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= Theories and Rants =
[[Category: Exalted 2nd Edition Characters]][[Category: Exalted]]
== High-Essence Raksha and... ==
== Basics ==
<b>Name</b>: Malita, aka Gallad Blueback
<b>Campaign</b>: MAYBE Warriors of Light
<b>Concept</b>: Cornfed tomboy with a heart of gold (or silver, depending)
<b>Caste</b>: Full Moon
<b>Faction</b>: The Winding Path
<b>Totem/Tell</b>: Giant <strike>Heracross</strike> Rhino Beetle (w/ visible horn jutting out of forehead)
<b>Motivation</b>: To find whatever it is deep down that made Luna choose her
<b>Anima Banner</b>: Roiling 'aura' of beetles marching endlessly in midair in the shape of a mandala
<b>Experience</b>: 0/0
=== Background ===
=== Appearance ===
Malita is, to put it mildly, big. She's decidedly tall and stocky for a woman, easily topping six feet and a handful of inches and looking like she'd spent her entire life working -- which, to be fair, she has. A mop of shaggy, wild strawberry blonde hair matches her broad, dimpled smile and easy-going posture. Given her stature and mannish habits and behavior, Malita isn't hard to figure out as a woman once one is close enough. She tends toward simple clothes, and usually binds her breasts down when she can get away with it.  
== Attributes ==
(C)STR 1111 (C)DEX 1111 (C)STA 1111
CHA 111 MAN 111 APP 111
(F)PER 111 INT 11 WIT 11
== Abilities ==
(Favored Survival, Martial Arts)
Archery 11
Athletics 11
Awareness 11
Craft (Water) 111
Dodge 111
Integrity 11
Linguistics 1
Lore 1
[Martial Arts] 111
Medicine 111
Occult 1
Presence 111
[Survival] FFF
=== Specialties ===
Native: Forest-tongue
*Other: Riverspeak
== Backgrounds ==
Artifact 11
Heart's Blood 1
Manse 1
Reputation 1
Resources 11
Solar Bond X
== Charms & Knacks ==
Deadly Beastman Transformation
Strength Overwhelming
Charisma Overwhelming
Perception Overwhelming
Armor-Forming Technique
Hide of the Cunning Hunter
Wyld-Sensing Instincts
[Lunar Hero]
Foot-Trapping Counter
== Essence ==
Essence XX
Regen: (4 per hour plus twice the rating of your hearthstone(s) under normal conditions. remember you gain an additional 4 motes per hour when you're resting)''<br/>
Personal Essence Pool:''' 0/23 (Familiar Pool 2/5)<br/>
Peripheral Essence Pool:''' 63/63 (87 max) (+22 from skin-mounts)<br/>
Committed Essence:''' 24<br/>
== Willpower ==
Willpower: XXXXX<br/>
Temporary: XXXXX<br/>
== Virtues ==
Compassion X11 [Flaw: ]
Conviction X1
Temperance X1
Valor      X1
== Inventory ==
=== Health ===
O -0
O -1<br/>
OO -2<br/>
OO -4<br/>
O Incapacitated
== Advancement ==
=== XP ===
= Fiend of the Marches =
Predator's Precise Fangs
Cost: None
Mins: Cup X, Essence X
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Glamour, Shaped-Only
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ravishing The Created Form
Terrible are the means by which the raksha survive in Creation, but there is cold comfort in the fact that some learn to feed on specific aspects of a mortal's Virtues, leaving the whole of them relatively intact while leaving a thin, but nonetheless horrible scar on their being.
This Charm adds an alternate feeding method to all nonlethal feeding Charms that cause permanent trait injury, such as Ravishing the Created Form.
INNATE POWER (no cost): This power may only he used in conjunction a qualifying feeding Charm affecting  Virtue; otherwise, the base Charm follows its own rules save for the following changes:
- Each success on the feeding Grace roll instead yields either X(5?) motes or the original charm's yielded amount, whichever is lower.
- Instead of the normal damage inflicted to the target's Virtues, the victim instead has a particular 'virtue flaw' inflicted on the damaged Virtue -- examples include the victim's love for a certain person under Compassion and fearing certain types of animals under Valor. Such flaws lower the effect Virtue rating the victim would normally have towards the flaw by the number of successes on the feeding roll, up to a maximum of the feeding raksha's (Essence + 1). If this penalty reduces the Virtue's effective rating to 0, all passive checks fail and all rolls related to the flaw automatically become botches. The afflicted may spend Willpower equal to the damaged Virtue to ignore the flaw for one scene, but the only means of recovery are Charms and effects that remove Crippling effects -- in this case, the virtue flaw.
Glamour Resistance: All Charms augmented by this effect retain their usual Glamour Resistance limits. This alternate effect can, however, partially overcome the limits imposed by the Great Curse, but only if the inflicted injury does not allow the affected Exalt to ignore their usual Limit Break conditions and requirements.
Ragged Devil Bite
Cost: None
Mins: Cup X, Essence X
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Glamour, Shaped-Only
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ravishing The Created Form
Use w/feeding charms. Wounded Virtue cannot be channeled again (mortals) until healed, or scene (Ess 2+ entities).
Within the Iron Shell
Plug-in for shaping -- goss added to ignore effects like IPP and natural Lunar immunities per action. Likely an Essence 6 or 7 effect. Still has Glamcheck to 'pierce' the defenses.
'Sharing' Advaita Iraivan effects can go both ways to eliminate Glamcheck

Current revision as of 22:49, 16 October 2009



Name: Malita, aka Gallad Blueback Campaign: MAYBE Warriors of Light Concept: Cornfed tomboy with a heart of gold (or silver, depending) Caste: Full Moon Faction: The Winding Path Totem/Tell: Giant Heracross Rhino Beetle (w/ visible horn jutting out of forehead) Motivation: To find whatever it is deep down that made Luna choose her Intimacies: Anima Banner: Roiling 'aura' of beetles marching endlessly in midair in the shape of a mandala Experience: 0/0



Malita is, to put it mildly, big. She's decidedly tall and stocky for a woman, easily topping six feet and a handful of inches and looking like she'd spent her entire life working -- which, to be fair, she has. A mop of shaggy, wild strawberry blonde hair matches her broad, dimpled smile and easy-going posture. Given her stature and mannish habits and behavior, Malita isn't hard to figure out as a woman once one is close enough. She tends toward simple clothes, and usually binds her breasts down when she can get away with it.


(C)STR 1111 (C)DEX 1111 (C)STA 1111 CHA 111 MAN 111 APP 111 (F)PER 111 INT 11 WIT 11



(Favored Survival, Martial Arts)

Archery 11 Athletics 11 Awareness 11 Craft (Water) 111 Dodge 111 Integrity 11 Linguistics 1 Lore 1 [Martial Arts] 111 Medicine 111 Occult 1 Presence 111 [Survival] FFF



Native: Forest-tongue

  • Other: Riverspeak


Artifact 11 Heart's Blood 1 Manse 1 Reputation 1 Resources 11 Solar Bond X

Charms & Knacks

Deadly Beastman Transformation

Strength Overwhelming Charisma Overwhelming Perception Overwhelming

Armor-Forming Technique

Hide of the Cunning Hunter

Wyld-Sensing Instincts

[Lunar Hero] Foot-Trapping Counter


Essence XX Regen: (4 per hour plus twice the rating of your hearthstone(s) under normal conditions. remember you gain an additional 4 motes per hour when you're resting)
Personal Essence Pool: 0/23 (Familiar Pool 2/5)
Peripheral Essence Pool: 63/63 (87 max) (+22 from skin-mounts)
Committed Essence: 24


Willpower: XXXXX
Temporary: XXXXX




Compassion X11 [Flaw: ] Conviction X1 Temperance X1 Valor X1




O -0 O -1
OO -2
OO -4
O Incapacitated



Fiend of the Marches


Predator's Precise Fangs Cost: None Mins: Cup X, Essence X Type: Permanent Keywords: Glamour, Shaped-Only Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Ravishing The Created Form

Terrible are the means by which the raksha survive in Creation, but there is cold comfort in the fact that some learn to feed on specific aspects of a mortal's Virtues, leaving the whole of them relatively intact while leaving a thin, but nonetheless horrible scar on their being.

This Charm adds an alternate feeding method to all nonlethal feeding Charms that cause permanent trait injury, such as Ravishing the Created Form.

INNATE POWER (no cost): This power may only he used in conjunction a qualifying feeding Charm affecting Virtue; otherwise, the base Charm follows its own rules save for the following changes:

- Each success on the feeding Grace roll instead yields either X(5?) motes or the original charm's yielded amount, whichever is lower.

- Instead of the normal damage inflicted to the target's Virtues, the victim instead has a particular 'virtue flaw' inflicted on the damaged Virtue -- examples include the victim's love for a certain person under Compassion and fearing certain types of animals under Valor. Such flaws lower the effect Virtue rating the victim would normally have towards the flaw by the number of successes on the feeding roll, up to a maximum of the feeding raksha's (Essence + 1). If this penalty reduces the Virtue's effective rating to 0, all passive checks fail and all rolls related to the flaw automatically become botches. The afflicted may spend Willpower equal to the damaged Virtue to ignore the flaw for one scene, but the only means of recovery are Charms and effects that remove Crippling effects -- in this case, the virtue flaw.

Glamour Resistance: All Charms augmented by this effect retain their usual Glamour Resistance limits. This alternate effect can, however, partially overcome the limits imposed by the Great Curse, but only if the inflicted injury does not allow the affected Exalt to ignore their usual Limit Break conditions and requirements.


Ragged Devil Bite Cost: None Mins: Cup X, Essence X Type: Permanent Keywords: Glamour, Shaped-Only Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Ravishing The Created Form

Use w/feeding charms. Wounded Virtue cannot be channeled again (mortals) until healed, or scene (Ess 2+ entities).


Within the Iron Shell

Plug-in for shaping -- goss added to ignore effects like IPP and natural Lunar immunities per action. Likely an Essence 6 or 7 effect. Still has Glamcheck to 'pierce' the defenses.

'Sharing' Advaita Iraivan effects can go both ways to eliminate Glamcheck

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