I wonder if that is really my thought

From Create Your Own Story

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Then there was swift running to the left direction.
Then there was swift running to the left direction from outside the door.

Revision as of 11:54, 19 August 2018

You start to have second thoughts...is that really your own thought?

You smile sadly remembering when it arrived into your head...when the fog came.

Retreating back down...the tube softened again at the sudden realiziation in distaste.

Your eyes then trailed on the captain still blushing crimson.

You decide to immediately pull your pants back up.

"I must be excused. You are free to yourself." You said while you pulled away from her and walked to the exit immediately.

Then there was swift running to the left direction from outside the door.

Your instinct knew she was emotionally hurt for feeling ignored...yet another part of you decided it was for the best for both of you to meet together again after you cleared your mind.

You walked outside of the office in order to clear your mind...the fog remained.

You walked to the public refresher to refresh yourself of course.

After completing that you exit it.

While deciding a way to clear your mind of what you had just done...you realized you were famished while a needle-like pain panged onto your stomach.

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