
From Crapedia

Revision as of 01:39, 5 January 2008 by Lelric (Talk | contribs)
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This page is all about Lelric and who he is, I guess.

Favorite game: Guilty Gear X2 Favorite console: PSP or Xbox, I guess Favorite anime: The sonic one...no not the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, the actual anime one that was actually good. Favorite character in any series: ...Do I need to tell you that it's Tails? Is: A Furry, possibly the only one on GamersIgnited. If you don't know what a Furry is: you should be ashamed of yourself. If you want to know about his character at all: No, he will not tell you.

yep don't really know what else to put, but it's a start. :/

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