King Tahu

From Crazysweater

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King Tahu
Debut Kibbles Series King Bio's Comics
Species N/A
Mortality King SweaterHead
Morality Neutral
Alliances Grand Offella
Voice Actor King SweaterHead



As King Bio

King Bio's Comics

After fighting Ultimate Dume, King Bio decided to change his name to celebrate Internation Tahu Day. After painting himself red and accidentally spilling pink lemonade in his eye, King Tahu was born. Beca and Bionicle Dragon brought it to his attention that the abbreviation of King Tahu was KT, or Katie. This caused long screaming.

While watching the calender intently for when Hapori Tohu would let him change his name back, Most Hated BW randomly appeared and kicked him into a regular pulp. Beca thought it was a bloody pulp, but that was just the paint.

King Tahu and Beca attempted to Guest Star Amanda Midnight and Bloo but the results were not seen. They might be in the film adaption.

When Guest Starring Sura-Z, KT snapped and burned everything. Sura transformed into God Mode and smashed him because KT called thought his name was Burney.

While KT went to Therapy Beca and Sura played a video game but KT had set a security system that prevented Beca specifically from playing video games while he was at therapy.

KT then a Chao happening. He's keeping it.

Ask King Bio

As his own entity

See Also

King Bio
Invert King Bio
Invert King Tahu

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