Pokemon: Choose beldum

From Create Your Own Story

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"I finally made it out..." I gasped and breathed in the fresh air. I did some training at the nearby ranch, and walked over to the coal mines. I saw a few workers, and I saw a few Machokes working too... I saw a man in the mine who looked... no... Who WAS very familiar! I ripped out the paper with the photos of the three people... It was the guy with spiky hair! I ran over and said, "Hey, who are you?" The man looked at me and said, "I'm Brock. Who are you?" I shook my head. "That does not matter."
"I finally made it out..." I gasped and breathed in the fresh air. I did some training at the nearby ranch, and walked over to the coal mines. I saw a few workers, and I saw a few Machokes working too... I saw a man in the mine who looked... no... Who WAS very familiar! I ripped out the paper with the photos of the three people... It was the guy with spiky hair! I ran over and said, "Hey, who are you?" The man looked at me and said, "I'm Brock. Who are you?" I shook my head. "That does not matter." I showed him the picture. "Are you involved with a 'Team Comet'?" He shook his head and looked at the picture again. "Hey those are my friends." He said. I looked at the other two people. "Why does Team Comet want anything to do with you three?" He looked down. "I do not know, but I did once fight a 'Team Rocket' and a 'Team Galactic'..." I motioned at the picture. "What are their names? Were are they?"  He looked at me and said, "Their name are Ash and Misty, and Misty is staying somewhere in the Battle Frontier here in Sinnoh, and the last I talked to Ash he was on a ship that was heading to Kalos." I frowned. "Well I heard one of the Team Comet grunts say that they were gonna capture you three and use you to rule Sinnoh..." Brock smiled and said, "Well maybe I can help stop them. He stood up and said, "Can I accompany you on your journey?" I  looked at him. It was really a tough choice. The guy seemed nice and he surely could help me but I was not sure if I could trust him... "Fine" I said.
[[Category: Pokemon|Choose beldum]]
[[Category: Pokemon|Choose beldum]]

Revision as of 00:46, 15 January 2016

The story now becomes a journal entry type thing. Chapter one: Insanity

I was so happy I almost died. I felt as if I was gonna burst out of my clothes and go around shrieking. I got a Pokemon. Just then, my best friend Kent, rushed through the door. "Hey Christopher, you got one already?" I nodded, and stepped away so he could then pick one. He closed his eyes and snatched one. The professor nodded and kicked us out. I quietly said, "Want to have a battle?" He nodded quickly and immediately threw his. I saw that he had chosen Gible, and I was a little jealous but I still did not regret grabbing Beldum. I sent out Beldum, and I was about to have my very first battle. All I could think about was my journey about to unfold. All of my life continued after this one small battle... I casually said, "Beldum, use Tackle." I was surprised when I saw Gible go flying, then I remembered that Beldums are made of metal, and if you got slugged with metal, you might go flying. Gible began to glow brown, and it unleashed a spout of sand, which spewed to the ground. At first I thought it was hurt, but then I saw it's dead, red eyes. That Gible was MAD. Kent smiled and barked, "Gible use Tackle!" Beldum flew into a tree and rushed back with a big scratch on its metal body. I said, "Use Psybeam." Gible levitated about half a foot off the ground then looked like it got a nasty headache. It dropped on the ground and Kent yelled, "Use Sand Attack!!" I saw Beldum looked a little... weird... Beldum was moving around in all directions, bumping into everything... I said, "Beldum use Take Down." For a second, I blacked out but I saw it again two seconds later... There was a big psychic wave blocking the area were Gible was, and Beldum had charged into... I blacked out and awoke yet again. I saw Beldum lying on the ground, and Gible was fainted. Kent shrugged, "Guess you won Christopher. But we better get our Pokemon the the Pokemon center." Everything after that is kind of a blur. Me and Kent were running to the Pokemon center, Gible was fainted and I was lugging a big metal bar with eyes to the Pokemon center... I remember walking out of the Pokemon center with Kent, Beldum, and Gible. Kent said sadly, "Well I gotta go on my journey... Bye man, I'll see you in Jubilife city." I punched him and we laughed... Then he walked away. I decided to do the same. I walked away with Beldum by my side. Beldum look at me weirdly. I smiled and said, "Hey there... I am Christopher. Your new trainer." Beldum sort of, maybe, possibly, Flew into the air and shrieked, "Bel el!" I thought he was mad, but then he came down and looked happy. I looked around... There was a large ocean but I had no swimming Pokemon... A grassy path, which I hear most trainers go to to get to Jubilife, then I spotted a mountain. It was more of a hill... I decided to go up it. I walked up it for a few minutes, then I looked down, and saw the end of the grassy path. I tripped and rolled down the hill, crashing into someone... I opened my eyes to see nobody, but then I saw three men, one smaller then the other two. I got got closer and realized the small man was being mugged! I ran up and kicked one of the bigger guys in the... I really shouldn't say, and the other one threw a poke ball at me, revealing a Shinx. The other one stood up and his veins were bulging with anger... I was a little scared when the second one threw a poke all, revealing a Luxray!! I was very spooked, because a Luxray was way out of my league. It was full evolved, and I had fought no more then three battles. There was only one thing I could do-It was NOT running away, I am way awesomer then that- I sent out Beldum. I then heard someone walking from behind me, and I prayed it was not another one of these big guys... I saw Cynthia. Cynthia was the Ex-Champion of Sinnoh, and to be honest, I was shocked to see her here. She looked at the muggers then at me and she smiled at me. "Need a hand?" She asked. I nodded, gaping. She threw a Pokemon, and a Glaceon emerged. I told Beldum to use Psybeam, but since I was still gaping it was more of a, "Bedul, uke hibeem!" Beldum used Psybeam, hitting Luxray. Cynthia smiled and said "Use Sheer Cold." All I remember after that was freezing coldness, and hearing the men running away... I opened my eyes, covered in a heap of snow. I saw that Beldum was frozen and the men and their Pokemon seemed to have disappeared. Cynthia was gone. I picked up a stick and broke Beldum free of the ice. The smaller man who had been getting mugged ran up to me. "Thank you boy, you saved my life!!," I just walked away... "Happy to help..." I walked into Jubilife City and marveled at how big it was. This place was at least three times bigger then Twinleaf and Sandgem COMBINED!!! I looked over to see a guy walking away from a Pokemon that looked like it was dieing. I ran over and cursed under my breath, "Your not a trainer..." I rushed the Pokemon over to the center, and realized it was a... a... A POLIWAG!? I was amazed! Those are rare, and I had no clue how that trainer had gotten it. I left it at the Pokemon center and came back later to see it jumping on the counter. It looked at me and smiled, as if saying thanks. I scanned it and saw it had a rare move. I walked up and tapped it with a poke ball. It went in without hesitation. I caught a Poliwag. I walked out of the Pokemon center and bumped into Kent. He looked as full of energy as ever. Before I knew it, we were on the battlefield. People stopped to look, and soon the bleachers were full of cheering people. Kent sent out a Combee. I sent out Poliwag, knowing it knew ice shard. I used Ice shard, and Combee fainted. I was amazed at how easy that was... Then he sent out Gible, and something happened... Two men stopped our battle. It was the two men from earlier, and they had a photo of an asteroid on their shirts. They said they were gonna kill us, and sent out a Drifloon and a Gastly. I kept Poliwag out, and Kent kept Gible out. I told Poliwag to use Ice shard on Drifloon. Drifloon used Sucker Punch on Gible, and Gastly used Gas Plume, which put Gible to sleep. "Poliwag use Water Gun!" It hit Drifloon. Drifloon used Peck on Gible, and Gible fainted!!! I used Ice shard and Drifloon fainted, and hit Gastly, who also fainted. Kent used a revive on Gible and one on Combee. The two men said, "Do not mess with us you teenage punks, Team Comet is gonna use the power of the Three Champions to rule Sinnoh!" They ran off, and one dropped a piece of paper. I snatched it off the ground, and saw a photo of a trainer with one of those really rare hats that you gotta win in a contest in Kanto, and a Pikachu on his shoulder. Two letters were above his photo that said, "T.L"... Another photo was of a man with spiky black hair, who had a green and orange jacket on. Above him said, "T.S" and there was one more of a girl with orange hair, and the letters above her said "T.B"... I stuffed it in my pocket, and Kent said sadly, "I better get going. Bye." I decided it was time to go. I saw a bike shop and decided to nab one before I left. I bought a bike, and rode into the caves that connected the place to Oreburgh.


"I finally made it out..." I gasped and breathed in the fresh air. I did some training at the nearby ranch, and walked over to the coal mines. I saw a few workers, and I saw a few Machokes working too... I saw a man in the mine who looked... no... Who WAS very familiar! I ripped out the paper with the photos of the three people... It was the guy with spiky hair! I ran over and said, "Hey, who are you?" The man looked at me and said, "I'm Brock. Who are you?" I shook my head. "That does not matter." I showed him the picture. "Are you involved with a 'Team Comet'?" He shook his head and looked at the picture again. "Hey those are my friends." He said. I looked at the other two people. "Why does Team Comet want anything to do with you three?" He looked down. "I do not know, but I did once fight a 'Team Rocket' and a 'Team Galactic'..." I motioned at the picture. "What are their names? Were are they?" He looked at me and said, "Their name are Ash and Misty, and Misty is staying somewhere in the Battle Frontier here in Sinnoh, and the last I talked to Ash he was on a ship that was heading to Kalos." I frowned. "Well I heard one of the Team Comet grunts say that they were gonna capture you three and use you to rule Sinnoh..." Brock smiled and said, "Well maybe I can help stop them. He stood up and said, "Can I accompany you on your journey?" I looked at him. It was really a tough choice. The guy seemed nice and he surely could help me but I was not sure if I could trust him... "Fine" I said.


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