- | One thing to remember is that sadly, most of the content on this site deals with rather taboo issues. Finding other hosting may be more difficult than you think. It would probably be hard to get revenue from it, since most ad companies would refuse to touch a site that has bestiality, incest, rape, murder, degradation, etc, so the host would probably need to pay for the entire site out of their own pocket. The ad companies that may be willing to accept would probably be the ones that would drive most users away, or result in the site becoming almost completely adult, with the very little that is actually in the Family Friendly, PG-13, etc, no longer being family friendly, PG-13, etc, because of the ads.
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- | I agree that this site can be frustrating to use. I have dealt with the link limit issues constantly, have had to figure out how to make my own templates because I wanted something that looked nicer, but this wiki version does not allow proper html or scripting or whatever. In fact, I have probably learned a few things because of having to diy some of my own better looking features. I also agree that, since it is pretty much impossible to reach the actual site owner, it leaves many of us frustrated.
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