King Bio's Comics

From Crazysweater

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King Bio's Comics
Author King SweaterHead
Number of Original Comics around 200, 3 written but unmade.
Started on May 6, 2006
Primary Planet Kibbles Primz
Basic Plot Bunch of idiots. Do stupid things. All the time.
Main Character King SweaterHead
List of Characters List of characters in King Bio's Comics

King Bio's Comics was the ill-fated first Sprite Comic by King SweaterHead. It was originally hosted on Brickshelf and occasionally Maj and located on BZPower and the CrazySweater Forums. Eventually the language restrictions on BZPower forced him to search for hosts that he thought would accept this kind of language, not knowing that Brickshelf and Maj did. The main reasons the comics failed were because of too many fans complaining and it was too confusing. The comics were moved to The Spriter's Resource/Pixeltendo; Drshnaps; Bob and George; and Sprites Inc.. This was and Epic Failure. Each Forums' members had conflicting complaints that just became to confusing. All future sprite comics made by King SweaterHead were hosted on Maj/Brickshelf and exclusive to CSF.

Original Story

Film Adaption

The plot, dialog, and spritework will be retooled and refined and made into a fully-animated Macromedia Flash Movie. Speechbubbles will be replaced at the bottom of the screen under the speaking character, and all speechbubbles will be joined by voicework. Fightscenes will also be cooler. It will take some time to finish, because not everybody who guest stars in the comics has an available Microphone.


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