pulls down her tight gym shorts, pulls off her panties, then shoves them between Brooke's full, startled lips. Brooke looks up indignantly which you can't help but think is ridiculously hot, then starts to give muffled angry words as Mia walks over and grabs some tape to tape Brooke's mouth closed with Mia's panties stuffing her mouth. Mia then shoves some more pillows into the sleeping back to make it looks like you are still in there then zips it back up.
Not about to resist you just sit there the whole time wondering if you should have helped your mistress. You'll probably get punished for it but maybe she'll consider that you couldn't do much. Which is true. Finally Mia turns to you and takes your leash. "Follow pussy." She says, obviously knowing Brooke's nickname for you too. Fuck, you are mad at Kim too. How much had she spilled where Mia could hear?
"Yes, mistress Mia." You say hoping Brooke doesn't hear which gets a grin out of Mia.
"Oh, I'm going to like this." She says with a big smile and you crawl up the stairs after her, enjoying the view of her full, thick and shapely ass swaying perfectly as she goes up the stairs. She crawls you right past Kim's room and you can hear Molly, Kim, and Sonya all talking excitedly in there with music on drowning out their words. They obviously have some exciting plans for tonight. Mia walks you into the next room then closes and locks the door behind herself. You watch her dutifully on the floor as she strips naked, much more attractive than her sister. Well, Kim is attractive if you are being subjective, but you just hate her. Plus, Mia is in much better shape putting that impressive family bust to good use.
"On the bed pussy." Mia orders and you do so. She lays you back and for the first time you realized she grabbed one of Molly's bags. Fuck, what is she going to do with you? She takes out some wrist and ankle leather cuffs, pink to match your outfit, and after locking them on gets some rope and ties you spread eagle on her bed. "God you are hot. I might be able to get used to this." Mia muses as she slides onto the bed and lays pressed against your side. "Let's make sure you know what you are doing before I decide I want a round two though." Mia muses then tilts your chin up softly to take your lips and kiss you. The two of you kiss a few passionte times before she pulls away. "Hmmm, not bad, but...." And she gives you a few pointers. Blushing, you follow them the best you can and before you know it are in full blown make-out mode with Kim's sister.
Mia is fucking good at making out and you quickly close your eyes and get lost in the kiss. Mia breaks it a few times to give you more pointers, but overall is happy with your skill. Her hands start to roam as you two make out as well and after your nipples are nice and hard and your ass and tits have gotten some solid satisfying squeezes, Mia's hand remains firmly between your legs rubbing you. She is just as good at that as she is making out and it isn't long before you start to moan softly into her lips, still making out, and you get quite wet. Finally she breaks the kiss and just watches you as she gets you near to orgasm working your clit with expert pressured circles with another two fingers of her other hand lodged up your hole slowly fucking you. "Cum, pussy." She says with that same knowing smirk of hers. You take no time obeying and quickly thrust your hips against her hands and get your mouth covered by a hand pulling out as you moan a little too loudly. She still works your clit with the other and you have quite an enjoyable orgasm at her hands.
Not finished, Mia just goes back into making out with you and pushes her two fingers right back up you to start again. You blush deeply at that, hearing the other three exit Kim's room, but don't think of it as Mia continues to finger fuck your very receptive pussy while your tongue presses and rubs against Mia's still. Mia then starts to shove in a third finger and finally breaks away from the kiss to use her full arm to finger fuck you hard. You bite down hard trying not to gasp loudly as she pounds your hot little slit hard, her lips now wrapped around one of your nipples nibbling and sucking on it before swapping to the other, the whole time watching your reaction as she pounds your cunt.
Eventually you give in and start to moan loudly and Mia considers covering your mouth again but after listening to make sure the other three are gone next door she just lets you cry out and finger fucks you better than you ever have before into another very satisfying orgasm. Mia brings her hand up to your lips after that and makes you suck her fingers and lap up your juice on her palm before moving on. She sits up and starts to look through the bag, showing you a few items making you blush but always shakes her head and moves on to the next.
After a while she pulls out a gag with a strap-on located on the outside and grins deciding that might be fun. She gags you with it, a large cock sticking up from your mouth, and Mia grins looking at you like that. You can't help but keep blushing realizing how hot it will be for Mia to fuck your face with those hot busty hips and thighs. "I think I need a warm up first." Mia decides then takes the gag back off and moves to straddle your face looking down at you past her incredible busty tits. You dutifully keep eye contact making her grin and run your tongue along her pussy doing the best you can. You hear a few foot steps walking down the hall, likely some of Brooke's friends looking for you but trying to be quiet.
Mia ignores them and continues to have you eat her out, sitting back to run a hand back to squeeze and grope your breasts as you work. After she starts to moan softly from your tongue she gets up and to your surprise moves down between your legs. You blush quite deeply when she moves to split her legs and push her own pussy against your own, leg's pushed past yours to scissor you. God why is that so fucking hot? You press back quite turned on as she presses forward and the two of you start to grind and press against each other. You are a bit limited in your restrained position and Mia has to be a bit on her side, but it works and it feels so fucking good. You love hearing Mia moan and grind obviously enjoying it as much as you and you two don't take long to quickly and fiercely grind against each other both wet and excited, moaning and not wanting to stop until you both cum.
Quite the satisfying experience you watch super turned on as Mia untangles herself from your legs to come finally put the gag back on and straddle you to take the cock up her now wet, meaty cunt. Got it is so fucking hot! She pushes it all the way down to the base with a satisfied gasp of pleasure smothering your face with her ass, turned towards the rest of your body, then starts to slowly fuck the cock. God it is such a good fucking view watching her thick, full ass bounce on your face while her thick cunt, nestled perfectly between her thick meaty thighs, takes the cock again and again sliding tightly up and down it. Fuck this woman knows what she is doing. Eventually once she is warmed up she leans over and starts to play with your body while she rides your face, groping your thighs and tits, playing with your wet used pussy. "Fuck me pussy, you have to work for that view." Mia orders and teases.
Blushing you start to push your head back and forward fucking Mia's hot cunt the best you can while smothering yourself in her thick ass with your face. Fuck and it feels so good as her hands grope and play with your hot and bothered body. Half way through there is a hard knocking and Kim demands that Mia give you back to them. "Fuck off, finder's keepers. Plus, we are in the middle of... mmmhhhmmm.... something." Mia responds with a smirk over her shoulder at you.
"Fuck Mia, give her back! She is Brooke's, not mine!" Kim hisses through the door.
Mia doesn't give any sign she is going to stop so you keep bobbing your head fucking her wet pussy while she pulls on your nipples. Kim starts to get more insistant through the door but Mia just moans louder. Finally Kim just doesn't stop knocking loudly and Mia rolls her eyes. "Fucking brat, you want to have mom come check what we are doing?" Mia says with a little bit of irritation in her voice. "She probably knows what you are doing in the basement already you've been so loud, but making her actually come and see is quite another thing. Fuck off!" Mia emphasizes.
You hear some grumbling and confering outside the door before the group outside the door stalks off. Mia then starts to really ride the cock attached to your face and you do your best to move as well fucking her good until she has a nice trembling orgasm. To your surprise she just keeps going, this time really getting into a sixty nine position and grabs a vibrator from the bag. She starts to work your asshole with it making you moan while lapping at your clit. Fuck that feels good! As she slowly pushes the vibrator up your ass, mostly just working the tip and your asshole all while lapping up your clit, you keep pounding her pussy the best you can and Kim and her friends come back demanding you two more times breaking the mood each time. Eventually you and Mia both have another satisfying orgasm before Mia gets up.
Finally really digging through the bag she gets out some cream and after reading the label raises an eyebrow then shrugs and starts to coat your tits with it. "What... is that?" You ask a little hesitant but she just smirks.
"You'll see pussy." She says and after coating your tits getting your nipples nice and hard she dips two fingers in and works your pussy with it really stretching your insides, coating them and really working your clit almost making you cum. She does the same with your asshole really getting you to gasp. Then, to your great dismay, she pulls out a chastity belt. "That, my little pussy, was pleasure cream. It says it'll keep you nice and horny for quite a few hours, and I made sure to rub quite a bit of it in." You start to squirm a bit as Mia starts to slide the chastity belt up you, getting very nervous as Mia keeps talking. "You'll be horny for an entire day if I read that right. And... unable to cum." Mia finishes, locking and taking the key to the chastity belt. "Your pussy is all mine, doesn't matter what my sister thinks." Mia says happily. She then starts to let you go.
You feel the pit in your stomach drop again and you nervously sit up as you are freed. You test the belt a bit and know that thing isn't coming off anytime soon. You curse realizing you didn't remember to see where Mia put the key, it's already gone. Fuck, you are fucking horny already. What will Brooke say? You are a tangled mix of emotions suddenly but get snapped out of it as Mia grabs you by the neck and pulls you into a passionate make-out session again falling back onto the bed with you in her arms. You forget what you were thinking about as your very horny body presses against Mia's her hands roaming and groping, as you taste her lips again and again. You can't stop yourself from groping and squeezing her incredible tits and ass and body yourself. After a solid ten minutes of making out and Kim and her friends saying they are going to bed and you better be back by the time they wake up, Mia finally stops and pulls some clothing back on. "Go to Marie's room, it's down the hall on the right. She's expecting you." Mia says then puts the bondage gear away.
Giving Mia a dumbstruck look you stay there, frozen. What did she just say?
Mia recognizes your look and smirks again. "Kim has a big mouth, both of us are well aware of what she likes, and little does she know we both like it too. Hot ass like you doesn't just drop into our lap every day. Go please Marie or you might find yourself kicked out." Mia says with a playful grin. "And tell her Kim wants you back before she wakes up. She'll get a laugh at that. I wouldn't be surprised if she kept you or let me keep you. I just might." Mia says with a fierce smirk. "Regardless, that pussy is mine." Mia says looking at your chastity belt then kicks you out of her room then goes to the bathroom. At your request you go too before she points out Marie's room and slaps you on the ass to go there on all fours. You can hear Brooke and the other three playing video games again downstairs.
Blushing deeply and a knot of emotions again, yet less tangled than before, you crawl to Marie's room and knock before being let in. Marie's hot trophy wife body in lingerie appears, a see-through gown that does nothing to hide her incredible body. You can't help but stare. Fuck, those hips. Those tits. God those tits. Marie gives you a small smirk herself then takes you by the leash and brings you inside. It isn't long before you find yourself between her legs servicing her incredible body, and her incredible pussy, Marie's hands locked in your hair guiding your tongue every step of the way. You've got no idea if she plans to return you or not before Brooke and her friends wake up. Or at all, for that matter.
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (112211). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (112212). ]]

Current revision as of 17:51, 7 June 2024

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