VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (12111).

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(Created page with ''''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games '''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment''' '''Part 6: The Twist - Part 1''' '''...''' '''The Story:''' You both…')
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Kiera steps off the bed following Jamie and the two strip. They are incredibly attractive, you feel a bit jealous realizing Eva had someone before you that was this fucking hot, but that is not what gets your attention despite two naked supermodels in front of you. Both of them have some massive, fat cocks between their legs. You can tell Eva is shocked too, eyes wide unable to come up with something to say. Jamie just grins at that. "Have you speechless? It's all the rage you know. Fucking weebs from the internet love women with cocks, and sure enough they invented a little pill that lets you grow one for a short time. They are a bit big so some women can't take them, but I though, Eva's a pro, she knows how to take a cock." Jamie sneers running her hand up and down her massive cock. You just stare, shocked, amazed and still fucking furious at Jamie. "I'm going to make you my little cock whore, Eva. Ready for a night to remember?" She teases making you squirm and struggle all the more.
Kiera steps off the bed following Jamie and the two strip. They are incredibly attractive, you feel a bit jealous realizing Eva had someone before you that was this fucking hot, but that is not what gets your attention despite two naked supermodels in front of you. Both of them have some massive, fat cocks between their legs. You can tell Eva is shocked too, eyes wide unable to come up with something to say. Jamie just grins at that. "Have you speechless? It's all the rage you know. Fucking weebs from the internet love women with cocks, and sure enough they invented a little pill that lets you grow one for a short time. They are a bit big so some women can't take them, but I though, Eva's a pro, she knows how to take a cock." Jamie sneers running her hand up and down her massive cock. You just stare, shocked, amazed and still fucking furious at Jamie. "I'm going to make you my little cock whore, Eva. Ready for a night to remember?" She teases making you squirm and struggle all the more.
Turning to Kiera she nods to you. "Keep busy with her while I get our little bitch ready." Jamie says your view gets filled with Kiera while you hear Eva struggling with Jamie behind her.
Lording over you with her fat dick Kiera grins and picks up a switch from a nearby table. "Just so you know to behave." She sneers then starts to switch you all over. You growl and writhe in your bonds but can't escape, crying out in pain as the switch expertly slaps all over your body leaving a trail of painful red lines. She coats your thick ass in them first grinning at you then works your thighs and back, pretending to be sad she can't access your tits since they are crushed against the post, but just laughs saying they are probably not big enough to be worth punishing making you glare. You glance past her at one point and see Jamie has oiled Eva up, her body glistening and beautiful while Jamie gropes and lords over her running hands all over Eva's body while grinding her fat cock against Eva's wet pussy in anticipation.
Not letting you ignore her, Kiera plops down on the corner of the bed in front of you with a leg on either side. She pulls off your ball gag but while you are stretching your jaw and about to give her a piece of your mind she shoves another open-ring gag between your lips. You glare up at her and she laughs, turning back to Jamie. "This one has spirit. I think I'm going to enjoy this." Kiera jokes then turns back to you. "I hope you know how to deep throat dear or this is going to be unpleasant for you." Kiera warns then starts to push her massive cock through your gag and into your open mouth. You try to turn your head but it's no use with Kiera right there along with the ropes. She forces her cock in and your eyes immediately tear up as she pushes it down your throat inch by inch. You gag and choke on it, trying to look away unable to breath, but Kiera keeps you looking up at her grinning, arrogant sneer as you choke on her cock. About half of it in she starts to work her hips back and forth, biting her lip and running a hand up to squeeze her incredible full tits one by one while slowly fucking your mouth.
You gag and gasp, choking on her cock, until she finally pulls it out letting you gasp for breath. She strokes your cheek with grin, wiping away a single tear, then just pushes her cock right back in with a high-pitched beautiful mocking laugh that makes you glar, flushing red. You gag on more of her cock this time as she works more down your throat loosening it. She takes her time and a good thirty minutes go by of you gulping on her cock filling your lips. She'll alternate between gripping your head and bobbing your head up and down sucking on her shaft to taking the switch and making you do it yourself under threat of quite a brutal switching. Your face is stained with tears and makeup by the time she is done, your lips wrapped around the base of her cock tightly as you look up pathetically and dutifully into her sneering grin, ring-gag long gone as you've given into doing what she says unable to take the breath play. Now you just suck on her cock as Jamie continues to to work on Eva just out of view.
Eventually Kiera announces she is going to cum and Jamie laughs and quickly moves. "Cream pie the slut. The first of many." She announces and Kiera pulls her cock inch by inch out of your throat, your lips dragging on it, sucking, until she pulls away, pats you on the head like a good pet, then goes over to lie on top of Eva's stretched, glistening body that you can see is covered in welts making you glare. Kiera shoves her massive cock right up Eva's inviting, spread cunt getting a massive muffled moan out of your mistress before another, louder one as Kiera pumps and pounds her hot pussy hard a few times before filling her to the brim with hot cum. Holy fuck that's a lot of cum! You see some spurting out the sides. Fuuuuuck! You can just barely see Eva's gagged face, eyes rolling back into her head as she gets filled to bursting. Not done, as soon as Kiera pulls out with a satisfied grin Jamie takes her place and after a couple hard thrusts, reaching forward to choke Eva as she pounds her hot spread hole, she cums too making Eva give a disparing, gagged and choked scream as cum fills and stretches her insides as even more spurts out.
The two then set up the next hour into a very depressing cycle. Jamie digs out a cock gag from Eva's stuff that apparently can be filled with cum. The two promptly fill it then shove it down Eva's throat tightening it around her head tightly between her lips and set the cock to pump her throat full of cum every five minutes making her swallow every inch. With the ammount of cum those pill-grown cocks are producing, apparently with no balls, they keep it filled easily. You can see Eva crying after choking on the first load obviously struggling with the cock gag lodged down her throat. The two then bring you into the loop and take turns throat fucking your head until you are just a fuck hole, hardly able to breath or think of anything besides sucking cock, then go to unload on Eva after your lips have worked them up. Most of the time they shove their massive cocks up Eva's stretched, hot, glistening pussy filling her with load after load making her sob and fight uselessly against her bonds. Sometimes they fuck her ass and unload into it instead, plugging it with a massive butt plug so it all stays in.
Once Eva is nice and full, swallowing load after load choking on the thick cock gag while being pounded and stretched and filled hard up her ass and cunt the two then cover her glistening form with more cum coating her hot, sticky body. They give you a cock-gag to match then walk over to the kitchen to get a drink and something to eat taking a small break. You sob, gulping cum after cum as the cock gag periodically forces it down your throat on a never ending timer. You cry even more seeing Eva laying there defeat, her glazed eyes staring at the ceiling used and abused unable to think, just a piece of meat to fuck.
After some time the two finally come over and release the two of you

Revision as of 18:39, 13 October 2022

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 6: The Twist - Part 1


The Story:

You both fall asleep and nap in each other's arms but are woken up by a loud knocking on the door. You groan and stretch loving feeling Eva's warm skin against your body and smile pressing more firmly against her. Eva wakes up too, rubbing some sleep out of her eyes before sitting up slightly then smiling at you. She gives you a quick few passionate kisses then stares at the door. "I wonder who that is." She complains then slides out of bed. "Coming!" She yells looking around for some clothing. You just stay under the covers watching her fantastic ass bounce around while she finally puts on just a thong an oversized loose t-shirt and make her way towards the door. The shirt hangs down enough to mostly cover her ass, but just enough peaks out to let you enjoy the view. Eva looks back and gives you a playful scowl as you keep staring, not looking away just because she caught you. You smile happily back. Things are going so well! You wonder who is at the door though. Getting a random visit at an isolated cabin in the mountains is kind of strange, actually. You frown and sink under the covers a bit more.

Eva gets up on her tippy-toes to look through the peephole and just frowns again muttering that is must be blocked or something. Warning bells go off in your head and you sit up, but Eva opens the door anyways. Immediately she gives a pained cry and collapsed to the floor, a woman stepping in over her holding a tazer in her hands. You give a shriek of alarm, scared, and the woman quickly turns to you with a wicked smile. "Oh, she has a guest. Fucking should of known. Kiera, handle Eva here while I grab her little guest." The woman says and starts to stalk towards the bed with tazer in hand. She is a beautiful woman, and if she wasn't coming at you with a tazer you'd think about hitting on her. She has beautiful, well-maintained shoulder-length blonde dyed hair with brown roots quite visible and a beautiful, if a little twisted at the moment face. She has the body of a model, slim but with the perfect curves and even from your brief glance you can tell she has a thigh gap.

Another woman steps in over Eva on the floor, another woman that might as be a model with a very skinny, yet very busty frame and a long black ponytail with Eastern European features. You snap out of it and shriek jumping out of the covers and just barely manage to get away from the tazer and the woman lunging at you. You collapse over the end of the bed and as you stagger back to your feet the woman has cleared the bed and has you cornered. You try to beg and start to sob not knowing what is going on but the next second you know she gets you with the tazer and you are on the ground filled with agony, unable to scream as painful electricity explodes across your body.

The next bit is a blur, but you do learn that the first woman is named Jamie and that the second one is named Kiera as you lay on the bed in a daze trying to stay conscious after getting shocked a second time. Eva gets dragged over to the bed and gets stripped naked. They drag you off of the bed and using some of Eva's rope tie you to the post with your chin neatly resting on the corner end of the bed with you on your knees tightly very tightly to the post, naked and unable to move an inch. A ball gag gets shoved between your lips then so all you can do it watch and groan in your very restrictive bondage as the two get to work on Eva to your great dismay.

They seem to have a person grudge against the woman because they do not treat her kindly at all. She comes to more than once as you watch and they don't hold back at all getting her with the tazer again and again. They tie her up too, stretching her arms out above her head laying her on her back on the bed and tie her wrists together then tie them to a ring just past the mattress at the center top of the bed. They tie up her arms so they remain straight then pull her legs out straight to either side making her do the splits. She can do it well enough but you can tell it is a little painful for her as her ankles get tied to more hooks on the sides of the bed forcing her legs to be completely split and spread, thick thighs quite impressive in this view. You shake your head, or try to, trying not to think of how hot she looks like this. After that they get more rope around her waist and also bring that to the sides of the bed pinning her middle down too.

Eva isn't going anywhere and you finally start to come too and give muffled cries of alarm. The two glance at you, but since you are gagged and tied up they don't pay you much mind. Kiera bends over and runs a soothing hand along your cheek but you try to throw it off, scared and not wanting this woman to touch you. She laughs and just slaps you instead before turning her attention back to Eva and Jamie. Eva has finally come to as well and is cursing up a storm, only half of the words getting out as the two laugh and smother her face with their feet getting comfortable on the bed. "Shut the fuck up Eva, there is nothing you can say that is going to make this any better." Jamie laughs making you quite red with anger at how she is treating your mistress.

"Who is your new little pet? Another little sub slut you found on the internet?" Jamie grins grinding her foot on Eva's face. She turns to you then. "I'm Jamie by the way, little slut. Eva's ex girlfriend." She introduces with a sneer. "And Eva," She starts again, smothering her lips more when Eva tries to cry out again, "This is Kiera, my new girlfriend. I'm glad we've all gotten to meet. Why don't you give us your little slut's name so we can all be rightfully aquainted." Jamie says finally moving her feet away.

Eva tests her mouth a bit, grimacing at the taste of Jamie's feet and glares at her ex. "What the fuck are you doing Jamie?" She growls instead of answers.

Jamie just slaps her hard making you tense in your bondage, anger welling up in you. "What's her name, bitch?" Jamie sneers, asking again. "I can do this all fucking day as you are well aware."

Glowering with a red-stained cheek Eva glances down at you. "Pixie." She says, giving you a worried look.

"Pixie!" Jamie says ecstatic. "What a fucking good name. Was that so fucking hard?" She says grabbing Eva by the cheeks roughly making her look at her. "I'm not too fucking happy about the way you treated me you know. But I've moved on, found someone else. I'm happy. But you know what? I'd be a lot fucking happier watching you suffer while I'm happy. I feel it's the least you deserve after what you put me through." She then shoves Eva's head back down and turns to you. "Pixie is just going to be a little collateral damage. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be so focused on making your life a living hell we'll forget to give her a taste as well." Jamie says with a grin cupping Eva's tiny little breasts groping them a bit roughly.

"Should we show her?" Kiera pipes in, amusement on her face as she moves closer to Eva looking down at her in triumph.

"Yeah, sure, why not." Jamie says getting off the bed and standing. "She'll find out fucking soon anyways."

Kiera steps off the bed following Jamie and the two strip. They are incredibly attractive, you feel a bit jealous realizing Eva had someone before you that was this fucking hot, but that is not what gets your attention despite two naked supermodels in front of you. Both of them have some massive, fat cocks between their legs. You can tell Eva is shocked too, eyes wide unable to come up with something to say. Jamie just grins at that. "Have you speechless? It's all the rage you know. Fucking weebs from the internet love women with cocks, and sure enough they invented a little pill that lets you grow one for a short time. They are a bit big so some women can't take them, but I though, Eva's a pro, she knows how to take a cock." Jamie sneers running her hand up and down her massive cock. You just stare, shocked, amazed and still fucking furious at Jamie. "I'm going to make you my little cock whore, Eva. Ready for a night to remember?" She teases making you squirm and struggle all the more.

Turning to Kiera she nods to you. "Keep busy with her while I get our little bitch ready." Jamie says your view gets filled with Kiera while you hear Eva struggling with Jamie behind her.

Lording over you with her fat dick Kiera grins and picks up a switch from a nearby table. "Just so you know to behave." She sneers then starts to switch you all over. You growl and writhe in your bonds but can't escape, crying out in pain as the switch expertly slaps all over your body leaving a trail of painful red lines. She coats your thick ass in them first grinning at you then works your thighs and back, pretending to be sad she can't access your tits since they are crushed against the post, but just laughs saying they are probably not big enough to be worth punishing making you glare. You glance past her at one point and see Jamie has oiled Eva up, her body glistening and beautiful while Jamie gropes and lords over her running hands all over Eva's body while grinding her fat cock against Eva's wet pussy in anticipation.

Not letting you ignore her, Kiera plops down on the corner of the bed in front of you with a leg on either side. She pulls off your ball gag but while you are stretching your jaw and about to give her a piece of your mind she shoves another open-ring gag between your lips. You glare up at her and she laughs, turning back to Jamie. "This one has spirit. I think I'm going to enjoy this." Kiera jokes then turns back to you. "I hope you know how to deep throat dear or this is going to be unpleasant for you." Kiera warns then starts to push her massive cock through your gag and into your open mouth. You try to turn your head but it's no use with Kiera right there along with the ropes. She forces her cock in and your eyes immediately tear up as she pushes it down your throat inch by inch. You gag and choke on it, trying to look away unable to breath, but Kiera keeps you looking up at her grinning, arrogant sneer as you choke on her cock. About half of it in she starts to work her hips back and forth, biting her lip and running a hand up to squeeze her incredible full tits one by one while slowly fucking your mouth.

You gag and gasp, choking on her cock, until she finally pulls it out letting you gasp for breath. She strokes your cheek with grin, wiping away a single tear, then just pushes her cock right back in with a high-pitched beautiful mocking laugh that makes you glar, flushing red. You gag on more of her cock this time as she works more down your throat loosening it. She takes her time and a good thirty minutes go by of you gulping on her cock filling your lips. She'll alternate between gripping your head and bobbing your head up and down sucking on her shaft to taking the switch and making you do it yourself under threat of quite a brutal switching. Your face is stained with tears and makeup by the time she is done, your lips wrapped around the base of her cock tightly as you look up pathetically and dutifully into her sneering grin, ring-gag long gone as you've given into doing what she says unable to take the breath play. Now you just suck on her cock as Jamie continues to to work on Eva just out of view.

Eventually Kiera announces she is going to cum and Jamie laughs and quickly moves. "Cream pie the slut. The first of many." She announces and Kiera pulls her cock inch by inch out of your throat, your lips dragging on it, sucking, until she pulls away, pats you on the head like a good pet, then goes over to lie on top of Eva's stretched, glistening body that you can see is covered in welts making you glare. Kiera shoves her massive cock right up Eva's inviting, spread cunt getting a massive muffled moan out of your mistress before another, louder one as Kiera pumps and pounds her hot pussy hard a few times before filling her to the brim with hot cum. Holy fuck that's a lot of cum! You see some spurting out the sides. Fuuuuuck! You can just barely see Eva's gagged face, eyes rolling back into her head as she gets filled to bursting. Not done, as soon as Kiera pulls out with a satisfied grin Jamie takes her place and after a couple hard thrusts, reaching forward to choke Eva as she pounds her hot spread hole, she cums too making Eva give a disparing, gagged and choked scream as cum fills and stretches her insides as even more spurts out.

The two then set up the next hour into a very depressing cycle. Jamie digs out a cock gag from Eva's stuff that apparently can be filled with cum. The two promptly fill it then shove it down Eva's throat tightening it around her head tightly between her lips and set the cock to pump her throat full of cum every five minutes making her swallow every inch. With the ammount of cum those pill-grown cocks are producing, apparently with no balls, they keep it filled easily. You can see Eva crying after choking on the first load obviously struggling with the cock gag lodged down her throat. The two then bring you into the loop and take turns throat fucking your head until you are just a fuck hole, hardly able to breath or think of anything besides sucking cock, then go to unload on Eva after your lips have worked them up. Most of the time they shove their massive cocks up Eva's stretched, hot, glistening pussy filling her with load after load making her sob and fight uselessly against her bonds. Sometimes they fuck her ass and unload into it instead, plugging it with a massive butt plug so it all stays in.

Once Eva is nice and full, swallowing load after load choking on the thick cock gag while being pounded and stretched and filled hard up her ass and cunt the two then cover her glistening form with more cum coating her hot, sticky body. They give you a cock-gag to match then walk over to the kitchen to get a drink and something to eat taking a small break. You sob, gulping cum after cum as the cock gag periodically forces it down your throat on a never ending timer. You cry even more seeing Eva laying there defeat, her glazed eyes staring at the ceiling used and abused unable to think, just a piece of meat to fuck.

After some time the two finally come over and release the two of you


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