
From Crazysweater

Revision as of 18:48, 31 August 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Creator Алексей Леонидович Пажитнов
Company Atari?
Legal Availablity 0 to $30
Primary Console Nintendo Entertainment System
Application Entertainment and brain... happening...
Peripherals Game Controller

Tetris is for some reason the greatest Video Game ever made. Blocks rain from the sky and land on the ground and you have to rotate theme so that they line up and disintegrate for some reason. Gravity does not seem to effect the parts that do not.

The game is called Tetris because all of the blocks in the original game were made out of four pieces. Sequels have blocks made of anything under 8 pieces.

The first version of Tetris was released by Atari for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was unlicensed, like Most of the games made by Atari for the NES. Nintendo released their own Tetris, though it is INFERIOR to Atari's. Tetris has had an iteration on nearly every device capable of playing a video game since then. It is unknown who owns the rights to Tetris.

Because Tetris is the greatest and most adicting game evur, had it existed during the Arcade or First Generation, there would have been no Video Game Crash of 1983.

The Sprite Comic, How to Make a Sprite Comic in 8 Easy Bits has 3 blocks as main characters for some reason.

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