Pretty Princess

From Courting Chaos

Revision as of 23:00, 9 November 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

You're a pretty princess! All about support, you're the belle of the ball and quite useful to boot! But with great pinkness comes great responsibility... and great frailty.

HP: 60
MP: 120
ATK: 20
DEF: 40
MATK: 80
MDEF: 80
ACC: 20

Level-Up Stats: MP+1, MAtk+1, MDef+1, Speed+0.25

Princess Power!

  • Princess Peck (400 EXP): How about a kiss, for luck? Adds Auto-Life status. (25 MP, !Mag)
  • Princess Purge (200 EXP): Princess magic removes most ailments (as Esuna). (15 MP)
  • Princess Protect (300 EXP): A pretty pink barrier protects one ally from harm. Adds Defense Up and Magic Defense Up status. (20 MP)
  • Princess Piety (100 EXP): Gradually heal the wounds of one ally with the Power of Mild Affection (patent pending). Adds Regen status. (10 MP)
  • Princess Poise (300 EXP): Nothing flusters the allies of a princess, especially not ailments. Adds Safeguard status. (20 MP)
  • Princess Pull-Up (200 EXP): Yank a totally random item from PrincessSpace(tm). If the item's IU OK, it can be used or handed off without using up your turn.
  • Princess Pitch (200 EXP): Works in tune with Princess Pull-Up -- you can opt to chuck the item you pull up with Ninja-like capability. (Basically Throw.)
  • Princess Pound (200 EXP): Smacks the target with a pretty pink (and extremely heavy) object. Only does a flat amount of damage equal to your Attack, but it also inflicts 1d3 random status ailments. (25 MP, !Mag)
  • Princess Perfection (300 EXP): A princess always comes out smelling like a rose. Auto-Safeguard!
  • Princess Pace (450 EXP): A smile can speed up anyone's heart! Adds Haste and Quick! (35 MP)
  • Princess Present (300 EXP): It's easy to make a cake! Whip up a yummy cake that grants 1d2 status boosts and 50 HP! It's IU OK, and isn't a lie like some other cakes. (30 MP, !Mag)
  • Princess Propulsion (50 XP): For some reason, all princesses have permanent, dispel-proof Float.
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