
From Create Your Own Story

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(Created page with 'Stricken by the reality of the situation, you can't seem to find the will to move. More than by the mattres around you you body is paralyzed by a deep fear. You remain still in y…')
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[[Try to get up]]
[[Try to get up]]
[[Start begging them not to do this to you]]
[[Category:The life of a medieval princess]]
[[Category:The life of a medieval princess]]

Revision as of 01:07, 22 January 2012

Stricken by the reality of the situation, you can't seem to find the will to move. More than by the mattres around you you body is paralyzed by a deep fear. You remain still in your uncomfortable position, unable to allow yourself to pass out or move a finger.

Hours upon Hours pass, you feel like you've been in that mattress for days, but without being able to see, you have no way of knowing for sure.

After what seems like forever to you, you hear a sound you haven't heard before : waves! You're at the sea! Oh no, they must have carried you all the way to the southern shore, that place is crawling with pirates. They must be meeting here with easterner slave traders to pawn you off to the highest bidder.

You hear footsteps approach the mattress holding you.

Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your side, someone just kicked you. There's some murmered angry talking and one of the men lifts you up in the mattress, lays you over his shoulders and carries you off.

Exhausted, starved and sleep-deprived, you feel too tired to even be scared anymore, you feel yourself being carried quite a distance, then put down in what you would guess is a tent, there's alot of shouting and quick talking. Eventually someone approaches you and starts taking off your mattress.

do you :

Pretend to be asleep

Look around the room blankly

Try to get up

Start begging them not to do this to you

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